Category Archives: Life

What You Need To Know Before Getting A Dog In NYC

labrador, NYC, Adoption, Dog

I cannot remember a time when I did not have a dog. I was born into a family with a beloved Cocker Spaniel who would watch over me like the nanny dog from Peter Pan. Through the years dogs were always part of our family.

When I married and had my own family, it was not long before we added a four-legged family member to our brood. Today we have three dogs who enrich our lives. My daughter, my oldest child lives in NYC. She is a young, single woman working as an executive in Manhattan. She longs to have a dog of her own. However, living in the city, there are some important things to consider before bringing home a puppy.

Puppy or Dog

When choosing to add a canine best friend to your life, you might be daydreaming of a cuddly little puppy. However, you should consider the amount of attention and training a new puppy will need. If you work long hours and your new pup will be left alone, a puppy may not be the right choice.

An adult dog, one already house trained may be a better choice. With an adult dog, you can see their full size, temperament and energy levels clearly. You will also not have to deal with the stages of puppyhood that are not always pleasant.

labrador, NYC, Adoption, Do

Housing Considerations

Is your building pet friendly? This is something you need to make sure of before bringing home a puppy or dog. Just because a building is listed as pet friendly does not mean dog friendly. Some buildings only allow cats while others have strict restrictions on the size and breeds allowed. Make sure you inquire about any restrictions before falling in love with that doggie.

Other things to consider especially if searching for a new pad in NYC for you and your prospective pooch are what type of flooring and if there is any outdoor yard space. There are some great pet-friendly buildings with amazing amenities, designed to make living in NYC with your new best friend, awesome!

Beagle, NYC, Adoption, Do

Size and Breed

If you live in a tiny NYC apartment, a large dog might pose a huge challenge. Sharing a small studio with a huge St. Bernard would probably be uncomfortable for the both of you. This is not to say, you must have a toy breed. Many city dwellers are able to manage mid to large size dogs like labradors quite easily. In fact a well-trained labrador, can be a pleasure to have as your canine companion.

Labradors come in different colors, they are known for their friendly temperament and will bond with all members of the family and are usually social with other dogs. They do love to exercise so, you will want to make sure they get plenty of walks and romps in the park. If you are looking for a running pal, a labrador whether yellow, chocolate or black, in one dog to consider. Get Your Pet is a great resource for finding your new best friend.

adopt, rehome, pets, nyc

Important Resources

Living in NYC, you will find no shortage of dog walkers and doggie daycares. Just because you work during the day, does not mean you cannot have a great life with your dog. Taking steps to make sure your pooch is entertained and exercised during the work day, is essential to your dogs health and happiness.

Find a good veterinarian before you bring your new pal home. If you have friends and family in the area who have a dog, ask them about their vet. Chances are they are using one they like and can give you a recommendation. Keeping up with routine health care can help your dog live a happy and healthy life.

hound , NYC, Adoption, Do

This post is part of a partnership between Nakturnal and Mommy Ramblings. As always, my views and words are 100% my own.








Filed under Dogs, Home & Garden, Life, Pets

Your Guide To Evaluating Credit Card Offers

There are some critical questions to pose before accepting one of the credit card offers
likely to appear in your mailbox this month. Sandwiched between the incredible interest
rates and outrageous cardholder rewards there are some rather stark realities.

Evaluating credit card offers is about a whole lot more than going with whoever dangles
the most delectable looking carrot. There can be pretty sharp sticks hiding in there too.
Here’s what you need to consider to understand what’s really going on.

credit card offers

Your Spending Habits

Why do you feel you need a credit card? What will you be using it to do? Is it to serve as
a safety blanket for emergency situations, or will you use it for routine buys? Do you
plan to use it primarily when traveling?

Different offers serve these scenarios in different ways

Travel perks might dictate your choice in one circumstance, where deferred interest
might make more sense in another situation. The only way to determine which offer will
serve you best in these regards is to take a good look at your spending habits before you
agree to accept a card.

Associated Costs

Does the card have an annual fee? How much is it? Will the perks that come with having
the card outweigh the annual fee? What’s the annual percentage rate? What happens if
you don’t pay the balance in full each month? What happens if you do?

If you’re using the card heavily, you’ll rack up a lot more rewards than if you use the
card infrequently. If that rewards card has an annual fee, it might not be worth it. If
you’re just starting out and all you can get is a secured card, can you afford to have it?
How do they want you to come up with the security cash? Will complying deplete your

Credit card offers

The Devil in the Details

Every offer looks better than the next—until you comb through the six-point type on the
back of the application. That’s where you’ll learn that deferred interest they’re touting
so heavily applies only to your first purchase with the card.

What does the interest rate go up to when that zero percent deal expires? How much
are they going to charge for late payments or cash advances. What happens if all you
can make is the minimum payment?

Speaking of which, should you ever find yourself in a situation in which you cannot
afford the minimum payments on your obligations, you’ll do well to avail yourself of the 2 services of a company like Freedom Debt Relief. They can help you develop a plan to get your finances back on track.

Interest Rates

Your Credit Score

This can be a significant factor when it comes to determining the nature of the deal you
can get from a credit card issuer. While you might be getting all sorts of mouth-watering
offers from card companies, if you look closely, they always say something like “On
approved credit.” Or, “These deals are reserved for those with excellent credit.”

This doesn’t mean they won’t issue a card. Instead you’ll get a deal far less appealing
than the advertised offer. If you don’t review the details, you might be surprised to
learn the card you actually got carries a 30-percent APR instead of the zero percent you
were expecting. You can check your credit report free of charge once each year at

These are four of the primary factors you should bear in mind when you’re evaluating
credit card offers. Always take your time and read over every word of the proposition
very carefully before you submit an application. You should then read everything again
when the card arrives—before you use it—to be sure the deal you signed is the one
you’re getting. For more on this subject visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
site at ConsumerFinance.Gov.

Credit Card

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and vision do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Top Technologies Helping Ecommerce to Evolve

We have seen more advances in ecommerce over the past ten years, than at any previous period in the history of the industry. Underpinning these gains; are massive leaps in technology and its applications. Let’s take a look at some of the more dynamic technologies helping ecommerce to evolve.

Mobile Computing

There was a time, not so long ago, when the vast majority of personal computing took place on desktop machines such as IBM’s PC and Apple’s Macintosh. While both devices still hold considerable sway, handheld computers such Android-based smartphones as well as iPhones and iPads have surpassed their static predecessors for functions such as email and ecommerce transactions.

When you fold the rise of social media into the equation, retailers now have the ability to entice shoppers with deals and close the sale all on the same device—regardless of where the shopper might be physically, or what they’re doing. In fact, more and more people are whiling away what used to be idle moments shopping online.

ecommerce business

Augmented and Virtual Reality

According to, these two advances are redefining the online shopping experience.

Forbes Council member Alexandro Pando says, “The advent of virtual and augmented reality technologies has provisioned e-commerce vendors with an avenue to display their wares in immersive detail, comparable to the real-life experience.”

He cites the debut of virtual reality options on eBay and website themes provider Shopify as examples of this. Shopify now offers “Thread Store”, its personalized virtual reality application, while eBay has created a full-featured virtual reality store.

These advances give shoppers the ability to “use” products before making purchases. This has the potential to improve customer satisfaction considerably. In turn, this will minimize returns—one of the most expensive aspects of running an ecommerce business.

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Chatbots have revolutionized customer support. Given how many customer concerns tend to be manifestations of the same issues, customer service automation is just a logical thing to do, but that’s just the beginning.

According to the digital customer communications firm Acquire, examples of artificial intelligence automation tools range from customer service applications to voice-powered assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Home and Amazon’s Echo.

The company’s research found some 40 percent of millennials are already using voice search for online shopping. This bodes well for the future of this technology in ecommerce.

What’s more, in addition to customer service, Acquire says applications for chatbots include ordering food, scheduling flights, booking hotel rooms, checking luggage at airports, and getting recommendations regarding anything you can think of.

Meanwhile, machine-learning technologies have enabled retailers to provide highly personalized shopping experiences, wherein customers can be guided directly to merchandise with specific appeal for them. This too has led to massive gains in customer satisfaction, as well as increased purchases.

Automated Fulfillment

If ecommerce can be said to have an Achilles Heel, it’s the wait customers must endure between the time they make a purchase and receive their merchandise. This is a significant issue in our instant gratification society.

To counter this, amazing advances in automation have taken place, which in turn have fostered the viability of the largest fulfillment centers ever created. Robotics, self-driving trucks and drones are among the approaches the world’s largest retailer is taking to minimize the interval between payment and delivery.

Even a cursory glance inside one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers leaves minds blown at the degree of automation on display. And remarkably, these developments are in their nascent stages.

With these technologies helping ecommerce to evolve, the business model has grown by leaps and bounds since the first legal internet purchase was made back in August of 1994. Seeing how far things have come makes anticipating the future even more exciting.

This is a collaborative guest post. The words and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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3 Easy DIY Garden Projects

garden walkway

A lush garden not only helps beautify your surroundings, but it can be  beneficial in reducing your stress levels. A garden is going to be far more beneficial if you work on it yourself. After all, nothing can match that fulfillment  you feel when something beautiful comes out of your own efforts.

In this article, we present three of the most worthwhile DIY projects that you can do in and for your own garden. They are chosen based on the ease with which they can be done and their relative practicality.

Repurposed Container Gardens

Many environmentalists are making their voices heard nowadays. They say that the earth is slowly deteriorating because of the activities that we humans take part in. When we examine the actual state of our environment, it appears that they really are speaking the truth. So there is a need to respond.

Recycling is a great way to do our part to reduce the amount of trash we produce.  To achieve this, it is as simple as finding ways to reuse or repurpose items that we otherwise would throw away.

If you have an old tool box or an unused crisper just lying around the house, you can actually poke holes in the bottom, fill with soil, and then use it as your own container garden. The beauty that comes out of this project is not only for outside your home; you can use these techniques to accent your interior decor as well.

garden containers

Garden Walkways

There are types of grass that look very pretty. An example is the bluegrass, which can grow lush enough to really cover the ground. However, if you read WikiLawn and other gardening websites, you will learn that grass is very sensitive to foot traffic. Due to the sensitivity of grass, there is a need for you to create walkways, and it’s a project that you can very well do on your own.

garden walkway

All you have to do is collect good gravel and then lay it out in the path that you want. If you are looking to do something more elaborate, you can add tiles that contrast the color of the gravel. This immediately adds an air of sophistication to your walkway.

Wall Gardens

Usually, gardens are filled with flowering shrubs and small trees. However, there are species of plants that look their best when they are elevated or even hung. This is because they have flowers or leaves that cascade down, creating a gorgeous flowing effect. To take advantage of such flora, you can create a wall garden using empty bottles and other light plastic containers. This way, you will not only be able to beautify your environment, you also get to preserve it.

garden walkway

Doing certain garden tasks on your own makes the whole endeavour much more meaningful for you. Sometimes, what matters is not really the outcome, but the process of creating it. This is perhaps the main reason why DIY projects, no matter how time-consuming they are, are so rewarding.


This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideas expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Gardening, Home & Garden, Life

CPR: A Vital Skill For All Parents

As a parent, you will always be concerned about your children’s wellbeing and safety. Kids will be kids, and you will spend a good amount of time applying bandages to a variety of injuries like skinned knees and minor scrapes. However,  what if something more serious than a skinned knee happens? Will you be prepared to react properly in an emergency situation?


In the time that it can takes for your to call 911 and wait for help to arrive, a life-threatening situation can become deadly. Parents should know what to do when accidents and injuries happen. You may not be able to prevent accidents when they happen, but you should be as prepared as possible to deal with them when they do.


With so many risks, it’s a good idea for at least one parent in the home to be trained in CPR and First Aid. Gain confidence in your ability to calmly handle an emergency situation and provide care if necessary. Take a look at just some of the things that can go wrong in the blink of an eye and consider that with proper training you could save a child’s life.

Heart Failure

There have been more and more deaths in young people due to heart issues. Many active sports players have been known to suddenly collapse on their playing fields due to their hearts stopping. Many schools have now added a portable defibrillator to deal with these kinds of incidents. If you don’t have one in your home, knowing CPR can help you to keep the heart pumping until emergency help can arrive.


For any parent that has a pool on their property, there is always the fear of a child getting into trouble in the water and drowning. Over 350 children under the age of 5 accidentally drown each year in the U.S. Teaching your children safe habits and strong swimming skills is vital to keeping your children safe.


When the numbers rise up on the thermometer when you have a sick child it can be very concerning for every parent. Not only are you dealing with the many symptoms of infection, your child can be at risk of Febrile Convulsions. These kinds of seizures are not generally damaging themselves, but can cause injury from falling or hitting objects around them. With proper First Aid training you can learn what to do to help your child safely through a seizure.

Heat Stroke

Kids don’t feel the heat of the cold the same way that adults do. You probably remember playing outdoors for hours and not even considering the weather for a moment. You kids will be no different. It is up to each parent to closely monitor their child for signs of heat stroke when you are spending time in the sun.



In any situation where your child has stopped breathing, being able to administer proper CPR and first aid procedures can be vital in saving their life. With training you will learn to deal with blockage choking as well as resuscitation techniques.


First Aid

This is a collaborative post. The words and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, kids, Life

When You Need A Dentist Right Now

Dentist Teeth

There may be nothing to smile about if you have an accident with your teeth. Tooth pain or the accidental cracking or loss of a tooth can be an uncomfortable, embarrassing and potentially harmful situation. Your smile says a lot about you, so when you are having trouble with your teeth it can affect your entire outlook.

If you or your kids are involved in sports, you run the risk of tooth and mouth damage from the activities, and children are always banging themselves around during play.

It’s good to know the name and location of a 24-hour clinic just in case of any tooth emergency. How do you know that you need to see a dentist? We are going to take a look at some of the more common examples of needing to see a dentist right away. If you are having issues with your artificial teeth you may need to do an online search for “Denture Repair Near Me” to find a clinic that is open when you need it.

dentist office


Most people experience a toothache at least once in their life. Tooth pain can be caused by many things including sensitivity, a thinning of the tooth enamel or cavities that need repair. If you are experiencing uncomfortable toothache pain for more than 48 hours it’s a good idea to see a dentist for a check-up.

Broken Tooth

If you are lucky enough to find the part of a tooth that has broken off, keep it clean and dry until you can see a dentist. Don’t wait. Rinse your mouth with a saline (salt) solution, clean the tooth fragment without soap and keep it in a damp towel or kleenex until you can get to a clinic. In come cases the tooth can be repaired if the fragment is saved in good condition once you reach a dentist.

dentist teeth

Lost Tooth

If a full tooth has come out of your mouth from trauma or an accident, do your best to find and preserve the tooth before visiting the dentist. Once you locate the tooth, only touch the enamel end of the tooth and never the root. Rinse the tooth with saline solution and allow it to dry naturally. If possible, it is recommended to try and reinsert the tooth until you get to the clinic. If it’s not possible to reinsert, soak the tooth in a bit of regular milk and take it with you
to have put back in.



If you notice any unusual swelling, bleeding or irritation in your teeth and gums, you should see your dentist right away. There could be an abscessed infection under your gums that is filled with pus. A ruptured abscess can cause severe illness and even death if not treated right away. Never leave an infection longer than 24 hours before you seek dental treatment. If over the counter medications are not working on your infection or if you have a fever, you
should not delay in getting help.

dental visit

This is a collaborative post, The views and ideas expressed are not necessarily those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Health, Life, parenting

5 Healthy Changes You Can Make In The New Year

The new year is the perfect time to make those healthy changes you want to make. Although you could technically start fresh anytime of year, there’s definitely something special about joining in with billions of people all over the world in your quest to do better; to be better. Whatever your new year’s resolutions are, your underlying health needs to be a priority. Without good health, it’s hard to do anything else in life you want to accomplish. Here are five healthy changes you can make in the new year that you can start right now!

1. Start an Exercise Routine

If you don’t already make a habit of exercising, now is definitely the time to start. The reason it’s important to create an exercise routine is because it sets a habit that your body won’t want to break. Experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. That’s pretty easy to do, even for the busiest people.

You can break up the 30 minutes if that makes it more workable for you. A brisk 10 minutes around the block with your dog in the morning, a 10 minute walk after lunch in the office park and a 10 minute walk with your loved one after dinner takes care of your 30-minute commitment!

2. Drink More Water

You’ve certainly heard this before, but it can’t be stated enough – drinking enough water is imperative to your good health. Most people don’t get enough water on a daily basis. If you have symptoms like dry skin or hair, fatigue, or foggy brain syndrome, the culprit could be mild dehydration. To make this healthy new year change automatic, keep a large bottle of filtered water with you at all times. Filtered water than you make at home is far superior to any bottled water you can buy.

Glass of Water

Now, water isn’t the most exciting drink. That’s why people reach for those sugary soft drinks that are so bad for you. Instead, enhance the flavor of your own filtered water with a home soda maker. You can use these to make your own flavored seltzer waters infused with the taste of fresh fruit like lemon, lime, orange, watermelon, cucumber or something else. Once you add homemade seltzer water into your life with a home soda maker, you’ll never be tempted to drink those sugary soda drinks again!

3. Get Ample Sleep

Most people need about eight hours of sleep every night, but many people miss out on that. Make a commitment to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time every morning. This will help ensure that when you do go to bed, you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. If insomnia is an issue for you, make bedtime more relaxing by spritzing lavender essential oil on your pillow. Turn off electronics or, better yet, don’t even allow them into the bedroom.

4. Avoid Negative People

Distance yourself from the negative or toxic people in your life. Negative people are always talking about the latest bad news they read about. They may like to point out the bad side of any plans or goals you share with them.

Toxic people may appear to be your friends, but in reality they just bring  bitterness into your life. You don’t need these kinds of people in your life. In fact, they can bring you down and eventually make you think their way, too. If you can, divert conversations about negative topics by telling them you don’t want to talk about that topic. If they don’t heed your request, you may have to slowly weed them out of your life. If that happens, you’ll have more time and energy to spend with positive people who enrich your life, which is a healthy change to make the new year!

5. Take Time for Yourself Each Week

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for? Maybe it’s learning how to play piano, or learning a new language. It could be anything. You deserve to spend time doing things that are enjoyable for you. They don’t have to be productive, and they don’t have to be in pursuit of some higher purpose.

Relax, Take Time

You don’t have to study to be a concert pianist or move to Europe for a year. It can just be a simple pursuit that makes you happy. Strive to take time for yourself in this way each week. Even busy people can carve out time for personal endeavors, either before or after work or during the weekend.

These five healthy changes for the new year will help to keep you healthy and happy all throughout 2019. Remember, no matter what your goals are for the new year, they all must begin with the healthiest possible version of yourself.

Happy New Year

This is a collaborative post. The views and ideas expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.



Filed under Health, Life

Saving Money On Your Next Home Move

It’s stressful moving to a new home. There is a lot you need to think about, from finding a new place to live, to packing everything up, to selling your current home. One of the more stressful aspects of moving however is simply the costs. There are many costs associated with moving, and if you aren’t careful, they can quickly skyrocket.

In an effort to help you with this, here are a few ways you can cut costs on your next move and make it a little more affordable. Hopefully, by reducing the costs, you’ll also be able to lessen some of the stress.

Compare Local Movers

First up, you should take the time to compare prices of local moving companies. Moving is a big job, and you’re probably not going to be able to do it alone. Having a team of professional and experienced movers on your side can make your day run smoother, and take a lot of the stress off of your shoulders. However, when you’re looking for a moving team, you’ll also want to consider the price.

Different movers charge different prices for your job. The bright side is most of them will provide you with a free estimate before you sign any papers. Using this estimate you can compare the costs of different movers in your area, and then select one that you can afford. Your goal is to find a mover that is both qualified for the job, but also affordable. For more information on finding a good mover, you can check out

Buy Supplies in Bulk

Next, you’re going to need some supplies in order to move. Boxes, bags, storage tubs, markers, bubble wrap and tape are all common supplies for moving jobs. You’re going to need more than you think though, so it’s a good idea to buy your supplies in bulk. By buying in bulk you can get a discount and save yourself a few dollars. When moving, it’s better to have too many supplies than too few. You don’t want to find out the night before you move that you don’t have enough boxes to fit everything, and suddenly you’re making a run to get more instead of packing.

Find Some Free Supplies

In some cases, you can even get free supplies. Boxes in particular, are easy to find for free, if you know where to look. One great place to check is a local grocery store or supermarket. These places get shipments all the time, but they don’t need all of the boxes. Rather than throwing them away, they’ll often give them to anyone who comes by and asks. You may not be able to fit all of your things in free boxes, but if it means having to buy a few less, it’s worth the trip.

Do as Much as You Can Yourself

When you’re in negotiations with a mover, they will tell you about all the services they provide. While it can be tempting to let your mover handle everything, you can save a lot of money if you’re willing to do some of the work on your own.

For instance, pack up your own belongings. If you give yourself plenty of time, you should be able to properly pack away all of your things before the movers arrive. Another thing you can do is help the movers load the truck. Many movers charge by the hour, so if you can speed up the process a little by helping out, it’ll save you some money. Grab some friends and at least move all of the boxes in your home closer to the exit, so that the movers can load the truck faster.


Stay Organized

Finally, the key to a successful move is organization. If you’re not organized, things take longer and are more likely to go wrong. This results in you having to spend more money. To keep yourself organized, create a moving checklist of things you need to do, and have it handy at all times. This will allow you to check things off as you complete them or add new things as they pop into your head throughout the day.

Look for Shortcuts, But Don’t Sacrifice Quality

When trying to save money on their move, many people look for shortcuts. While this is sometimes good, you don’t want to sacrifice quality. Don’t use old boxes that are about to rip just because they’re free. Don’t hire movers with no experience just because they are the cheapest. And don’t try to rush your move too much, or you may find someone ends up injured.

By taking your time and exploring your options however, you should find that you are able to not only save money on your move but ensure a smooth and safe process at the same time. Good luck!

This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Home & Garden, Life

Inspirational Art Journals From Ellie Claire Make Great Gifts

I love journals, I am a firm believer in “write it down and make it happen”. Beyond that, they are a wonderful tool to write down your feelings, thoughts, dreams and fears. In years to come, going through your journals can be so profound.

In high school one of my favorite English teachers had us keep a journal. I remember she told us, if we were truly honest that our journals would be amazing to look back on some day. She was so right. Sometimes I come across an old journal of mine and am just amazed at either things I had forgotten or how much I have grown.


Ellie Claire Journals

The journal itself is important to me. I like a beautiful journal with quality paper and a great feel. Not too big, nor too small. I was happy to have had the chance to review 3 beautiful art journals from Ellie Claire. So much more than just a journal, they appeal to my crafty artsy side as well. Learn a new way to make your journals pop with style.

Illuminate Your Story Journal

Illuminate Your Story Journal

Use the almost-lost art of illuminating letters to enhance your writing, Bible journaling, or sermon note-taking. Rich illustrated manuscripts in the Museum of the Bible’s collection inspired these gorgeous letters. Easy to follow instructions, practice pages, and encouragements in the Illuminate Your Story Journal will guide you through the creation of amazing start letters, flourishes, and more.

Illuminate Your Story

Faith & Lettering Journal

Faith and Lettering Journal

Drawing from more than ten years of graphic design experience, Krystal Whitten has cultivated a large following of creatives on Instagram who have embraced her unique combination of lettering and faith. The Faith and Lettering journal is available on Amazon.
Faith and Lettering Journal
Faith and Lettering Journal
Faith and Lettering Journal

The Illustrated World

The Illustrated Word
The Illustrated Word Journal lets you create your own masterpiece with its forty glorious illustrations from ancient manuscripts that have been recreated as line drawings. Just as medieval monks brought Scripture to life through intricate inked illustrations in handwritten manuscripts hundreds of years ago, you can now create your own stunning keepsake that will be treasured for years to come.
The Illustrated Word 1
The Illustrated Word
Check out my video review of these great journals below:

We think these journals make great gifts so you will find them on Mommy Ramblings’ Holiday Gift Guide. Let me know what you think of these journals.







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Filed under Books, Home & Garden, kids, Life, Review

5 Practical Ways to Save in the New Year

With the new year just around the corner, you might find yourself thinking about resolutions. Is financial freedom part of those resolutions? If so, having a well-defined savings plan is one of the surest ways for you to reach your short or long-term financial goals.

Even with the best intentions, saving money is not as easy as it sounds. How many times have unexpected expenses popped up and depleted your savings?  Having a solid savings plan and sticking to it, will enable you to realize your goals effortlessly. Here are some expert tips to help you create a savings plan for the new year.

Set Your Goals

It is hard to succeed without a goal. Knowing your destination before embarking on a journey helps you avoid distractions and arrive on time. This is also the case with saving. The first and major step towards saving is knowing what you are saving for.

Maybe it’s the latest TV, tropical vacation or that gourmet kitchen you have been dreaming about. Perhaps you need to save for retirement or your child’s college education. Clearly stating these goals, will give you the vision and motivation to save.

When defining your goals, it’s possible to end up with a long list of things you want to save for. No worries, just go over the list and prioritize them. The best way to do this, is to categorize them according to their urgency. Then, separate long-term goals from short-term goals. When this is done, it will be easy to know what to start saving for first.

Set the Amount and Deadline for Your Goals

You already know what you are saving for, but that’s not all you need to get started.  If you are not sure of the cost of your goal or fail to set a timeline, you may be setting yourself up to fail.

Imagine saving money for your dream vacation only to find out you underestimated the cost. What a huge disappointment that would be to learn you now have to wait months or more longer.

Eliminate any unpleasant surprises by finding out what your goal will cost right after you set it. Having this information will enable you to come up with a specific amount of money that needs to be deposited in your savings account weekly or monthly to reach your goal.

For example, let’s say you want to purchase a car that cost $23,000 by the end of the year. If you want to save monthly, you would need to save about $1,917 per month for the next 12 months to reach your goal and get your car. Knowing the cost of your goals and setting a deadline helps you plan and save more efficiently.

Evaluate Your Current Financial Position

You can’t save what you don’t have. Doing a through analysis of your income and expenses will give you a clear picture of what you are able to save each month. If you have a substantial amount of money left after you pay your necessary expenses, saving will be almost effortless. However, if you are living paycheck to paycheck, saving will be almost impossible.

Make Changes 

If you find yourself discouraged due to the fact, you have little to no surplus money to save, there are some things you can try.

  • Reduce the cost of your target goal; take the car for example, you will need to find a different vehicle , one that will fit your budget.
  • Extend the deadline of your goal; if you are set on that car,  you will have to extend your deadline. If you increase your timeline to 2 years, the amount you need to set aside each month, is cut in half.
  • Change your spending habits; do away with unnecessary expenses.

 Have an Emergency Fund

You never know when an urgent and unavoidable financial need might arise. Setting aside some money to deal with such issues will help you stick to your savings plan.

Sometimes when people are faced with emergency financial needs, they prefer to dip into their savings rather than take out a loan. They will argue that loans from high interest short-term companies like lend up, net credit , cash net USA or  will result in more expenses, unlike the savings. When this becomes routine every time an emergency arises, it ends up depleting their savings and forces them to abandon their savings plan.

To avoid this pitfall, try setting aside some funds that are to be used specifically for financial emergencies, so you can stay on track with saving for your goal.

Automate Your Savings Deposits 

It is unlikely for you to spend what you do not have in hand. “Pay yourself first” is an idiom that you might have heard before. It means that you should deposit money in your savings before you spend it on anything else. However, you might find it is harder to do when you have that money in your hand.

A great solution is to set up direct deposit of funds into your savings account. When you do this, you put your savings plan on auto pilot and ensure you stay on track to reach your goal.


The tips above will let you create a SMART new year’s savings plan (Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Timely).

  • Specific: You have set a goal and know what you are saving towards.
  • Measurable: You have determined and know how much your goal will cost
  • Attainable/Realistic: An evaluation of your current financial status confirms you can save for the goal.
  • Timely: You have set a deadline for your goal.

With a solid savings plan, you are on your way to achieving your financial goals and attaining financial freedom.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideas do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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