STEP2 Prepare and Share Kitchen Set Review!!!

I was sent a new STEP2 Prepare and Share Kitchen to review.  STEP2 just introduced this kitchen to their line of great kid’s products.  The kitchen was delivered in a large box and when we opened it, it was all neatly packed and included lots of food, dishes and accessories.  It was very easy to put together and took very little time.  One of the favorite features is the stove burner that when fitted with the skillet sizzles, pot boils, coffee pot boils as well.  It also causes lights to illuminate in the cooking vessels.  It requires 2 AA batteries for the electronic sounds but it was a huge hit and one of the features the boys liked best.  It is designed in neutral colors for boys or girls.

It is a very sturdy unit that will hold up to lots of play and is very easy to wipe down.  I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of accessories this kitchen includes.  It includes 5 large spice/herb bottles, salt and pepper shakers, grinding pepper mill, phone, pots, pans, dishes, cups, utensils and a variety of food, fruits and veggies.  Three removable baskets are handy for storage and play prep and cooking.  The large, deep sink has a swivel faucet.  Stainless steel look oven and refrigerator, hanging hooks, pass through window and ledge for serving, storing and prep add realistic touches to this kitchen set.  The clip for the phone holds it securely in place and is easy for the kids to retrieve the phone and return it when finished with the call.  Kitchen is large enough that the two can play together and still have enough space to play and cook.

This kitchen set is available at Toys R Us for $89.99 and I think it is a great value considering all you get with it.  I recommend this kitchen very much.  If I have any critisism I would say that it would be great if two of the burners had the sounds just because you could have two things cooking/boiling, sizzling at once.  However, that would not deter me from buying this kitchen.  There is plenty to do and kids will have a great time cooking up some gourmet meals.

The contents of the box ready to be assembled.

All set up and ready for the kids.







Filed under kids, Review, Toys

8 Responses to STEP2 Prepare and Share Kitchen Set Review!!!

  1. Keirnan

    Thanks for your review! I saw this set on the Toys R Us website, but noticed there weren’t any reviews for it yet. I can see why! I didn’t realize how new it was! Your review was very helpful and pictures were great too! I am considering getting this for my two boys for Christmas, who will be nearly 2 and nearly 4 years old. I think this will fit them perfectly!

  2. Marsa McCool-Solis

    My boys had a step 2 kitchen when they were little and they loved it. It stood up to years of use! Looks like your kids are enjoying it just as much as ours did.

  3. Desiree Gutierrez

    that looks like a great kitchen. I got my son a Kidkraft kitchen, it is smaller because we have a small space but it is wood/wood composite and also in red, blue and yellow. I liked it because of the colors and it wasn’t all pink and suitable for a boy.

  4. awesome.. has a lot of bells and whistles on this set. They thought of everything, got this one on our holiday wishlist.. thanks for the review!

  5. ErinLayne

    Can you tell me the dimensions of this kitchen when it is set up?

  6. mary

    Do the oven and fridge doors open up ?

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