Go Out And Seize Your #PoiseMoment

Did you ever notice it is those things we don’t discuss and feel alone with that we eventually find out are so common. Once we start to talk about it, others usually chime in and before long we know we are not alone. I think that is one of the things I like most about blogging. As a blogger, I can use my blog and voice to bring awareness about all kind of things. If I can help just one person to feel better or live a better life, that is significant to me.

I am going to talk about something I think will end up helping way more than 1 person and to do that I am going to get out of my comfort zone. After naturally birthing 5 huge babies I noticed that I experienced light bladder leakage (LBL) that was triggered by exercise, coughing or sneezing. I did not even know at first because it only happened every once in a while but when I finally figured it out I was a little upset. I mean, I had heard about it and had friends that talked about it but really did not experience it myself. So I began to research it and I found out that 1 in 3 women experience LBL. Some women experience it during pregnancy and some after but it is very common.

I was also not surprised to find out that many women used period pads or panty liners to absorb leaks. You might think it does not sound like a bad idea  but period pads were not designed for LBL. Many other women did not use any kind of protection and found their lives interrupted because of unexpected LBL.

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In an effort to bring awareness about the Poise brand they teamed up with Brooke Burke-Charvet to help educate women about LBL and empower them to seize their Poise moment. So what is a Poise moment? A Poise moment is the exact point when a woman stops letting leaks interrupt their lives and try products like Poise Thin Shape Light Absorbency pads.

The New Poise Thin-Shape Light Absorbency pads are the thinnest pads for LBL! These pads are designed to move with a woman’s body and they stay three times drier than the leading period pad. The Absorb-loc core quickly works to lock away wetness and odor while the leak-block sides add outstanding leakage protection. Having this type of protection gives a woman confidence to stop worrying about leaks and just enjoy life!


I don’t experience LBL a lot but I do notice that it occurs with some types of  reaching or stretching activities. Since there is no way to tell if it will happen or not the Poise Thin Shape Light Absorbency pads are a preventative measure that lets me forget about the what-if and just do the types of things I love without letting LBL take control and limit my activities.

This past weekend I climbed Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid. Whiteface Mountain is the 5th highest mountain in New York State. When I reached the top, I felt amazing! I did not limit my activities because I was afraid I might have some LBL due to all the stretching and climbing. I seized my moment and I climbed that mountain!

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It is hugely empowering to take back control and I have Poise to thank. I was one of those women that thought Poise was no different from thin period pads or liners. I thought a pad was a pad but it was not until I finally tried Poise that I found out there is a significant difference and that is when I felt the need to tell other women. I want to let them know they do not have to limit their activities due to LBL.. So live a vibrant, active life and not only seize the day but Seize your Poise Moment.

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Visit Poise to learn more and request a sample so you can seize your Poise moment.You can stay in the loop with Poise on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

I was compensated for this post as part of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. As always my views and words are 100% my own.


Filed under Health, Life, Life Stages, Mommy Ramblings

22 Responses to Go Out And Seize Your #PoiseMoment

  1. Lexie R

    I climbed Whiteface too! Wasn’t it amazing? Anyway the article is great too and I am not letting it stop me either. Life is too short!

  2. Blogging Mama K

    This helped me so much! Thank you!

  3. Tara Stein

    Been using these for years! Thanks for posting about it, lets take the stigma away.

  4. Paige T

    Thanks this is really informative.

  5. Tamara K

    Where is the love button? We need more voices to bring this very common problem to the surface. Way too common to be hidden in a closet making women feel embarrassment or shame.

  6. Sharon Grammar

    I am so glad you wrote about this issue, it is time we stop covering up a condition that makes women feel weird and alone. We are stronger together and we need more voices like yours that are empowering women to take control and not let anything hold them back.

    • Love your comment about empowering women and being stronger together. I totally agree and know that confident, successful women are the ones I want to be around. No Mean Girls!!!

  7. Meagan S

    Preach it woman! So totally know this and have not let it stop me.

  8. Charlene Smith

    Use these and LBL does not stop me from accomplishing whatever my goals are. Thanks for the honesty!

  9. Taryn P

    Great article, I know it is going to help a lot of women like me to know there are simple solutions. Love your blog!

  10. Peyton Miller

    After having my first child, this happened to me. Felt all alone, did not know it was common. I was embarrassed to tell anyone. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront for women.

    • A lot of women experience it for the first time after having a baby. I am sorry that you had to feel that way. Hopefully you can help to spread the world and make women feel that it is no big deal and something they can overcome.

  11. Maryanne

    So totally can relate to all of this. Thanks for the post.

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