Easy Solution For Clean Car Seats Plus Giveaway

Kids, pets, muddy feet, spills and more are all in and out of our cars every day. Well, maybe the spills are not out. If you’re a parent you’ve probably deal with a lot, if not all, of what I mentioned. My husband and I have leather seats in our vehicles but they still require cleaning. We also like to have our seats protected against scratches or tears as much as possible. Most of all, we like to protect our leather seats from having the car seats installed right on top of them. Maybe you have thought about car seat covers. We recently installed a full seat cover in the back seat of my husbands truck.

car seat cover amz

car seat cover boxes

We used to use the seat protectors that just go where the car seats are but this cover fits over the entire back seat. It was easy to install. The car seats fit great, there are Velcro openings for the seat belts. The cover we chose is the VersaVia , this cover comes in three colors; black, tan and gray. The cover is quilted with a non-slip rubber backing that keeps it in place. It looks like a custom cover. The cover is waterproof, and 54″ wide so with the adjustable tight-fitting straps it fits most trucks, SUVs and vans.



SEAT cOVER_edited-1



Versaliving is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog winner will win their own VersaVia Car Seat Cover in their color choice of black, tan or gray. Thank you t Versaliving for the review product and for sponsoring this awesome giveaway on Mommy Ramblings!!! Open to US residents.


VersaVia Car Seat Cover Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good Luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Filed under Baby Gear, Family, Giveaway, Home & Garden, Life, Review

18 Responses to Easy Solution For Clean Car Seats Plus Giveaway

  1. Janet W.

    I think the worst mess I’ve had was when my grandsons were drinking a slushee and somehow both of them were leaking and it left a sticky mess all over the seats.

  2. Fiona N

    My baby spilled my brewed kombucha tea over the seat. It was sticky and smells so bad 🙁

  3. Rust

    Muddy and wet dogs have been the worst my back seat has seen lately.

  4. Shannon

    Sand, it always seems like they bring home half the sandbox

  5. Jeff

    spilling chocolate milk created a horrible mess

  6. Anne N

    My worst mess has been throw up. My car smelled for months.

  7. Nancy

    We have had food and drink spilled in our car.

  8. naomi barton

    oh my goodness the worse mess i had to clean up was vomit not once but several times!! its the absolute hardest thing ever to get out of all of the little design groves in the seats!

  9. Shelley P

    We have had a wet, brightly colored, sticky slurpee spill on the car seat.

  10. Erin Ellis

    We have a great dane, and he was really sick in the car once. That’s enough details. LOL!

  11. Lara C.

    Vomit and Coke are the two biggest messes we’ve had in our car. Yuck.

  12. Julie Lundstrom

    Dog hair and more dog hair having the dogs come with on some trips out.

  13. Danielle Magee

    The worst mess I had in my car was a bunch of muddy kids from camping.

  14. Shaylin S.

    We had a orange soda spill in the back seat of the car!

  15. Anita L

    The worst mess was leaving the park one day with my dog. He decides to roll in a mud puddle just before getting in my back seat. It was an extreme mess!!

  16. Laura

    I spilled laundry detergent all over the seats. That doesn’t sound too bad at first, BUT it was super concentrated and created a million suds when you tried to wipe it off. It took FOREVER to get off the seats!

  17. Joellen G

    We usually just have a lot of spilled milk and food on our car seats and could totally use this!

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