Is Your Moisturizer Killing You? #Giveaway

Anyone that knows me, knows that I do not like using any type of toxic products. You will not find Bounce dryer sheets, Tide detergent, Cascade, Scrubbing Bubbles etc in my home. I will not expose my family to those carcinogens. As the mother of a cancer survivor, I wish everyone would become more aware of the toxic chemicals that manufactures try to shove down consumers’ throats. They think nothing of poisoning consumers so that their profit is greater and they can pass more along to their number one priority which is their stockholders.

Beauty and skin care products can be some of the most toxic products around. It is scary thinking that people spread these toxic products all over their skin which is the largest organ in the body. It makes me cringe. This does not mean that I forgo beauty products, it just means that I do my research and choose healthier options. Recently I discovered Mascli. Mascli is on a mission that aligns with my ideals. They want to bring awareness to consumers of the dangers in the products that line the store shelves and beauty care aisles. They want to provide healthier,safer, non-toxic alternatives that are far superior to the products most consumers are using.

I recently tried a bottle of their anti-aging moisturizer called Awakening. Awakening comes in a glass bottle with a chrome color pump top. It is beautiful on the outside but the ingredients on the inside are where the true beauty is. Awakening uses 100% certified organic oils and vitamins E & C, Minerals, Antioxidants and Omega 3 6 9 Fatty Acids. It is a unisex moisturizer perfect for men or women and won’t leave men smelling flowery or perfumey.

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You might expect a moisturizer to be a lotion or cream but Awakening is a mix of essential oils and so the consistency is like that. It does not feel greasy and it smells nice. It absorbs quickly and hydrates skin. It is recommended to use 2 times a day so I apply in the morning and then apply my makeup right on top. You rub it on your face and neck with your fingertips in circular upward motion. Highest concentration should be on the brow area and the jaw line. At night after cleansing my face, I reapply and just go to bed. It is really working to hydrate my skin, making it firmer and gives it a healthy glow.

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Awakening is a revolutionary product and I have not run across any other anti-aging moisturizer like it. Watch my video review below to see more.


Mascli is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!  One lucky blog reader will win a bottle of Awakening Anti-Aging Moisturizer . Thank you to Mascli for the review product and for sponsoring this fantastic giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!!  Open to US residents.

Mascli Awakening Anti-Aging Moisturizer Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Filed under Beauty and Skin Care Products, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Health, Natural, Review

7 Responses to Is Your Moisturizer Killing You? #Giveaway

  1. Rust

    I learned about the fangers of plastic packaging and that these products are made in the US, and also that the moisturizer has an expiration up to 2 years.

  2. kelly tupick

    I learned that they were 100% certified organic and toxic free.

  3. Heather!

    I learned that exfoliation is highly recommended before applying this moisturizer because it allows the beneficial ingredients to soak into the skin more readily. That’s good for your skin AND your wallet!

  4. Jennifer Rogers

    I learned that With AWAKENING moisturizer you can read the label and understand what is being applied on your skin and body, giving an unparalleled peace of mind knowing that is not exposed to toxic chemicals and hence to diseases like cancer and many others so common these days.
    MASCLI Skincare Secrets a company that cares about your health and the environment!

  5. Kathleen Whitney

    Try your AWAKENING in your HAIR, NAILS and entire body. Wow lots of uses!

  6. Cheryl Gross

    love their 100 percent guarantee

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