Most Important Health Areas For Developing Children

It’s no secret that the early childhood stage is a critical period for a person’s development. During that time, it’s your job as a parent to ensure they have everything they need to grow into a healthy person. Unfortunately, focusing on one health area won’t be enough. It’s not enough to feed them good food and take care of their nutrition.

There are many other important health areas for developing children, and knowing these can help parents focus their limited time and energy on the things that matter most. On that note, here’s a closer look at the most important health areas for developing children:

  • Dental Health

One of the most common diseases among children in many countries is cavities. If left untreated, it can cause a great deal of pain to your kids, and may even result in infections. In the worst-case scenario, these infections may lead to problems with their daily routine, such as eating, playing, and speaking. That’s one of the reasons why oral health is considered a window to a person’s overall health. Thus, it’s important to deal with your children’s dental health as early as possible.

You can do so by simply encouraging them to brush their teeth at least twice a day. But if they’re already in their late childhood and they haven’t practiced proper brushing up until now, it might be worth taking them to a dentist for a thorough checkup.

Furthermore, if their dental health requires treatments, you might want to consider sending them to a Pediatric Laser Dentistry practitioner for some quick fix.

  • Proper Hygiene

Hygiene is important to everyone. However, maintaining proper hygiene is especially necessary for children, and there are many reasons why. For starters, children have fewer antibodies than adults. Since their immune system is a bit weaker, proper hygiene practices such as hand washing and bathing can go a long way in preventing diseases. These can help ward off harmful microorganisms like germs and bacteria. Much like dental health, there are several things you can do to help your kids practice proper hygiene, such as:

  • Help them shower every day
  • Encourage your children to wash their hands before and after meals and even snacks
  • Always prepare clean clothes for your kids
  • Teach them to turn away when they or someone else is coughing or sneezing
  • Healthy Habits

As simple as they may be, daily habits can make the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy person. While your children are still young, it’s important to teach them the importance of healthy habits. Here are some examples:

  • Avoid spending too much time staring at the screen of electronic devices
  • Take a break every once in a while
  • Drink plenty of water

They might not seem as important as dental health or hygiene, but these little things can go a long way in improving your children’s health as they can prevent potential minor diseases.

  • Immunization

Immunization is the simple process of applying vaccines to children. For obvious reasons, this process is a very important health area for your developing kids, especially since immunization can prevent common diseases among children, such as:

  • Strep throat
  • Pink eye
  • Flu
  • Chickenpox

 Moreover, immunization not only prevents diseases but also improves your children’s well-being. If you think about it, most vaccines are free, but if your children suffer from diseases due to being unvaccinated, that would cost you a lot of money.

Immunization is not just important for your children, it’s also a crucial step to eradicating certain diseases. In fact, many diseases have now been eliminated or are already rare because of immunization programs. This broader perspective should give you another motivation to have your kids immunized. Beyond decreasing your children’s susceptibility to diseases, you’re also helping improve public health.

  • Physical Activity

Children also need physical activity to maintain their cardiovascular system’s health. Engaging in physical activity may also increase their white blood cells, which help eliminate viral infections. However, encouraging kids to exercise on their own isn’t very effective.

If you want to take care of this particular health area, you should consider scheduling family workout sessions. Exercising as a group tends to be more effective at encouraging children to do physical activities. Examples of family exercises you can do with your kids include:

  • Bike riding
  • Sports
  • Hiking
  • Camping

As active as your kids are, their bodies still have their limits. So, while physical activity is indeed important, remember to allow appropriate time for rest. Also, pairing up exercise with healthy eating—yet another important health area for developing children—will yield the best results for their overall health.

  • Healthy Eating

Healthy eating involves the consumption of all nutrients your child needs, be it from fruits, vegetables, meat, or even supplements if they can’t absorb nutrients properly. For your reference, here’s a list of nine of the most important nutrients for children:

  1. Proteins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fats
  4. Iron
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Fiber
  8. Vitamin C
  9. Vitamin A

It’s also worth noting that breakfast is the most important meal, so don’t forget to go all out on your kids’ breakfast. As a matter of fact, a study by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) shows that children who regularly have breakfast have a better academic performance than those who don’t.

Furthermore, remember that kids often become a bit of a glutton after school, so you might want to consider preparing snacks for them when they get home. Take note that there are a few foods that you need to avoid as they may do more harm than good, especially to your children’s teeth.

Final Words

As a parent, it brings you joy to see your kids grow up as you wanted them to. But it’s inevitable to face some challenges along the way. Seeing your children get sick is one of the most difficult experiences for parents. Focusing on the most important health areas of developing children will help you prevent most minor illnesses and other health issues in the future. On that note, this guide should help you figure out which health areas to prioritize for your developing kids.

Girl, Child, Children, Toddler, Youth, Summer, Play

This is a collaborative post. The views and ideas expressed do not necessary represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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