Category Archives: Life

Moms, You Are Too Blessed To Be Stressed & Flash Giveaway

My husband and I were just talking about our weekend plans. I cannot believe the weather took a nosedive today and I was freezing riding my bike this afternoon. It is just another reminder of how fast time is flying by. We did get to do some apple picking earlier this month but we wanted to go once more and go to a pumpkin farm near us that has so many activities for the kids.

As we sat contemplating how we can fit this all in, I just felt inadequate. All over social media, I can see other families packing so much in and it sometimes makes me feel…so stressed.  If you feel that way too, you might really like, Too Blessed to be Stressed by Debora M. Coty. Debra is the best-selling author of the Too Blessed to be Stressed series and she decided to write an edition specifically for moms. I can tell you how happy I am she did!

In Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms , Deb offers empathy, laughs, real-life stories, practical parenting survival tips, and fresh biblical insights to help frazzled moms of all ages hear God’s still, small voice through life’s chaos.

Do you feel like you’re drowning in the everyday stress-pool? . . .

Wish you could make busy-ness a business so you’d be a millionaire? . . .

Welcome to the maternal order of slightly sagging sisters of the ‘hood. The motherhood.

With her own offbeat brand of wit and near-wisdom, popular inspirational humorist Debora Coty addresses heart needs of moms drowning in the churning stress-pool of busyness. In her beloved mom-to-mom, grin-provoking style, Coty offers empathy, laughs, real-life stories, practical parenting survival tips, and fresh biblical insights to help you hear Papa God’s still, small voice through life’s chaos.

Whether you’re struggling with stress related to attitude, time-management, guilt trips, patience, or something in between. . .this humor-filled volume will deliver a much-needed smile and equip you with simple-to-implement tips for attaining the peace we all crave—the peace that passes all understanding.

Check out the book trailer video below.

Debora M. Coty is a popular humorist, speaker, and award-winning author of numerous inspirational books, including the bestselling Too Blessed to be Stressed line. Deb considers herself a tennis junkie and choco-athlete (meaning she exercises just so she can eat more chocolate). A retired piano teacher and orthopedic occupational therapist, Debora currently lives, loves, and laughs in central Florida with her husband, Chuck, and three grandbuddies and one grandprincess. Stay in the loop with Debra Coty on her website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Filed under Blog Tour, Books, Life

4 Helpful House Cleaning Tips for Working Mothers

Having a clean home when you work can be a real struggle. Seventy percent of mothers with children under 18 participate in the labor force, with over 75 percent employed full-time. Whether you work full-time or part-time,  juggling your job, kids, cooking and cleaning is not easy. When you are off from work, it can still be difficult to find the time to clean your home thoroughly.

You can find some relief when you change the way you work to keep your home spotless. Here are a few tips that will help you make the most of the time you have to clean and organize your home.

1. Set A Timer

Cleaning shouldn’t consume your whole day. You can make your home look clean in just 20 minutes. You would be surprised at what you can accomplish in just 20 minutes if you don’t get distracted by phone calls, emails, visitors ,etc.

Start with the easiest task and set a timer. Using a timer will help you understand exactly how much time you have left and helps keep you from getting sidetracked.

2. Do Dishes After Every Meal

Cleaning the dishes after meals helps you stay on top of your kitchen. Don’t let dishes pile up, because it will become overwhelming, and cause you to procrastinate. Get into a routine which includes doing dishes after each meal. Stop throwing the dirty utensils in your sink and leaving them for later.

If you are having trouble getting your dishes under control, try the “One Cup Method.” Assign one plate, glass, other utensils to everyone and avoid using other utensils. Doing so will significantly cut down on the amount of dirty dishes, and make clean-up after each meal quick and easy.

Use a similar approach for taking out the trash. Every evening before going to bed, place your full trash bag by the front door. In the morning, grab it and place in your outdoor trash can or receptacle. If you do this, you won’t come home to foul odors or overflowing trash bins after working a long day.

3. Assign Tasks

You shouldn’t have to pick up after everyone. You are not the only person living in your home, and it doesn’t state anywhere, that you are the only person responsible for cleaning it. Make others contribute, especially when you can’t handle the load alone. Follow this plan:

Assign Laundry to Teens

Laundry can clutter your whole house, especially if everyone keeps throwing their dirty laundry wherever they want. Your teens are only a few years away from college where they will have to look after themselves. Prepare them for this change by making them do the laundry for the whole family.

Make Everyone Pick Up After Themselves

It may be harder to get very young children to clean up after themselves, but it is easier to implement with older children. Lead by example, you are teaching your children about personal responsibility when you make them clean up after themselves. You won’t need to remind them of their chores, if they take pride in keeping their house clean. Teaching your children the value of being responsible. will serve them well in life.

4. Find Pockets of Time Every Day

If you can’t afford a top-end NYC Maid Service, you need to find pockets of time in-between different tasks. Use your time wisely and knock off cleaning tasks. For example:

  • Unload the dishwasher while you wait for your kids to get ready for school
  • Do some laundry during a commercial break
  • Pre-treat the laundry items for your next load when waiting for the washing machine to finish
  • Clean the bathroom while taking a shower

Implementing these helpful tips can make keeping up with your home while working easier. Juggling a career, family and managing a home is stressful, that stress can make day-to-day life hard and chaotic. If you stick with the new routines, it won’t be long before you see big changes.

This is a collaborative guest post, the views and ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.



Filed under Family, Home & Garden, Life

10 Time-Management Tips for Busy Parents

Let’s face it, most parents feel like their days are a game of beat the clock, and more often than not they end up losing. Trying to keep everything together and get that huge to-do list done can lead to frustration, losing your temper and feeling overwhelmed.

Life is unpredictable, especially with kids. Even when you plan, emergencies happen. You may not be able to avoid chaos altogether, but here are 10 Time Management Tips that can benefit busy parents. Following these tips can help bring order and peace back to your life and help you make the most of the time you have.


I cannot stress the importance of this, knowing what is a priority and what is not, is key to getting the things that matter done. Every day write your to-do list and prioritize your tasks into what you need to take care of immediately, what you need to do during the week and then your more on-going or long-term tasks


This is so hard for some of us, but as a rule, if you can delegate a task that is not something you absolutely have to do yourself to a person that you feel will do it 80% as good as you would, delegate it. It doesn’t mean you are not a good mom if you don’t go up to the school to copy and distribute 1,000 fundraiser flyers. Let someone else do that, and it will free you up to do the things that only YOU can do.

Batch Tasks

Look over your to-do list and see what tasks you have that you can batch. This means if you have to go to the bank, post office, kid’s school and the dentist, try to do it all in the same trip. This saves time and gas money!

Get organized

If you are always running late because you can’t find something you need; it is time to get that under control. Get a filing cabinet for all your important papers, birth certificates, passports, insurance documents and more. Have your kids place all homework, library books, permission slips and other things in their backpacks each night. This will save frantic library book searches in the morning.

Have everyone lay out their clothing the night before. I really like these weekly clothing organizers for kids. Having your kid’s clothes picked out and organized for the week ahead, will make mornings less stressful.

Family Message Center

Install a family message center in a central location in your home. Make sure that everyone uses it to communicate what is coming up, post shopping lists,  permission slips and school papers that need to be signed, important reminders and more.

Use the Internet

I cannot stress enough what a time saver doing things online has made in my life I shop, pay bills, do research and more online. If you do have to go out to a store, check out their current sale flyer online and make a list of what you need to buy. Taking the time to do this, will get you in and out of the store faster without forgetting things. While online, you should check to see if there are any special coupons or promo codes that can be used in store.


Do a clothing and toy purge and make it fun. Promise the kids a treat like going out for ice cream, when you go to donate the purged items. This way you won’t drive around for months with those bags in your trunk. Trimming the excess from your lives will make you feel a lot lighter and make cleaning less of a chore.

Meal Planning

Plan your meals for the week. This will simplify your shopping and you won’t be running out all the time to get something for dinner. Use a slow cooker or pressure cooker, to help you get dinner on the table easier and faster than ever. Make extra when you cook to freeze and save, or check out some freezer meals you can make ahead for the whole week.

Assign your kids Chores

Giving kids jobs to do helps them learn responsibility and improves their self-esteem. Even little ones can help with certain tasks. You can use chore charts to make it easy for kids to see what their responsibilities are.

Learn to say No

This is so important, because our inability to say NO effectively, is the reason we end up with too much on our plate. It is okay to say NO, and to say it often. You can say, I would love to help set up the school book fair, but I just cannot take on any more projects right now. Once you say it a few times, it will get easier.

Following these 10 tips can help you bring some order to your life and save you time and stress. What are your favorite ways to manage your family and your time effectively?


Filed under Family, kids, Life

Can You Help Replace What’s Missing? #DonateBlood #MissingType

Did you know that blood donation rates drop about 20% in the summer. We know it is a busy time of year, but the need for blood does not take a vacation.

Do you know What’s Missing in the image above? The demand for type A, B, AB and O blood types is constant. Can you help?

I hope so, because every 2 seconds someone in the United States needs a transfusion of donated blood. One of my friends required a blood transfusion during childbirth. Without it, she probably would not be here today. That is a scary thought, and so is hospitals not having blood to save lives.

With the country being ravaged by flooding, we should know that major disasters don’t usually require large amounts of blood. In most cases, hospitals are able to get by with the blood they have on hand. Blood donations help to ensure that blood is available before it is needed.

Blood can be donated every 56 days, up to six times a year. Given those statistics, you can see how every person makes a big difference. If you are ready, take a step to donate at Here is one of our local blood donation centers and there are many more throughout the country.

I was compensated for this post as a blogger working with Tap Influence. As always my words and views are 100% my own.

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Filed under Health, Life

How Pre-Planning Your Child’s Summer Benefits Both of You

When your kids get old enough to start making decisions, it’s difficult to know when to step back and when to take over. No one wants to be the helicopter mom, but you want to make sure your kids are getting the best opportunities. Summer vacation is one area where you want to get more involved.

Here are a few ways pre-planning your child’s summer benefits you.

1. You can make decisions together

When you have to make arrangements at the last-minute, oftentimes, you’re calling the shots without any input from the kiddos. But if you give yourself a little time, you can talk things over. Sure, some things won’t be negotiable, but you can let your kids choose whatever activities they can.

As soon as the options are available, collect all the possibilities and discuss them with your kids. Make sure you keep any scheduling conflicts in mind. It may help to grab a pencil and mark up a calendar. If you have more than one child, this may be a process that takes some time.

2. Your kids will have more opportunities

All the popular summer activities sell out fast. So, if your kids are going to be going to camp or taking some extracurriculars, you’ll want to book them in advance. It could be the difference between adventure camp and knitting 101, so this is very important.

Stress the importance of choosing wisely because most activities cannot be changed after you make a deposit.

3. You can arrange more free time in the summer

Just like the activities, good childcare can sell out fast too. If you’re planning to put your kids into a program or book the most reputable nanny, you’ll want to pre-plan. And as a bonus, you may be able to book more date nights if you make arrangements with a babysitter early in the season. You can even schedule a night every week or every other week to get away with your significant other.

4, You can finalize your vacation

If you book your vacation before you plan your kids’ activities, you may regret it. For example, what happens if there’s a big soccer tournament the week of your vacation? If you had booked the extracurriculars first, you could have worked your vacation around the big events.

Plan your kids’ camps, sports practices and music lessons before you decide when to take your family vacation. This will also save you from spending money on weeks of programs you won’t be using.

5. You can plan for anything

When you know what your summer is going to look like, you can plan. For example, if you’re taking a road trip, you can pre-plan vehicle service. Things like this can easily get away from you, so try booking any important appointments as soon as you plan your summer activities. This may include doctors’ visits, dentist appointments or even haircuts.

Planning doesn’t solve every problem, but it can certainly help you get the most out of your summer. What are your best summer planning tips?


This is a sponsored guest post. The views and ideals expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, kids, Life, Summer, Summer Camp

Wow Dad This Father’s Day With The Smartest Toothbrush For Less #OralBFathersDay

This post is sponsored by Oral-B and I am working with their PR agency. As always, my words and views are 100% my own.

We do it every day, at least 2 or 3 times, and maybe more on some days. It becomes routine, something we don’t even think about really. We go through the motions and move on with our day or go right to bed afterward. Of course, I am talking about brushing our teeth. Are you happy with your toothbrush? I mean, really happy? Is it getting your teeth and gums as clean as they can be?

What if I told you about a better toothbrush? By better, I mean it is the smartest toothbrush on the block! The Oral-B GENIUS 8000 can be paired with your smartphone through the Oral-B App using Bluetooth technology. Brushing my teeth has never been so fun and effective!

The Oral-B GENIUS 8000 was designed to help you brush like your dentist recommends. When you pair it with your smartphone through the special Oral-B App, you can get customized, real-time feedback about your brushing habits. The Position Detection technology ensures you never miss a zone and the brush and app help make sure you brush for the recommended 2 minutes and include a pressure alert to protect your gums from over-brushing.

This toothbrush and its technology are beyond cool! I downloaded the free Oral-B App quickly through the App Store for my iPhone X, but it is also available for Android users through Google Play. Upon opening the App, I was able to easily personalize it for me, including selecting my favorite color LED light for the 360 SmartRing. When I brush using the App, it lets me know if I am missing any zone, so I can adjust my technique. My teeth and gums not only feel clean and fresh, I know they are!

The Oral-B GENIUS 8000 is compatible with all the Oral-B brush heads. There are 3 different heads in the package to get you started, along with a handy brush head holder that fits right on top of the charging base. Oral-B’s rounder brush heads, clean better so, you have cleaner, whiter teeth from the first time you use it! Equip with 6 brushing modes, the Oral-B GENIUS 8000 tackles all your oral care needs.


In addition, there is an awesome smart travel case with a smartphone holder and allows you to charge your toothbrush and smartphone, using only one outlet!

Charging is something you will be doing less, thanks to the Lithium ion battery that allows you to go 12 days between charges. The super strong smartphone mount has a suction base that locks the unit securely in place horizontally or vertically, so you can get the best angle for real time feedback on your brushing.

I look so forward to brushing my teeth now! It is no longer routine, and I am really enjoying the experience. My teeth feel amazing and I know that I am doing a great job because I have the feedback that assures me I am not forgetting any areas.

Check out my video of the Oral-B 8000 GENIUS below to learn more:

The Oral-B Genius 8000 makes a great gift especially with Father’s Day coming up!  Today through 11:59 p.m. take advantage of the Amazon Deal of the Day on the Oral-B GENIUS 8000 – the smartest toothbrush around. This high value power brush is on sale for just $94.99 on, don’t miss the chance to get Dad he perfect new gadget gift for less.

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Filed under Father's Day, Home & Garden, Life, Review

When In Berlin, Choose Speakeasy to Learn German

Do you want to learn a new language? Many people do, but don’t know where to start. If you are in Berlin, and looking to learn German, try Speakeasy’s  German courses Berlin, Speakeasy is a language school that offers a variety of language courses. All of Speakeasy’s courses aim to let the student have fun while learning a new language.

Courses are taught in small classes of six to eight students by teachers who are native German speakers, and love teaching the language with all of its linguistic subtleties. All classes are taught in stylish, modern classrooms.

Classes are offered at various times throughout the day to fit your schedule. When you contact Speakeasy, they will help you take the next step toward learning a new language and enhancing your life. You will get expert support to help you find the right course to match your needs.

Starting a new course, especially one where you are learning a new language, can be intimidating. Speakeasy understands that, and wants to ease your fears. Their language school is oriented towards innovative learning concepts that will help you speak a new language fluently.

Check out the options below:

  • Intensive courses – the quickest and most efficient way to improve your German, these courses allow you to master a level – whether it’s A1, A2 or B1 – in two months over 48 teaching units. Structured in monthly sections, you can easily switch to a different course if you feel like you are up to a bit more (or less) of a challenge.
  • Super-intensive courses – are you looking to learn German super-fast? Or are you applying for a language course visa and need a course with at least 18 lesson hours per week? We’ve got you covered! The super-intensive courses combine intensive courses with a (light) evening schedule allow you to learn the language 30% faster than in the regular intensive courses.
  • Evening courses – if you work full-time this might be the ideal option for you. With our evening German courses Berlin’s busier folks can take 16 teaching units per month and complete a level in 4 months. Enjoy the extra benefit of being able to book your course weekly!
  • Individual courses – those of you with time-demanding job or study schedules know very well that it is a daunting task to commit to a fixed course plan. Have you ever thought of taking individual classes? The 10-hour package of speakeasy is both affordable and can be adapted on your personal needs and planning.
Maybe you are new to Berlin and are looking to learn real, current spoken German to fit in and speak like a local resident. If so, Speakeasy’s Conversational Classes are the perfect course for you!
No hidden fees, all costs included
Best of all, there are no hidden fees, all costs are included. What you see is what it is and unlike most other language schools, Speakeasy does not charge any registration fees. 
Business Courses For Your Business:
Speakeasy will even send their instructors to your business with a customized curriculum to fit your needs.
What are you waiting for? Isn’t it time to get started? When in Berlin, learning German is as easy as Speakeasy! 
This is a sponsored post. As always all views and words are 100% my own.

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Filed under Education, Life, Review

Cluttered Concerns – How A Messy Home Negatively Influences Your Life

A messy home can have a surprisingly negative affect on our mental health and wellbeing. From clutter and filth, to dust and decay, the consequences of mess go beyond aesthetics and can cause debilitating emotional, social and physical distress.

Nasty Surprises

One the the most obvious and disgusting outcomes of a messy home is that it is prone to attracting unwanted, pesky visitors, such as rodents, cockroaches, spiders and ants. These creatures are attracted to leftover food scraps, accumulated waste and other debris.

Piles of clothing and clutter also make excellent hiding spots for spiders. Species such as the much maligned white-tail spider are known to frequent clothing piles, and enjoy making their homes in your piled laundry.

For infestations of these pests, as well as mice, rats and roaches, it’s best to call in a pest control professional to locate the source of any nests and block any existing entry points. If you’re wanting to decrease the frequency of these infestations, it’s a good idea to practice better home hygiene, beginning with the kitchen.

Make sure to wash all soiled items after use, and wipe surfaces clean of crumbs and debris. Reseal used products and place them in the fridge or in a sealed cupboard. For bedrooms and bathrooms, store fabric items and clothing on hooks and hangers.

Metaphorical Mountains

Symbolism can be important when it comes to our emotional wellbeing, and you don’t have to look far in a messy home to find your first metaphor. If you’re the type of person who likes to collect mountains of stuff, or considers the floor an appropriate place to store clothing (ie; a floordrobe) it can be an indication of other emotional or physical issues which might be affecting you.

Cleaning and organising can seem both needlessly tiring and unnecessary at times, especially if you’re already stressed or tired. Unfortunately, the benefits of a clean house will be most obvious to you in those times of emotional distress, and can further impact your ability to pull yourself out of it.

To combat mess or clutter building up over time, set yourself small and completable tasks to complete every day which are non negotiable. For example, wiping down the bath or shower after using it, or cleaning the toilet every third day. By putting small and manageable routines into place, you can stop insurmountable or stress-creating mess from ever building up, and in turn give yourself a cleaner, healthier space to live in for those moments when you’re truly craving peace and clarity.

Visitors? No Thanks!

Another not-so-nice consequence of a messy home is its potential impact upon your social life. A messy home can create the inability to host guests in your home, resulting in a lack of social connection. For many people this can be isolating and lead to further stress and discomfort.

If you’re trying to create a neater, more easy to manage space in order to improve your social life, start gradually. A good place to begin is in the kitchen. A clean kitchen is a more inviting space to cook in, and it’s often a hub of activity and social happenings within a house. Regularly clean your stove, cooking utensils and dishware. By doing so you’ll always have clean dinner dishes and cups for tea and coffee in the event of guests.

Once you’ve made an effort to clean your kitchen, try to organize your living and dining space into a more social-friendly space. Create an area with clustered chairs so that it’s inviting for guests to sit at. From there, move gradually to cleaning the bathroom, any outdoor areas, and then bedrooms.

Reforming a messy house into a more manageable and liveable environment will have positive emotional and social outcomes for you and your family. By starting slow and engaging professionals where necessary, you can regain control over your house and your clutter – one small step at a time.

This is a sponsored guest post that does not necessarily reflect the views or ideals of Mommy Ramblings.



Filed under Home, Home & Garden, Life, sponsored guest post

Rethinking the Way You Budget in Two Simple Steps

Learning how to put money aside for when you need it can often prove to be a difficult endeavor. Most people make saving a priority but that does not mean it is a straightforward path for everyone. If you make the same amount of money each month, you may feel like you do not have the extra cash available to save. While this might be true to the naked eye, a little bit of effort can reveal all sorts of appealing and practical tactics for saving money and still covering your monthly expenses.

Provide yourself with some useful tips by looking over some of these suggestions for how to save. By taking the right steps, you might find it is much easier to start saving money for your future than you had believed.

Step One: Your Car

Before you look at other areas of your budget, you want to start with your car. Most families own at least one vehicle in the current day and age. While your cars provide you with a sense of freedom and the ability to take on daily responsibilities with success, automobiles also eat away at a budget easier than most other investments. If your car is costing you more than you would like, it might be a good time to start thinking about how you can adjust the amount of money you spend on keeping it roadworthy.

For many, this comes down to changing insurance policies. When your car is costing you an arm and a leg, you want to slow down and look over how much you spend on your plan. Reaching out to another insurance agency for quotes can help you to learn more about your options. If you find that you can save more by switching providers, then you might want to take advantage of this option and see what type of impact it has on your budget moving forward. Speak with an agent and get a more well-rounded understanding of your choices.

Step Two: Your Lifestyle

How you live your life is also going to hold sway over how much money you spend daily. Some people work long hours which can lead to a lot of time spent away from the home. The more time you spend in the office, the less likely it is you are able to bring meals from home to eat when you get a break. Spending money on food is one of the easiest ways people waste money. Instead of buying lunch or dinner to eat at your desk, try to get into the habit of bringing it from home.

To stop extraneous spending, you need to take a look at your life and see where you need to do the most work. This is a long journey that will often require a lot of attention and patience from you. Following the above steps will help to give you a solid understanding of how to begin your journey. Once the ball is rolling, it will be up to you to make sure it gains momentum and helps you to save money for your future in sensible ways.

This is a sponsored guest post that does not necessarily represent the views or ideals of Mommy Ramblings.


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Filed under Financial, Life, sponsored guest post

Advantages and Disadvantages of Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgage Ins and Outs

When it comes to home loans you have a choice between a traditional loan or a reverse mortgage, which is also sometimes called a home equity conversion mortgage (HECM). A reverse loan may look appealing at first, but you need to understand exactly how it works before you enter into a legal loan contract. The ins and outs of reverse mortgage agreements are briefly outlined below.

Closing Costs And Fees do Exist When You Sign a Reverse Mortgage Agreement

You may not realize it at first because the fees are “hidden”, but reverse mortgages do have closing costs. The reason those fees are not readily apparent is that they are taken off the top from the loan money received, as opposed to paid by you at a later date. You must be cognizant of those fees before signing an agreement with your lender or you may not receive the amount of loan money you initially expected.

Interest costs are also a concern when it comes to these types of home loans. Reverse mortgages do not come with the same monthly repayment obligations of traditional loans. However, since they take longer to pay off, interest has longer to accumulate. As a result, you will wind up paying far more than the initial loan amount in the long run.

HECMs May Not Convert All Home Equity to Cash

Another issue you must know about before signing a reverse loan agreement is that you can borrow against some of your home equity, but not all of it. There is a borrowing limit established by lawmakers to protect both borrowers and lenders from entering into unrealistic contracts. Your age, your home’s total value, and other aspects of your exact situation will be used to determine the total loan amount you can receive through an HECM. Therefore, the total amount which can be borrowed will vary greatly from one homeowner or property to another.

It is Very Difficult to Default on a Reverse Mortgage

A traditional case of defaulting on a home mortgage involves missed monthly payments. When payments are missed the lender can threaten to take the home away. Reverse mortgages have no such default risks. However, it is possible to default on them in another way.

Although you can’t miss a monthly payment on an HECM because they are not required in the first place, you are obligated to live in the home for the duration of the loan. If you choose to move out, are obligated to move out for medical reasons, or pass away the loan will go into default. However, the assets of you and your family cannot be taken by the lender to make up the remaining loan balance. Only the home itself can be sold. If a balance still exists after the sale of the home it will be erased by the lender.

Your Will Still Own Your Home

If the idea of selling your home and downsizing by moving to a small apartment in order to get extra money during retirement doesn’t appeal to you, you aren’t alone. Many people do not want to sell their homes. A reverse mortgage offers an excellent alternative because you will get additional money for living expenses while still retaining home ownership.

You Can Customize the Money Received Through the HECM

A final point to consider is that HECM money received can be customized to suit your requirements. For instance, you can create a credit line and borrow money against your home equity as it is needed. Alternatively, you can set up annuity payments, which will be made to you on a regular basis. If you have a major expense come up you can also ask for one large payment from the lender. The exact money transfer terms will be your choice.

This is a sponsored guest post that does not necessarily represent the ideals or views of Mommy Ramblings.





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