Category Archives: Family

4 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Home More Secure

Home security is an important consideration for anyone, regardless of age, income or where they live. When you welcome a new addition to your family, those natural, protective instincts kick in, making it more important than ever. Of course, growing your family is also one of the most expensive periods of your life, not to mention one of the most chaotic. So, from a pragmatic perspective, it might not be the most sensible time to call in contractors to tear your home apart installing a state of the art home security system. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to improve home security significantly that are cheap, quick and simple.

Send out the right signs

Home Invaders and burglars are opportunists who look for easy targets. Make it clear that you don’t fall into that category, and they will go somewhere else. If you place signs on your gates telling the uninvited to stay out, it makes it clear that your household is aware of the possibility of intruders. Simply putting a sign up sounds almost too easy, but it is a proven and effective way to stop people trespassing on your property – all for the price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee!

Let there be light

Intruders tend to operate either while everyone is off to work or under the cover of darkness. If you are a new mom, chances are you are around most of the day, so it is the nighttime hours that are the highest risk. A security light is a must-have these days. The technology has become so inexpensive and energy-efficient that there is no reason not to. As well as illuminating anyone who approaches the property and shouldn’t be there, lighting also provides additional comfort and security for you, your family and any genuine visitors who approach the front door after dark.

Gravel and shingle

If you are planning on resurfacing the drive any time soon, give serious thought to gravel or shingle as opposed to concrete or paving. As well as being a cost-effective option, it makes a distinctive, loud noise when anyone walks or drives on it. If your parents had this kind of driveway when you were younger and you ever tried to sneak in quietly after a late night, you will remember exactly what it is like!

Trespassers hate trellis

Trellis, the thin wooden framework that you can put above your fence or wall, looks
innocuous enough, and certainly wouldn’t seem like anything to bother a burglar. However, as well
as providing the perfect environment for vines and creepers to grow on, it has another
interesting feature. Trellis is so fragile that if anyone tries to climb over it, it will immediately start
snapping and quickly collapse – and it will do so very noisily.

Trying to climb over trellis is an even noisier challenge than navigating a gravel driveway.
For a few dollars, it is the perfect way to make your garden look better and at the same time,
add a simple but effective intruder alert system!

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideals and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Family, Home & Garden

Why Pattaya is the Ultimate Destination For International Travel With Kids

Traveling alone or with another adult is very different to traveling with kids. It is simple just to pack for yourself and hit the road. Beyond that, traveling by yourself is much less expensive than traveling with a family. Since Traveling solo is less expensive it will allow you to travel to more pricey destinations, such as exotic islands.

Traveling to new places is so rich in experiences that no one should have to be deprived of it. However, when kids come along, the thought of traveling is something many parents dread, thanks to the stress, expense and time management issues.

Many parents have to forget about traveling once they have kids, especially embarking on international trips. If they really need a break, they might take turns going on a solo adventure. While this may give mom or dad some relaxing time to unwind, it does not provide for the family to take a trip and build those precious memories.  Kids benefit from traveling as much as adults, it not only rejuvenates them mentally, but also offers them a great learning experience.

If you are a parent, who is reluctant to travel with toddlers or young kids, start by choosing kid-friendly destinations that are not overly expensive. Next, make sure your kids sleep well and eat on time,  so you are not dealing with cranky kids on your trip. Packing a small backpack for each child with snacks and small toys or games is a great idea. If you are not used to traveling internationally with toddlers and are on a tight budget, you should consider Pattaya, Thailand for your next family vacation. Find out below why Pattaya is an excellent choice for families looking to take an international vacation.

Easy to Access

It is no secret that Thailand is one of the cheapest holiday destinations for a country that offers pristine, exotic beaches along with an abundance of nature and entertainment options. However, most families with kids get turned off because the more famous islands require additional flights or overnight road travel.

Fortunately, Pattaya is a mere 3-hour drive from the capital, and families will easily be able to find buses and cabs from the airport. It is recommended that instead of using public transportation, you rent a car from the airport and drive on your own. This way you will be able to travel at your own pace, and your kids can easily rest in the back seat.

Budget Friendly

While it is already well-known that Thailand is one of the most pocket-friendly destinations, not everyone knows Pattaya is the cheapest destination within the country. Pattaya’s location near the capital eliminates the need for additional flights which saves you money right off the bat.

Accommodations are extremely economical. You can find a room at a 5-star beach resort such as the Hilton for about $250, and even less during certain times of the year.  There are also much cheaper three-star, four-star and Airbnb options available to suit every budget and family’s needs.

Attractions for Everyone

Pattaya has a lot to offer for everyone in the family, and your kids are not going to get bored. Let your kids  play in the sand and surf at the lively Pattaya beach while you chill out on one of the lounge chairs or enjoy the water sports.

If you want to experience a more scenic and exotic beach, take a trip to the famous Coral Islands. You can apply online for many more kid-friendly Pattaya tours such as the Cartoon Network water park, Safari World to experience the wild up, close and personal and a beautiful elephant sanctuary.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Travel

Safety First: Find Out Who Has Your Number

In today’s world, you need to be extra careful with your phone. When you start receiving many calls from unknown phone numbers, it is natural to be concerned. This is even more of an issue when your children have their own phones. You want to make sure your kids are safe and not approached by strangers, even on the phone.

You may notice many different numbers calling or just one or two. If you have a pre owned phone, you might get calls from people who think you are someone else. This can make it difficult to know when to answer.

When you are teaching your kids to be safe on their phone, here are a few helpful tips for dealing with unknown phone numbers.

Don’t Answer

When an odd number shows up on the caller ID, it is often best to simply let the phone ring or decline the call.  Have your child show you the phone number on the caller ID so you can initiate a reverse phone lookup. When a child answers the phone, they may give out information they shouldn’t. Not answering means they won’t get confused by a strange caller and give out personal information.

Keep It Private

Kids often put down phone numbers on school forms and social media. You should talk to your child about not giving out their phone number, except to close friends and family. If your kids are asked to fill out any papers at their school or for sports, tell them to put down a parent’s number instead.

If you have teenagers that like to be on social media, make sure they do not put any of their contact information on their accounts. They should also keep all of their settings on private. Otherwise, strangers may be able to get their phone number off of their social media pages and call your child.

Keep the Phone Close

Kids often set things down and forget where they put them. Talk to your child about keeping their phone nearby, in their bag, or in their pocket. If the phone is out where it can be seen, someone may pick it up or see their personal information. Your child is likely to have pictures on their phone that could end up in the wrong hands. Be sure to use the reverse phone lookup anytime you want to know who is calling your child’s phone.

There are times when you just do not feel right about a phone number that shows up on your caller ID. You can easily find out who the caller is by checking with a reverse phone number service. Strange numbers can be especially concerning when the call is going to your child’s phone. Talk to your children about what to do if a strange number shows up. Make sure they save the number so you can find out what is going on. Safety is key when it comes to unknown numbers.

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Guest Post, Tech

4 Helpful House Cleaning Tips for Working Mothers

Having a clean home when you work can be a real struggle. Seventy percent of mothers with children under 18 participate in the labor force, with over 75 percent employed full-time. Whether you work full-time or part-time,  juggling your job, kids, cooking and cleaning is not easy. When you are off from work, it can still be difficult to find the time to clean your home thoroughly.

You can find some relief when you change the way you work to keep your home spotless. Here are a few tips that will help you make the most of the time you have to clean and organize your home.

1. Set A Timer

Cleaning shouldn’t consume your whole day. You can make your home look clean in just 20 minutes. You would be surprised at what you can accomplish in just 20 minutes if you don’t get distracted by phone calls, emails, visitors ,etc.

Start with the easiest task and set a timer. Using a timer will help you understand exactly how much time you have left and helps keep you from getting sidetracked.

2. Do Dishes After Every Meal

Cleaning the dishes after meals helps you stay on top of your kitchen. Don’t let dishes pile up, because it will become overwhelming, and cause you to procrastinate. Get into a routine which includes doing dishes after each meal. Stop throwing the dirty utensils in your sink and leaving them for later.

If you are having trouble getting your dishes under control, try the “One Cup Method.” Assign one plate, glass, other utensils to everyone and avoid using other utensils. Doing so will significantly cut down on the amount of dirty dishes, and make clean-up after each meal quick and easy.

Use a similar approach for taking out the trash. Every evening before going to bed, place your full trash bag by the front door. In the morning, grab it and place in your outdoor trash can or receptacle. If you do this, you won’t come home to foul odors or overflowing trash bins after working a long day.

3. Assign Tasks

You shouldn’t have to pick up after everyone. You are not the only person living in your home, and it doesn’t state anywhere, that you are the only person responsible for cleaning it. Make others contribute, especially when you can’t handle the load alone. Follow this plan:

Assign Laundry to Teens

Laundry can clutter your whole house, especially if everyone keeps throwing their dirty laundry wherever they want. Your teens are only a few years away from college where they will have to look after themselves. Prepare them for this change by making them do the laundry for the whole family.

Make Everyone Pick Up After Themselves

It may be harder to get very young children to clean up after themselves, but it is easier to implement with older children. Lead by example, you are teaching your children about personal responsibility when you make them clean up after themselves. You won’t need to remind them of their chores, if they take pride in keeping their house clean. Teaching your children the value of being responsible. will serve them well in life.

4. Find Pockets of Time Every Day

If you can’t afford a top-end NYC Maid Service, you need to find pockets of time in-between different tasks. Use your time wisely and knock off cleaning tasks. For example:

  • Unload the dishwasher while you wait for your kids to get ready for school
  • Do some laundry during a commercial break
  • Pre-treat the laundry items for your next load when waiting for the washing machine to finish
  • Clean the bathroom while taking a shower

Implementing these helpful tips can make keeping up with your home while working easier. Juggling a career, family and managing a home is stressful, that stress can make day-to-day life hard and chaotic. If you stick with the new routines, it won’t be long before you see big changes.

This is a collaborative guest post, the views and ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.



Filed under Family, Home & Garden, Life

10 Time-Management Tips for Busy Parents

Let’s face it, most parents feel like their days are a game of beat the clock, and more often than not they end up losing. Trying to keep everything together and get that huge to-do list done can lead to frustration, losing your temper and feeling overwhelmed.

Life is unpredictable, especially with kids. Even when you plan, emergencies happen. You may not be able to avoid chaos altogether, but here are 10 Time Management Tips that can benefit busy parents. Following these tips can help bring order and peace back to your life and help you make the most of the time you have.


I cannot stress the importance of this, knowing what is a priority and what is not, is key to getting the things that matter done. Every day write your to-do list and prioritize your tasks into what you need to take care of immediately, what you need to do during the week and then your more on-going or long-term tasks


This is so hard for some of us, but as a rule, if you can delegate a task that is not something you absolutely have to do yourself to a person that you feel will do it 80% as good as you would, delegate it. It doesn’t mean you are not a good mom if you don’t go up to the school to copy and distribute 1,000 fundraiser flyers. Let someone else do that, and it will free you up to do the things that only YOU can do.

Batch Tasks

Look over your to-do list and see what tasks you have that you can batch. This means if you have to go to the bank, post office, kid’s school and the dentist, try to do it all in the same trip. This saves time and gas money!

Get organized

If you are always running late because you can’t find something you need; it is time to get that under control. Get a filing cabinet for all your important papers, birth certificates, passports, insurance documents and more. Have your kids place all homework, library books, permission slips and other things in their backpacks each night. This will save frantic library book searches in the morning.

Have everyone lay out their clothing the night before. I really like these weekly clothing organizers for kids. Having your kid’s clothes picked out and organized for the week ahead, will make mornings less stressful.

Family Message Center

Install a family message center in a central location in your home. Make sure that everyone uses it to communicate what is coming up, post shopping lists,  permission slips and school papers that need to be signed, important reminders and more.

Use the Internet

I cannot stress enough what a time saver doing things online has made in my life I shop, pay bills, do research and more online. If you do have to go out to a store, check out their current sale flyer online and make a list of what you need to buy. Taking the time to do this, will get you in and out of the store faster without forgetting things. While online, you should check to see if there are any special coupons or promo codes that can be used in store.


Do a clothing and toy purge and make it fun. Promise the kids a treat like going out for ice cream, when you go to donate the purged items. This way you won’t drive around for months with those bags in your trunk. Trimming the excess from your lives will make you feel a lot lighter and make cleaning less of a chore.

Meal Planning

Plan your meals for the week. This will simplify your shopping and you won’t be running out all the time to get something for dinner. Use a slow cooker or pressure cooker, to help you get dinner on the table easier and faster than ever. Make extra when you cook to freeze and save, or check out some freezer meals you can make ahead for the whole week.

Assign your kids Chores

Giving kids jobs to do helps them learn responsibility and improves their self-esteem. Even little ones can help with certain tasks. You can use chore charts to make it easy for kids to see what their responsibilities are.

Learn to say No

This is so important, because our inability to say NO effectively, is the reason we end up with too much on our plate. It is okay to say NO, and to say it often. You can say, I would love to help set up the school book fair, but I just cannot take on any more projects right now. Once you say it a few times, it will get easier.

Following these 10 tips can help you bring some order to your life and save you time and stress. What are your favorite ways to manage your family and your time effectively?


Filed under Family, kids, Life

How Pre-Planning Your Child’s Summer Benefits Both of You

When your kids get old enough to start making decisions, it’s difficult to know when to step back and when to take over. No one wants to be the helicopter mom, but you want to make sure your kids are getting the best opportunities. Summer vacation is one area where you want to get more involved.

Here are a few ways pre-planning your child’s summer benefits you.

1. You can make decisions together

When you have to make arrangements at the last-minute, oftentimes, you’re calling the shots without any input from the kiddos. But if you give yourself a little time, you can talk things over. Sure, some things won’t be negotiable, but you can let your kids choose whatever activities they can.

As soon as the options are available, collect all the possibilities and discuss them with your kids. Make sure you keep any scheduling conflicts in mind. It may help to grab a pencil and mark up a calendar. If you have more than one child, this may be a process that takes some time.

2. Your kids will have more opportunities

All the popular summer activities sell out fast. So, if your kids are going to be going to camp or taking some extracurriculars, you’ll want to book them in advance. It could be the difference between adventure camp and knitting 101, so this is very important.

Stress the importance of choosing wisely because most activities cannot be changed after you make a deposit.

3. You can arrange more free time in the summer

Just like the activities, good childcare can sell out fast too. If you’re planning to put your kids into a program or book the most reputable nanny, you’ll want to pre-plan. And as a bonus, you may be able to book more date nights if you make arrangements with a babysitter early in the season. You can even schedule a night every week or every other week to get away with your significant other.

4, You can finalize your vacation

If you book your vacation before you plan your kids’ activities, you may regret it. For example, what happens if there’s a big soccer tournament the week of your vacation? If you had booked the extracurriculars first, you could have worked your vacation around the big events.

Plan your kids’ camps, sports practices and music lessons before you decide when to take your family vacation. This will also save you from spending money on weeks of programs you won’t be using.

5. You can plan for anything

When you know what your summer is going to look like, you can plan. For example, if you’re taking a road trip, you can pre-plan vehicle service. Things like this can easily get away from you, so try booking any important appointments as soon as you plan your summer activities. This may include doctors’ visits, dentist appointments or even haircuts.

Planning doesn’t solve every problem, but it can certainly help you get the most out of your summer. What are your best summer planning tips?


This is a sponsored guest post. The views and ideals expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, kids, Life, Summer, Summer Camp

Cheers For “American Wrestler: The Wizard”, A True Underdog to Champion Film

I always laugh when anyone tells me someone is an “overnight success”, because nothing could be further from the truth. What they fail to see is the years of hard work, failures, perseverance and sheer determination that fueled the success they see. The successful person they see did not arrive at that level overnight. That false perception, is what causes so many to give up and quit pursuing their dream when they don’t see immediate results.

If you delve into the life of any successful person, you will find out just how hard they had to work, and all the challenges they had to rise above to reach their goals. As a parent, one of the things I stress the most with my children, is the importance of having a “failure is not an option” attitude if they want to reach their goals, because things will get hard. If a person doesn’t have that type of attitude, it is easy to give up, so it is important to know, failing is not a bad thing.

Failures can be great things even blessings because, they show us what is not working and give us time to readjust our sails and find a better way. A failure is not an indication that we should give up our dream, it is just a detour, a time to regroup and rethink our strategy. We often learn, that are failures are just a catalyst that help us find a better way. The only way to truly fail is to give up an quit.

The story of someone who faces extreme adversity and achieves great success is very empowering and uplifting. How many of us like to root for the underdog? Most of us do, and that is why movies with that type of plot are so popular. This weekend we sat down to watch American Wrestler: The Wizard, a movie based on the life of Ali Afshar.


In the film 17-year-old Ali Jahani, escapes certain death in the mine fields of Iran by relocating to a small town in California and living with his uncle.

The film takes place in the late 70’s and Ali faces a great deal of bullying and discrimination in his new school and community. He also finds himself at odds with his uncle one night, causing him to storm off into the night. Walking around town he goes up to the school and watches a wrestling match. Since he was too small for football and too short for basketball, Ali tries out for the wrestling team and makes it.

Making the team ends up being his saving grace in more ways than one. The first way it helps Ali, is that it creates common ground between him and his uncle. Ali’s uncle was going to send him back to Iran until he saw that Ali made the wrestling team. When his uncle hears Ali made the team, he tells him that he was a wrestler and begins to train Ali. Ali is thrilled that he gets to stay in the United States and begins to build a bond with his uncle through training.

Working hard and training hard, Ali becomes a star on the wrestling team and earns himself the admiration and respect of his teammates. All of that is shattered by following a tragic piece of advice his uncle offered. When all seemed to be lost, he found a way to rise above a desperate situation and once again regain his place as a star of the wrestling team. Ali’s uncle also found acceptance as the associate coach and mentor to not only Ali but all the boys on the team.

Things were going so well, until out of nowhere, tragedy strikes. Ali’s world is turned upside down, but he has to stay strong and find a way to not only succeed but to triumph above everything. This movie had us on the edge of our seat at the end rooting for Ali in one of his biggest challenges. This inspirational film drives home the message, that you can’t give up when things get tough.

The actor who plays Ali’s uncle is none other than, Ali Afshar himself.  The movie also stars Jon Voight, William Fichtner and George Kosturos as Ali. You can buy this movie now and learn more on the film’s website. Let me know if you have seen this movie or if you have plans to. I would love to hear what you thought about it.





Filed under Family, Movies, Review

“Aliens Ate My Homework” Available Now! #Giveaway #AAMH

While we were without power, an intergalactic adventure, Aliens Ate My Homework arrived on DVD, Digital, and On Demand Tuesday, March 6th! The film adaption of the first book from the popular Rod Allbright and the Galactic Patrol series by Bruce Coville follows a pair of middle schoolers racing to save the world from destruction after extraterrestrials invade Earth.

My kids finally got to watch this and they loved it!  We also, enjoyed watching it with them.  I think most parents will like it as much as their kids.

Aliens Ate My Homework entertains and empowers young audiences with humor, heart, and a whole lot of imagination. The film starring William Shatner is the first of a planned series of inventive action-comedies from Universal 1440 Entertainment, a production entity of Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

You can watch the trailer below:

Aliens Ate My Homework features the voice of two-time Emmy Award winner William Shatner (“Star Trek”)  and comes from director Sean McNamara (The King’s Daughter). The film also stars Jayden Greig (The Shape of Water), Lauren McNamara (“Summer of Dreams”), Kirsten Robek (The Edge of Seventeen), Dan Payne (Star Trek Beyond, Watchmen), Ty Consiglio (Wonder) and Alex Zahara (“The Man in the High Castle”).

Aliens Ate My Homework is a suspenseful family comedy which follows the adventures of sixth-grader Rod Allbright (Greig) and the extraterrestrial lawmen known as the Galactic Patrol. When a tiny spaceship flies through his window and lands on his science project, Rod and his cousin Elspeth (McNamara) meet a group of friendly aliens, including Phil, a talking plant (voiced by William Shatner). The earthlings quickly join the aliens’ adventurous mission to help defeat an evil alien criminal. After discovering the evil alien is disguised as a human – someone he knows all too well – Rod and Elspeth race to save the world from total planetary disaster.

BONUS FEATURES on DVD and digital

  • Not of This World: Creating Alien Life Forms – A look at creating some of the film’s Alien characters, showcasing the work of Emmy-winning visual effects maestro Todd Masters and his creature effects team. Viewers will get a peek at what it takes to bring the creatures to life on-set through the magic of prosthetic make-up, as well as practical effects techniques like oversized sets and puppetry.
  • Aliens Ate My Homework: From Page to Screen – This piece will give viewers a peek at the process of turning the novel into a film – from concept to production and visual effects. Featuring behind the scenes footage plus interviews with the cast, filmmakers, and author Bruce Coville.
  • On the Set with Bruce Coville – The beloved author gives viewers a peek at life on the set of Aliens Ate My Homework while providing details on the origins of the Galactic Patrol book series.
  • The Galactic Patrol Wants You! – A closer look at the members of the Galactic Patrol featuring Grakker, Madame Pong, Rod Allbright, Elspeth, and Phillogenous Esk Piemondum, aka Phil. In this featurette, the intrepid crew of the Starship Ferkel will reveal details on their current mission and will inform viewers on what it takes to become a member of the Galactic Patrol.

You can download and print some fun Aliens Ate My Homework Activity Sheets below.


Universal 1440 Entertainment is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! One lucky blog reader will win an Aliens Ate My Homework DVD! Thank you to Universal 1440 for the review movie and for sponsoring this out of this world giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! Open to US residents.

Aliens Ate My Homework DVD Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Enter for your chance to win using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good Luck!!!

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Filed under Family, Giveaway, Movies

Signing Back On After Nearly A Week With No Power!

If things have seemed quiet here on Mommy Ramblings, there is good reason why. We are just emerging from nearly a week of having no power, no internet and no cable. That means we had no heat and it is cold here in New York! 

We do have a generator but it was giving us issues causing us to rely on just our wood burning fireplace for warmth for almost 5 days before we got it up and running. Let’s just say, it was no indoor camping trip! 

I have so much work to catch up on and lost a week of income with my other job that requires me to work online. More than an inconvenience it causes financial hardship for so many that work from home. Many people do not understand that aspect of it.

My Cardinal landed on my porch railing right when the electric came back on. Then he sat for a while in one of the bushes out in front.

However, nothing much can be done about that but to move forward. I feel a great deal of pressure to make up all the missed work and deadlines. I am going to do the best that I can and try to hope that is enough.

Thank you all for your patience . Let me tell you, I cannot wait for spring!!!


Filed under Family, Life

Save on Red BaronÂŽ Deep Dish Single Serve Pizza at Sam’s Club with this Ibotta Offer #RedBaronHolidaySavings

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC. and its advertiser, all opinions are mine alone. #RedBaronHolidaySavings #CollectiveBias

Running around getting everything done before the holidays can be hectic. Thank goodness I can pick up Red BaronÂŽ Deep Dish Single Serve Pizza at Sam’s Club. The single serving size gives us the flexibility we need these days. That means less stress, and that is always a wonderful thing.

Craving a delicious, deep dish fix for dinner? Looking to save you and your family time and money during this busy holiday season? Pick up Red BaronÂŽ Deep Dish Single Serve Pizza from your local Sam’s Club! Don’t miss this great Ibotta offer! When you buy Red BaronÂŽ Deep Dish Pizzas at Sam’s Club, you will earn $2.50! *Offer available through 12/31/17.


Filed under Cooking, Coupon, Family, Shoppertunity