mOmma Non-Spill Cup Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

I was recently asked to review the mOmma Non-Spill Cup.  Now my 4 and 2 year old both still drink from sippy cups.  If we don’t use them, we have mess after mess to clean up.  I will even tell you my 2 year old still has his bottle, GASP!!!  I really don’t care about it, some parents get all wrapped up in getting their baby off the bottle.  Not me, and it’s not just because he is my 5th, because I was the same way with my 1st.  I never understood the rush to make babies grow up.  It is not like on their college application there are any questions about when they were potty trained, when they were weaned and when they gave up the bottle.  I totally subscribe to the philosophy of, “Let Them Be Little.”

Okay, back to the review.  This great sippy cup is one that kids love because it is a rocking and rolling cup.  It reminds me of a Weeble, and we all know Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.  Besides the shape being fun, it really is easier for you baby and child to grip. Another great plus of this design is that it does not allow the cup to tip over and have the spout touch germy surfaces.   It is non spill and has a protective cover for when you are on the go.  This cup cleans up great in my dishwasher, is BPA free and comes in many fun colors.  mOmma has many other products including a thermal dress for this cup that is adorable and keeps liquids warm or cold.

More great news, mOmma is sponsoring a give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  One lucky blog reader will win a new mOmma non-spill cup. Thank you mOmma for the review cup and for sponsoring this great give-away on Mommy Ramblings.  Open to US residents.

mOmma Non-Spill Cup Give-Away on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Mandatory Entry– Visit mOmma and let me know one of their other products you like.  Leave your answer in a comment on this post. (If this entry is not done, all others will be deleted)

Extra Entries: (make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry or they will not count)

1. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

2. Like mOmma on Facebook, then leave me a comment here that you did.

3. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

4. Follow mOmma on Twitter, and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name.

5. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email, and leave me a comment here that you did.

6. Vote for Mommy Ramblings on Picket Fence Blogs (Button is on the side of our blog, “We’re on the Fence) and leave me a comment here you did.  You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

7. Rate Mommy Ramblings on Top Mommy Blogs (button is on the side of our blog) and leave me a comment here that you did. (Can only be used as one entry per give-away.)

8. Tweet this give-away on Twitter and leave me a comment here that you did with your Twitter name. You can do this once a day, just make sure and leave a comment each time you do.

9. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook and leave me a comment here that you did.

10. Write a review for Mommy Ramblings on (button is on our blog right under the We’re on the Fence button) and leave me a comment here that you did.  Can only be done once per give-away.

Good Luck Everyone!!!  Give Away Ends November 25th at 12am EST.  Winner will be selected by


Filed under October Last Half, Uncategorized

379 Responses to mOmma Non-Spill Cup Review & Give-Away!!! {Give-Away Ended}

  1. Debra Getsinger

    I like Mommy Ramblings on facebook.

    Debra G.

  2. Jennifer Miller

    I like there non spill cup with handles.

  3. Debra Getsinger

    I like mOmma on facebook.

    Debra G.

  4. Jennifer Miller

    I liked you on facebook!!

  5. Debra Getsinger

    I like the Vogue on the mOmma website.

    Debra G.

  6. Jennifer Miller

    I liked momma on facebook

  7. Jennifer Miller

    I followed Carolyn kavarnos on Twitter.

  8. Jennifer Miller

    I am following M0mma on twitter

  9. Jennifer Miller

    I am following you by email.

  10. Jennifer Miller

    I voted for mommy ramblings on the fence

  11. Wendy W.

    Mandatory: They have the cutest little Soft Spoons!!

  12. Wendy W.

    I’m an email subscriber to Mommy Ramblings!

  13. Wendy W.

    I’m a fan of Mommy Ramblings on FB!

  14. Wendy W.

    I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter! wrLOVESjj

  15. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 10/29

  16. Wendy W.

    Rated you on Top Mommy Blogs!

  17. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 10/29 wrLOVESjj

  18. Wendy W.

    I’m a fan of Blueberry Hill Photography on FB!

  19. I like the Urban Mum’s Bag

  20. Tweeted give away 10/29-gummasplace

  21. Like mOmma on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  22. Follow mOmma on Twitter-gummasplace

  23. Like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  24. Follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter-gummasplace

  25. Follow Mommy Ramblings by email

  26. Like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook-Gumma Medlin

  27. jessica

    cup with straw

  28. jessica

    liked mOmma on facebook

  29. jessica

    liked mommy ramblings on facebook

  30. Jessica C.

    I like the Momma Control Monitor on their website

  31. Jessica C.

    I like Mommy Ramblings on Facebook

  32. Jessica C.

    I like mOmma on Facebook

  33. Korisa

    The Gino, Jack, & Fred Teethers are so adorable!

  34. Jessica C.

    I follow Mommy Ramblings on Twitter Eat_Cake_

  35. Jessica C.

    I follow mOmma on Twitter Eat_Cake_

  36. Korisa

    I like Mommy Ramblings on FB

  37. Jessica C.

    I am a subscriber of Mommy Ramblings’ e-mail

  38. Korisa

    I like mOmma on FB

  39. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 10/29

  40. Korisa

    voted for you on PFB

  41. Korisa

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on FB

  42. Jessica C.

    Rated you on Top Mommy blog

  43. Jessica C.

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on Facebook

  44. Korisa

    rated you on Top Mommy Blogs

  45. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 10/29 Eat_Cake_

  46. Tomoko

    I like the EASY high chair

  47. Tomoko

    follow you on twitter @orangefukurou

  48. Tomoko

    follow your blog via email

  49. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 10/30

  50. Tomoko

    rated on top mommy blogs

  51. Korisa

    PFB vote 10/30

  52. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 10/30

  53. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 10/30 Eat_Cake_

  54. Heather Collins

    I like the Cup with Straw 🙂

  55. Heather Collins

    I like MR on FB.

  56. Heather Collins

    I follow you on twitter. hdc1986

  57. Heather Collins

    I subscribe with my email.

  58. Heather Collins

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on FB.

  59. Heather Collins

    I voted on PF. 10/30

  60. Tweeted give away 10/30-gummasplace

  61. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 10/30

  62. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 10/30 wrLOVESjj

  63. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 10/31

  64. Korisa

    PFB vote – Happy Halloween!

  65. Heather Collins

    I follow mOmmaUS on twitter. RileysMommee (My new twitter acct!)

  66. Heather Collins

    I voted on PF. 10/31

  67. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 10/31

  68. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 10/31

  69. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 10/31 wrLOVESjj

  70. Tweeted give away 10/31-gummasplace

  71. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 10/31

  72. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 10/31 Eat_Cake_

  73. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/1

  74. Korisa

    voted for you on PFB 11/1

  75. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/1

  76. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/1

  77. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/1

  78. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/1 wrLOVESjj

  79. Tweeted give away 11/1-gummasplace

  80. Angie M

    mandatory- I like the soft spoons

  81. Angie M

    11/1 PF vote

  82. Angie M

    I liked mOmma on FB

  83. Angie M

    I am a mommy ramblings FB friend too

  84. Angie M

    I am a mommy ramblings email subscriber

  85. Angie M

    I am a bluberry hill photo FB friend

  86. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/1

  87. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/1 Eat_Cake_

  88. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/2

  89. Tweeted give away 11/2-gummasplace

  90. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/2

  91. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/2

  92. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/2 Eat_cake_

  93. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/2

  94. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/2 wrLOVESjj

  95. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/3

  96. Tweeted give away 11/3-gummasplace

  97. the easy high chair looks nice too!

  98. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/3

  99. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/3

  100. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/3

  101. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/3

  102. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/3 Eat_Cake_

  103. Angie M

    11/3 PF vote

  104. Angie M

    I rated you on top mommy blogs

  105. Angie M

    I reviewed you on Alexa

  106. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/3

  107. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/3 wrLOVESjj

  108. Melissa

    I like the cup with straw and duel handle

  109. Melissa

    I like mommy ramblings emails.

  110. Melissa

    I like mommy ramblings on fb.

  111. Melissa

    I like momma on fb

  112. Melissa

    I follow mommy ramblings on twitter @smrlovingrl.

  113. Melissa

    I follow momma on twitter @smrlovingrl.

  114. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/3/2011

  115. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/3/2011

  116. Melissa

    Rated top mommy

  117. Melissa


  118. Melissa

    I like blueberry hill photography on fb.

  119. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/4

  120. Angie M

    11/4 PF vote

  121. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/4

  122. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/4

  123. Tweeted give away 11/4-gummasplace

  124. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/4

  125. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/4

  126. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/4 Eat_Cake_

  127. meal set is nice

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  128. email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  129. twitter follower

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  130. voted @ picket fence

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  131. rated @ top mommy

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  132. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/4

  133. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/4 wrLOVESjj

  134. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/5

  135. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/5

  136. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/5/2011

  137. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/5/2011

  138. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/5

  139. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/5 Eat_Cake_

  140. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/5

  141. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/5 wrLOVESjj

  142. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/6

  143. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/6

  144. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/6

  145. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/6

  146. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/6

  147. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/6 Eat_cake_

  148. Tweeted give away 11/6-gummasplace

  149. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/7

  150. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/7

  151. Melissa

    Voted pfb 11/7

  152. Melissa

    Tweeted @smrlovingrl 11/7

  153. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/7

  154. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/7 wrLOVESjj

  155. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/7

  156. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/7

  157. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/7

  158. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/7 Eat_Cake_

  159. Tweeted give away 11/7-gummasplace

  160. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/8

  161. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/8

  162. Angie M

    11/8 pF vote

  163. Pamela

    non spill cup with handles-mandatory

  164. Pamela

    I rated you on top mommy blogs

  165. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/8

  166. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/8

  167. Casey

    I like the cup with straw and dual handle

  168. Casey

    I like mommy ramblings on fb

  169. Casey

    I m0mma on fb

  170. Casey

    I like blueberry hill photography on fb

  171. Casey

    I subscribe to your email

  172. Tweeted give away 11/8-gummasplace

  173. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/8/2011

  174. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/8/2011

  175. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/8

  176. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/9

  177. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/9

  178. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/9 Eat_Cake_

  179. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/9

  180. Melissa

    Tweeted @smrlovingrl 11/9

  181. Melissa

    Voted pfb 11/9

  182. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/9

  183. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/9 wrLOVESjj

  184. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/10

  185. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/10

  186. Tweeted give away 11/10-gummasplace

  187. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/10

  188. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/10

  189. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/10/2011

  190. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/10 wrLOVESjj

  191. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/10/2011

  192. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/10

  193. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/10

  194. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/11

  195. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/11

  196. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/11 wrLOVESjj

  197. Korisa

    Picket Fence vote 11/11

  198. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/11

  199. Heather Collins

    Tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/11

  200. Angie M

    11/11 PF vote

  201. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/11/2011

  202. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/11/2011

  203. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/12

  204. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/12

  205. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/12 Eat_Cake_

  206. Korisa

    voted on PFB 11/12

  207. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/12

  208. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/12 wrLOVESjj

  209. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/12/2011

  210. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/12/2011

  211. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/13

  212. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/13

  213. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/13

  214. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/13

  215. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/13 wrLOVESjj

  216. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/14

  217. Korisa

    voted for you on PFB 11/14

  218. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/14

  219. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/14 Eat_Cake_

  220. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/14

  221. Angie M

    11/14 PF vote

  222. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/14

  223. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/14 wrLOVESjj

  224. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/15

  225. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/15

  226. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/15 Eat_Cake_

  227. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/15

  228. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/15

  229. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/15

  230. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/15/2011

  231. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/15/2011

  232. Tweeted give away 11/15-gummasplace

  233. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/15

  234. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/16

  235. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/16

  236. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/16

  237. Angie M

    Tweeted 11/16

  238. Angie M

    11/16 PF vote

  239. Angie M

    I follow Momma on Twitter

  240. Angie M

    I follow mommy ramblings on Twitter

  241. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/16

  242. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/16 wrLOVESjj

  243. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/16/2011

  244. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/16/2011

  245. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/17

  246. Tweeted give away 11/17-gummasplace

  247. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/17

  248. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/17

  249. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/17/2011

  250. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/17/2011

  251. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/18

  252. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/18

  253. Jessica C.

    daily tweet 11/18 Eat_Cake_

  254. Korisa

    11/18 PFB vote

  255. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/18

  256. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/18

  257. Kristine

    Visited Momma and l like the momma ego.

  258. Kristine

    I liked Momma on facebook!

  259. Tweeted give away 11/18-gummasplace

  260. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/19

  261. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/19/2011

  262. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/19/2011

  263. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/19

  264. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/19

  265. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/19 Eat_Cake_

  266. Heather Collins

    Voted on PF. 11/19

  267. Heather Collins

    I tweeted this giveaway. RileysMommee 11/19

  268. Tweeted give away 11/19-gummasplace

  269. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/20

  270. Kristine

    Voted Picket Fence 11/20

  271. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/20

  272. Melissa

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/20/2011

  273. Melissa

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/20/2011

  274. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/20

  275. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/20 Eat_Cake_

  276. Tweeted give away 11/20-gummasplace

  277. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/21

  278. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/21

  279. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/21

  280. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/21 Eat_Cake_

  281. Kristine

    voted Picket Fence 11/21

  282. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/21/2011

  283. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/21/2011

  284. Tweeted give away 11/21-gummasplace

  285. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/22

  286. Jessica

    I also like the All Soft Soother
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  287. Jessica

    I like Mommy Ramblings on facebook (Jessica Miller)
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  288. Jessica

    I like mOmma on facebook (Jessica Miller)
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  289. Jessica

    I follow Mommy Ramblings on twitter (@jjak2003)
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  290. Jessica

    I follow mOmma on twitter (@jjak2003)
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  291. Jessica

    I subscribe to Mommy Ramblings via e-mail
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  292. Jessica

    I like Blueberry Hills Photography on facebook (Jessica Miller)
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  293. Jessica

    I voted today on Picket Fence Blogs
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  294. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/22

  295. Jessica C.

    voted picket fence 11/22

  296. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/22 Eat_Cake_

  297. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/22/2011

  298. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/22/2011

  299. Tweeted give away 11/22-gummasplace

  300. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/22

  301. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/22 wrLOVESjj

  302. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/23

  303. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/23

  304. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/23

  305. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/23 Eat_Cake_

  306. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I love the mOmmaEgg

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  307. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I voted for your Blog on Picket Fence Blogs

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  308. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I like your blog on facebook (Louis H Uffmire)

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  309. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I like Blueberry Hill Photography on facebook (Louis H Uffmire)

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  310. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I like mOmma US on facebook (Louis H Uffmire)

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  311. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    following you on twitter @left_the_stars

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  312. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    following @mOmmaUS on twitter @left_the_stars

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  313. ♬♥♡ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡

    I tweeted your giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  314. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/23

  315. Wendy W.

    Tweeted this giveaway! 11/23 wrLOVESjj

  316. M&M

    Voted Picket Fence Blog 11/23/2011

  317. M&M

    Tweeted @SmrLovinGrl 11/23/2011

  318. Tweeted give away 11/23-gummasplace

  319. Tomoko

    voted on the fence 11/24

  320. Jessica C.

    Voted picket fence 11/24

  321. Jessica C.

    Daily tweet 11/24 Eat_Cake_

  322. Korisa

    PFB vote 11/24 — Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  323. Kristine

    Voted Picket Fence 11/24

  324. Wendy W.

    Voted on Picket Fence! 11/24

  325. Wendy W.

    Tweeted! 11/24 wrLOVESjj

  326. Winner is 36 Jessica C!!! Congratulations!!!

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