Tag Archives: Safety

Ground Floor or Top Floor? Pros and Cons of Choosing Either

For thoseĀ  finally starting to live the independent adult life, it is time to look for some apartments. In choosing one, we often think about three things: price, location andĀ  safety. However, there is one other factor that you must also consider when searching for the best luxury apartment, that is the apartment floor. Did you know choosing an apartment that is located on a ground floor or top floor can also contribute to the quality of life you will have in a particular part of the neighborhood?So, should you choose a ground floor apartment or a top floor one when finding luxury apartments Melbourne? Here are some things you need to consider:

  1. Money matters

In general, ground floor luxury apartments are relatively cheaper than top floor units. The price of the latter often skyrockets because you not only pay for space, you also pay for the view. If your luxury apartment is located in the heart of the city, the top floor view is surely an amazing sight to behold.

The downside of top floor apartments, is the higher price you’ll pay overallĀ  for utilities. During summer seasons, top floor apartments tend to get hotter, which means that you will keep the air conditioner on more.Ā  This leads to a higher electric bill. This would not be a problem with ground floor apartments since the cool air tends to stay below.

  1. Accessibility

Naturally, ground floor units are your best bet if you value accessibility. Garden or ground floor apartments are usually the first to be scooped up by senior citizens and people with disabilities.Ā  Speaking of accessibility,Ā moving in is easier since you donā€™t have to go up and down flights of stairs with your furniture.Ā  If you prefer to live in an upper floor apartment, check the safety and accessibility of the stairs and elevators. Make sure to have the number of the building maintenance crew on your phone in case you get stuck in the elevator in the middle of the night.

  1. Safety

Each type of apartment has good and bad safety features.Ā  Ground floor units have an advantage when it comes to escaping during disasters such as fire and earthquakes. On the other hand, these apartments are often a favorite target of burglars because they are easier to access since the windows and doors are along the street. Top floor apartments may have fewer chances of aĀ  random break-in. However, it is still possible for your top floor apartment to be broken into because there are fewer people around.Ā  Ā If you plan on moving into an upper unit, check for CCTVs.

  1. Noise

Because ground floor apartments are right next to busy streets, outdoor noise from the rush hour traffic, shuffling of feet, and the busyness of the whole neighborhood can keep youĀ  awake at night. These noises will not be a problem for top floor dwellers, butĀ  the trade-off is that the noise from the upper floors can wake you up.

When finding luxury apartments Melbourne, you must also consider the location of the unit in itself. After all, the noise, safety, and accessibility of your apartment can also affect how well you sleep at night. If you have the opportunity to choose between the two, choose the one that would give you the best quality of life you can afford.


This is a collaborative guest post, the ideas and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Home & Garden, Life, Life Stages

Monitor your Childrenā€™s Internet Use with a Parental Control App


Being a parent is tough in the contemporary world. There are all kinds of things parents need to worry about that didnā€™t exist a couple of decades ago. The access kids have to the internet grows each year, with recent data showing that children account for one in three Web users. The next generation will have even more access to mobile devices connected to the internet and, the internet can be quite dark. The good news is that there are many parental control apps that will help you monitor what your children are doing online, while helping them stay away from things they should not be seeing.

Concerns for Parents

There is no shortage of things to be concerned about when it comes to your young children using the internet. Proficiency on technology has become a thing learned in the early years of life, and this is undoubtedly changing the way we experience the world. Inappropriate content containing porn, drugs, suicide, violence, and other intense subjects is probably the most common concern, but cyber-bullying and peer pressure are also issues to be concerned about. Finally, the safety of your child is above all the biggest thing to be worried about. Luckily a lot of this can be managed by using a parental control app.

What is a Parental Control App?

A parental control internet service is an application that allows you to the monitor devices and set limits on the access to the internet. You will not only be able to block specific website content, you will be able to disable the internet during specific hours. This helps parents keep their children safe and manage their time on screens. Different apps offer different things. Some allow you to track your childā€™s location, block games and apps, and even send a message when your child has interacted with content they shouldnā€™t be seeing.

Benefits of Parental Control Apps

According to the site MoneyPug, which is widely used to compare mobile phones, parental control apps are available on both iOS and Android, and are fairly easy to use. While giving children access to devices connected to the internet isnā€™t inherently a bad thing, without the right guidance it can be very risky. The things children see online at a young age can change their lives forever. Their security is paramount. One way you can help them stay safe is by monitoring what they are doing and seeing on the internet.

Limiting screen time is easy and will help you establish a balance between technology and other things. You can even block a device entirely and set a limit to the amount of time spent on it. Geofencing and location trackers will tell you where the device is, which is a good way to monitor your children and keep them safe.

The Future of Children Online

Children are now growing up with the internet and this is changing the way they get older and interact with the world. While parental apps are a great place to start, you should be dynamic and comprehensive. More and more laws will be introduced on the subject, but that is not necessarily a good thing. It all starts with talking to your children and doing your best to keep them safe.

There is no stopping the future, every kid will have the internet. This is why parenting needs to evolve with the times. Parental control apps can help keep them safe and away from malevolent threats. Educating your children is key. Donā€™t allow technology to substitute for your affection. It is important to spend time with your kids and communicate with them. Build a foundation of trust in your household and your kids will be more likely to come to you for help.

Kids of all ages need to be monitored online. A parental control app can help you keep track of what your kids are seeing, what they are interacting with, when they are using their devices, and provide the ability to set limits for when your kids need to stop being on screens. Take your childrenā€™s online usage into your hands and start monitoring their web time today. You wonā€™t regret it, your children will be safe and better off for it.

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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6 Ways To Keep Your Child Safe During Outdoor Winter Activities

If you live where Old Man Winter reins, then you know those months can be long and cold. Many people dream of a white Christmas , but after weeks of frigid temperatures, snow, wind and ice, it gets old fast.

Coffee ,Winter

No one wants to be trapped in the house with cabin fever, especially if you have kids. If the winter blues have you down, get out and enjoy some winter activities with your kids. Skating, skiing, sledding, snowboarding and more will let you all burn off energy and make the winter months fun, instead of a drag.

Although spending active time outside in the winter can be fun for your children, itā€™s important to take precautions. Here are six ways you can help keep your child safe while participating in fun, outdoor winter activities.

Winter Activities

  1. Safety First

Always discuss safety with your children before allowing them to participate in any outdoor winter activities, such as ice-skating, sledding, snowboarding, and skiing.

If your children are old enough to walk to the activity area, talk to them about being extra careful to stay out of the traffic flow and look both ways before crossing streets.

Winter Activities

According to a Noll personal injury lawyer: ā€œ The motorist has a duty to operate their vehicle safely in regard to other motorists and pedestrians on the roadway.ā€ Unfortunately, according to the CDC, nine people per day are killed in the U.S. due to the negligence of a distracted driver.

If your child is planning on snowboarding or sledding, make sure theyā€™re going to an area thatā€™s not too steep. Itā€™s also imperative that trees and large rocks are at a minimum, because they can be a hazards for a children speeding down the slopes.

Winter Activities

If your child is ice-skating somewhere other than an ice rink, make sure the ice is thick enough to support a skater. When in doubt, donā€™t let your child go out on the ice.

  1. Enroll in Lessons

You may need to consider lessons depending on what type of activities your child wants to participate in. For example, if your child wants to ski, some lessons would be in order. Knowing how to properly do an activity can help prevent injuries.

  1. Dress in Layers

Dressing in layers is a helpful strategy for keeping your child warm as they enjoy the great outdoors. Did you know, thereā€™s a right way and a wrong way to layer clothing? First of all, you might want to dress a very young child with one more layer of clothing than you would wear, because younger bodies donā€™t regulate temperature as well as adult bodies.

Start with a snug base layer of wool or a synthetic fabric like polyester. This base layer needs to wick moisture away so, cotton is not a good choice because it absorbs perspiration.

A middle layer is next, which will serve to insulate. Opt for wool, fleece or down. The garment should fit snug to the body, but not be restraining in any way. Finally, thereā€™s the outer layer that will protect your child from the elements, such as snow, rain and wind. A waterproof jacket thatā€™s breathable is perfect for physical activity. The jacket needs to be large enough to fit over the layers and allow plenty of movement.

4.Wear Protective Gear

In addition to layers of proper clothing, quality protective gear is vital for outdoor winter activities. Injuries, such as concussions and eye issues, can occur during winter activities. Make sure everyone has protective helmets for skiing, snowboarding and sledding, as well as goggles. Knee and elbow pads may also be helpful.

  1. Make Sure Gear Fits

While you may be tempted to let your younger child wear protective gear handed down from your older child or relative, be cautious. Children should only wear gear thatā€™s in good condition and fits properly. Improperly fitting equipment can lead to a loss of control during outdoor activities and possible injuries. Also, if the equipment or accessories are too big, they could slip off your child, leaving them unprotected.

  1. Keep Them Hydrated

In the heat of the summer, itā€™s easy to tell when you child needs to drink more water during activities, because theyā€™re usually hot and sweaty. In the winter,Ā  kids donā€™t feel as thirsty and are less likely to drink enough water.

Even though they may not sweat as they do in the summer, they may still be sweating. In colder temperatures, sweat can evaporate quickly. Kids’ bodies can lose fluids in other ways too, such as, through respiration. When the temperatures are cold enough for them to see their breath, their bodies are losing water vapor.

Encourage your children to take a water bottle and drink from it regularly during winter activities

Winter Activities

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Filed under Family Fun, Outdoor Fun, recreation

CPR: A Vital Skill For All Parents

As a parent, you will always be concerned about your children’s wellbeing and safety. Kids will be kids, and you will spend a good amount of time applying bandages to a variety of injuries like skinned knees and minor scrapes. However,Ā  what if something more serious than a skinned knee happens? Will you be prepared to react properly in an emergency situation?


In the time that it can takes for your to call 911 and wait for help to arrive, a life-threatening situation can become deadly. Parents should know what to do when accidents and injuries happen. You may not be able to prevent accidents when they happen, but you should be as prepared as possible to deal with them when they do.


With so many risks, itā€™s a good idea for at least one parent in the home to be trained in CPR and First Aid. Gain confidence in your ability to calmly handle an emergency situation and provide care if necessary. Take a look at just some of the things that can go wrong in the blink of an eye and consider that with proper training you could save a childā€™s life.

Heart Failure

There have been more and more deaths in young people due to heart issues. Many active sports players have been known to suddenly collapse on their playing fields due to their hearts stopping. Many schools have now added a portable defibrillator to deal with these kinds of incidents. If you donā€™t have one in your home, knowing CPR can help you to keep the heart pumping until emergency help can arrive.


For any parent that has a pool on their property, there is always the fear of a child getting into trouble in the water and drowning. Over 350 children under the age of 5 accidentally drown each year in the U.S. Teaching your children safe habits and strong swimming skills is vital to keeping your children safe.


When the numbers rise up on the thermometer when you have a sick child it can be very concerning for every parent. Not only are you dealing with the many symptoms of infection, your child can be at risk of Febrile Convulsions. These kinds of seizures are not generally damaging themselves, but can cause injury from falling or hitting objects around them. With proper First Aid training you can learn what to do to help your child safely through a seizure.

Heat Stroke

Kids donā€™t feel the heat of the cold the same way that adults do. You probably remember playing outdoors for hours and not even considering the weather for a moment. You kids will be no different. It is up to each parent to closely monitor their child for signs of heat stroke when you are spending time in the sun.



In any situation where your child has stopped breathing, being able to administer proper CPR and first aid procedures can be vital in saving their life. With training you will learn to deal with blockage choking as well as resuscitation techniques.


First Aid

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4 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Home More Secure

Home security is an important consideration for anyone, regardless of age, income or where they live. When you welcome a new addition to your family, those natural, protective instincts kick in, making it more important than ever. Of course, growing your family is also one of the most expensive periods of your life, not to mention one of the most chaotic. So, from a pragmatic perspective, it might not be the most sensible time to call in contractors to tear your home apart installing a state of the art home security system. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to improve home security significantly that are cheap, quick and simple.

Send out the right signs

Home Invaders and burglars are opportunists who look for easy targets. Make it clear that you donā€™t fall into that category, and they will go somewhere else. If you place signs on your gates telling the uninvited to stay out, it makes it clear that your household is aware of the possibility of intruders. Simply putting a sign up sounds almost too easy, but it is a proven and effective way to stop people trespassing on your property ā€“ all for the price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee!

Let there be light

Intruders tend to operate either while everyone is off to work or under the cover of darkness. If you are a new mom, chances are you are around most of the day, so it is the nighttime hours that are the highest risk. A security light is a must-have these days. TheĀ technology has become so inexpensive and energy-efficient that there is no reason not to. As well as illuminating anyone who approaches the property and shouldnā€™t be there, lighting also provides additional comfort and security for you, your family and any genuine visitors who approach the front door after dark.

Gravel and shingle

If you are planning on resurfacing the drive any time soon, give serious thought to gravel or shingleĀ as opposed to concrete or paving. As well as being a cost-effective option, it makes a distinctive, loud noise when anyone walks or drives on it. If your parents had this kind of driveway when you were younger and you ever tried to sneak in quietly after a late night, you will remember exactly what it is like!

Trespassers hate trellis

Trellis, the thin wooden framework that you can put above your fence or wall, looks
innocuous enough, and certainly wouldnā€™t seem like anything to bother a burglar. However, as well
as providing the perfect environment for vines and creepers to grow on, it has another
interesting feature. Trellis is so fragile that if anyone tries to climb over it, it will immediately start
snapping and quickly collapse ā€“ and it will do so very noisily.

Trying to climb over trellis is an even noisier challenge than navigating a gravel driveway.
For a few dollars, it is the perfect way to make your garden look better and at the same time,
add a simple but effective intruder alert system!

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Filed under Family, Home & Garden

Safety First: Find Out Who Has Your Number

In today’s world, you need to be extra careful with your phone. When you start receiving many calls from unknown phone numbers, it is natural to be concerned. This is even more of an issue when your children have their own phones. You want to make sure your kids are safe and not approached by strangers, even on the phone.

You may notice many different numbers calling or just one or two. If you have a pre owned phone, you might get calls from people who think you are someone else. This can make it difficult to know when to answer.

When you are teaching your kids to be safe on their phone, here are a few helpful tips for dealing with unknown phone numbers.

Donā€™t Answer

When an odd number shows up on the caller ID, it is often best to simply let the phone ring or decline the call.Ā  Have your child show you the phone number on the caller ID so you can initiate a reverse phone lookup. When a child answers the phone, they may give out information they shouldnā€™t. Not answering means they won’t get confused by a strange caller and give out personal information.

Keep It Private

Kids often put down phone numbers on school forms and social media. You should talk to your child about not giving out their phone number, except to close friends and family. If your kids are asked to fill out any papers at their school or for sports, tell them to put down a parent’s number instead.

If you have teenagers that like to be on social media, make sure they do not put any of their contact information on their accounts. They should also keep all of their settings on private. Otherwise, strangers may be able to get their phone number off of their social media pages and call your child.

Keep the Phone Close

Kids often set things down and forget where they put them. Talk to your child about keeping their phone nearby, in their bag, or in their pocket. If the phone is out where it can be seen, someone may pick it up or see theirĀ personal information. Your child is likely to have pictures on their phone that could end up in the wrong hands. Be sure to use the reverse phone lookup anytime you want to know who is calling your childā€™s phone.

There are times when you just do not feel right about a phone number that shows up on your caller ID. You can easily find out who the caller is by checking with a reverse phone number service. Strange numbers can be especially concerning when the call is going to your childā€™s phone. Talk to your children about what to do if a strange number shows up. Make sure they save the number so you can find out what is going on. Safety is key when it comes to unknown numbers.

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Top 17 Hiking Essentials

Hiking is an excellent hobby that lets you experience nature, see amazing sights, see wildlife and get a great workout. If you are setting out for a hike, you probably know the importance of a comfortable backpack and good hiking shoes. However, there are some other important items that you should pack before you go on your next hike. Below you will find my list of 17 Top Hiking Essentials that can help you survive if you have an accident, or find yourself in adverse conditions.


A flashlight, lantern or headlamp is an absolute essential. It can get very dark at night and you will need something to light your way. Headlamps are a good choice because they keep your hands free. Most headlamps have different light modes including a strobe mode that can be used to signal for help in an emergency.


You might have all the apps or GPS devices you can imagine, but you need to have a real map with you. Technology can fail and your devices can run out of power. Often, the signal strength is not good out in the mountains or remote areas, so you need to have something to rely on. Topographical maps are the best choice.


In addition to a good map,Ā  you need to have a compass you can rely on as a backup if those sophisticated GPS devices and apps fail youĀ  Compasses donā€™t need a power source or batteries, and some come equipped with a sighting mirror that can be used to flash sunlight to signal a helicopter or rescuer in an emergency. Technology is great, but donā€™t underestimate the importance of tried and true navigation devices.


Out in the elements, you need to protect yourself from the damaging UV rays of the sun. Donā€™t forget to pack the sunscreen, and remember to apply it. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is recommended. Check that the sunscreen you choose blocks UVA and UVB rays.


A good pair of sunglasses are essential. Make sure you choose a quality pair because your eyes are worth it. A key component in a quality lens is the ability to block 100% of ultraviolet light (UVA and UVB). Did you know that UVB rays have been linked to the development of cataracts? Protecting your eyes is very important for your health. Be wary of cheap sunglasses that may put your eyes at risk.

First Aid Kit

Purchasing a ready-made kit is best, because they are designed to have supplies for a variety of issues, and save you the time of building your own. There are specialized first aid kits made for hiking and camping. A well stocked first aid kit will have all types of supplies including a snake bite kit.

Power BankĀ 

High capacity power banks are perfect to pack along to use if you need to charge your phone or other devices. You may think your phone has a great battery life, but you need to prepare for the unexpected. Power banks can be life-saving if you have an emergency or encounter conditions that cause delays.

Solar Charger

A solar charger can be used to power your smartphone and other electronics if you run out of battery power and deplete additional power banks. Using a solar charger can help you call or message for help if you have a signal.Ā  Many solar chargers include a flashlight and even a compass.


A good knife and multi-tool are great to use for repairs, food prep, cutting branches or to use in emergency situations You can find all kinds of knives and multi-tools on the market. Choose one that is durable and lightweight.


When you are hiking, you need plenty of water. Hydration packs and water bottles are a good way to make sure you have a supply of clean water to drink. There are personal water filters that can be used to turn stream or other water into safe drinking water. Carrying one of these filters can give you peace of mind that you will have life-sustaining water to drink if you are stranded or run out of water.

Emergency Shelter

Even if you are not going on an overnight hike, you should still pack an emergency shelter. You may feel confident that you will not get lost or injured, but it is best to be prepared for the unexpected. Something as simple as a space blanket or lightweight tarp can protect you from wind, rain, snow or sleet while you wait for help.

Safety Whistle

A loud safety whistle should be in your gear. If you need to signal for help, this will be heard a lot farther than your voice.

Insect Repellent

Carry a spray or lotion to protect yourself from biting insects, spiders, ticks and more. Many insects such as ticks can spread deadly disease so, be sure to protect yourself with an insect repellant that works well for the area you are hiking in.


Waterproof matches stored in a waterproof container can help you build a fire. Whether you need them to start a campfire on an overnight hike, or to light a fire to keep warm or signal for help, dry matches are essential. You pack a butane lighter to use as a backup.


A Firestarter like some dry tinder, candles or special wood soaked nuggets should be kept in a waterproof bag. These items will allow you to quickly get your fire to ignite. Even household dryer lint can be used.


Don’t forget to pack extra food even on day hikes. Food items that are light but have good nutritional value are dried meats, nuts, protein bars and dried fruits.

Extra Clothing

Weather conditions can change rapidly, so pack an additional layer of clothing to protect yourself from the elements. Choose your clothing based on the season and the worst weather conditions you could face.

Hiking and camping are fun activities the whole family can enjoy. Preparing for emergencies and adverse conditions will give you peace of mind, and help keep you safe if you encounter trouble. How do you prepare for a hike? Do you have any important tips to share? I would love to read them in the comments.



Filed under Fitness, Outdoor, Travel

Tips to Help Keep Your Kids Safe on the Internet

Your Child Will Be Exposed To The Internet

There are a wide range of threats to children online. These threats come in many different forms, from cyberbullying to identity theft schemes to predators who want to meet your child offline. These threats can be daunting and difficult to fathom, but with solid awareness and a plan to keep your child protected, your child can avoid most online pitfalls.

Your child is going to be exposed to the internet. In this day and age, it is unavoidable. Your child will be online at school, or at a friendā€™s house, and you wonā€™t always be able to directly monitor them. You canā€™t prevent your child from being online, but you can instill good habits and keep tabs on their internet use in general. Here is what you need to do in order to keep your child safe when they are online.

Defining Safe Internet Use For Children

The first thing that you need to do is work to understand what safe internet use for children is. You should instill in your children that they need to keep their phone numbers, home addresses, and personal contact information offline. They shouldnā€™t talk to strangers online, and you should let your children know what types of websites are acceptable for viewing and which types of websites to avoid.

A child without direction could give away personal information to a stranger in a chatroom. If a child feels uncomfortable or that they made a mistake online, they should contact an adult they know and trust immediately. One easy way to keep you and your childā€™s personal information safe is through the use of a VPN.


Parents And Children Need To Stay Aware Online

There are new dangers popping up online each year, and parents need to know the dangers so that they can keep their children protected. There are email phishing schemes that seek to gain access to childrenā€™s personal information with a seemingly harmless email message. There are the risks of cyberbullying and pornography. Parents should stay aware of the risks and keep their children up to date on new potential threats online.


Tips For Parents

The good news for parents is that when children stay safe online, they can have a good time and learn more than if they were offline. The key is to establish rules early in the process so children know what is in bounds and what is off-limits. Make sure that your children use strong passwords and always log out of their email and social media accounts, so that they donā€™t allow access to the next person who uses their computer (such as at a school computer library).

Parents should always read the fine print on social media sites that their children join, so they are aware of the information that brands and other third parties can gain access to.

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Stay Connected with The Motorola Talkabout 2 Way Radio Sets #Giveaway

Do you love staying active with your family? I know we do, we love traveling, hiking, biking and setting off on adventures together. We also want to make sure that we take precautions to keep everyone safe.

That means proper helmets for biking, the right type of hiking shoes, water bottles to keep us all hydrated, safe sunscreen and more. When thinking about safety gear, we cannot dismiss the need for a way to keep us all connected and to receive important weather alerts.

That is why we love our Motorola Talkabout T260 two-way radios. We have the three radio set, but they also have a two radio set. The set has everything we need, it comes complete with belt clips, NiMH rechargeable batteries, Y cable charging adaptor with dual micro-USB connectors to charge 2 radios and a single micro-USB connector to charge a single radio.

I like that I can walk around the lake we live on which is over one mile around, and at any point check in with my husband or family at home. The connection is clear as a bell and that says a lot because we live in the mountains and get sketchy cell service.Ā  Having a radio with a clear connection makes me and my husband feel better when I am out walking alone.

Our kids love using them too! They can communicate from the dock or boat up to the house or use them when they are playing around our property to contact each other. They are easy to operate, lightweight, compact and durable. The radios have essential features like NOAA weather channel and alerts as well as iVOX/VOX hands-free communication making it easy to stay in touch no matter your location or situation.

They cover a long-range of up to 25 miles which really makes me happy. If we were ever separated on a hiking or cycling trip, the long-range gives me the peace of mind that I would be able to contact a member of our family.

You can check out our unboxing and review video below:


Know the Weather In Advance
Keep updated with real-time weather conditions by turning on one of 11 weather channels or initiating weather alerts. NOAA radio service may not be available in all areas. Check with your local weather office for frequency and details, or visit www.weather.gov/nwr (Canada: www.msc.ec.gc.ca/msb/weatheradio).

Be Hands-free
With iVOX/VOX acting like a speakerphone and allowing hands-free communication, you can keep on moving without stopping to answer a call.

22 Channels Each with 121 Privacy Codes
With 22 channels and 121 privacy codes, totaling 2,662 combinations, itā€™s easy to find an available channel.

Compatible with Any Radio
You can communicate with other FRS/GMRS radios regardless of brand by being on the same channel and privacy code.

Power Through Your Adventures
There are two ways to power your Talkabout T260 radio: use the included NiMH rechargeable batteries for up to 12 hours or use 3 AA batteries for up to 29 hours. To recharge the NiMH batteries, choose from one of three ways: connect it to your vehicle adaptor or your computer, or plug the micro-USB cable into an outlet.

20 Call Tones
A call tone is what people calling you can hear instead of the normal default ring. It grabs the attention of your family and friends before you start speaking.

Eco Smart
Most of the energy wasted when using a mobile device occurs during the charge. This radio consumes less power during its idle condition.

Quickly Find a Channel
Use the scanning feature to see which channels are currently in use.

Low Battery Alert
Low battery alert reminds you when batteries are running low.

Keypad Lock
The keypad lock prevents your personalized settings from being inadvertently changed.

T260 Packaging Includes:

ā€¢Ā 2 radios
ā€¢Ā 2 belt clips
ā€¢Ā 2 NiMH rechargeable batteries
ā€¢Ā 1 Y cable adaptor with dual micro-USB connectors
ā€¢Ā 1 user guide

Holiday Gift Guide Pick

Mommy Ramblings thinks that the twin or triple pack of the T-260 Motorola Talkabout make a great gifts for those active people and families on your holiday gift list. We have added the T-260 Talkabout to Mommy Ramblings’ 2017 Holiday Gift Guide. The twin pack has a MSRP of $64.99 and the triple pack has a MSRP of $89.99. Right now these sets are on sale on Amazon! You can pick up the 2 pack for just $41,22 and the 3 pack for only $69.99.Ā  Hurry though, Amazon prices change quickly, so you never know how long they will last.Ā 

You can stay in the loop with Motorola Solutions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.Ā 



Motorola Solutions is sponsoring a giveaway on Mommy Ramblings. One lucky blog reader will win a Motorola Talkabout T-260 Twin Pack! Thank you to Motorola Solutions for the review T-260 Triple Pack and for sponsoring this amazing giveaway on Mommy Ramblings! Open to US residents.

Motorola Talkabout T-260 Twin Pack 2-Way Radio Set Giveaway on Mommy Ramblings Rules:

Enter for your chance to win using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good Luck!!!

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Parental Control Apps To Track Your Kidsā€™ Locations & More

If you are the parent of a teenager, you probably want to know where they go when they are not at home. You may have heard of physical GPS tracking devices that are commonly used, but why go through the trouble and expense of buying that equipment when you can get the information you want using mobile Apps? Apps like Kidgy.com give parents the control they want to monitor their kids and make sure they are safe.Ā Using the Kidgy App, parents can easily track their child using GPS through their smartphone.



Life360 is available for iPhone and Android devices and keeps millions of families and close friends connected, no matter what chaos life throws their way. Organize your family, friends, caregivers and more easily with circles. Add favorite locations like school, work, home and more and receive alerts when circle members arrive at or depart from them. Message the entire circle at once or privately, eliminating the need for endless texts and calls.

Life360ā€™s free version allows you to set up 2 places and keeps location history for 2 days. The PLUS version gives users full access and maintains location history for 30 days. The cost of Life360 PLUS is just $24.99 a year.

My Family GPS tracker

My Family is another good family tracking App. Unlike Life360, My Family is available for Windows and Amazon powered devices in addition to android and iOS devices. This App has premium features like the ability to save location history for up to 3 years. My Family also allows parents to make force calls to their kids that cannot be ignored. While this may seem intrusive, sometimes parents need to be, when it comes to the safety of their kids.

My Family also has an emergency button that notifies parents if their child comes across some type of trouble or leaves or enters a certain location. The user interface for My Family is user-friendly, so operating the App is simple. Best of all, My Family is free to use for android, iOS, amazon and windows users.

ZoeMob Family Locator

Finally, ZoeMob Family Locator is another useful App for keeping track of your kidsā€™ location. Think of it as a family assistant because it is more than just a family locator. With additional features like calendars, shared lists, built-in messengers and more, it helps you to keep everyone connected.

Despite all the add-ons, this App is simple to use to keep track of your family members, set driving speed limits, program it to receive notifications for certain locations and so much more. The free version of ZoeMob is available for both android and iOS and can be accessed through the product website.

This is a sponsored guest post that does not necessarily reflect the views or ideals of Mommy Ramblings.

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