Tag Archives: Money

Teaching Your Children About the Relationship Between Time and Money

Sadly, we’re rarely taught in schools about money. Sure, we learn about Pythagoras Theorem but when was the last time that was useful in real life? Never, right?! Your children face the same dilemma with confusing messages about what money is and how it relates to time. It’s up to you as a parent to fill in the blanks for them, so they get a more well-rounded education. Here are some ideas on how to teach your children the connection between time and money.

Preschoolers and Kindergartners

You might think the little ones don’t notice how you spend money and what you do with it, but they do. In fact, many habits around money are created when only a few years old. As we know, kids model their parents’ behavior, so parents must set a good example.

Use a Mason Jar for Savings

While a piggy bank is more traditional, a mason jar is better because a preschooler or kindergartner can see the money inside. A small amount of savings can go a long way by slowly filling up the jar and having them see how much is in there.

Work = Money

Even a young son or daughter can begin to understand the importance of money. That mommy or daddy go out to work to earn money is something they can begin to understand. Their teacher at school makes money when teaching them too.

Things Cost Money

Showing how different items in the store cost different amounts is helpful. Even connecting which candies are tastier but cost more is a useful concept to share.


Middle School

Middle school students begin to see and touch money more often. However, that doesn’t mean that they understand how time equals money. That’s especially true when parents just hand them an allowance without having to do anything to earn it.

Pay vs Free Allowance

Kids shouldn’t be given a free allowance. This sets the stage for money being something they can just expect for free.

There’s plenty of age-appropriate chores around the house that middle schoolers are perfectly capable of doing, no matter how much they might moan about it. This might include tidying up their room and putting their toys away when they’re younger. Mowing the lawn when older and being supervised for safety reasons is another one. Dealing with the trash also makes clear that not every chore is necessarily pleasant, but rewards come from putting in the time.

Get Them Involved with Finding Bargains

Turn family food shopping into a game. Start with a budget for the week and let them plan out what should be purchased. Depending on their maturity and knowledge about what ingredients are needed for different meals, it might be necessary to create several meal plans with a list of ingredients, so they have a place to start.

They can then be allowed to choose between different meal ideas depending on the deals in the store that day. Offer them a financial incentive when they save money, as long as the meals are nutritious and sufficient for everyone in the household. Then have them save half of the money for a medium-term goal like buying a smartphone or a tablet.



With teenagers, aim for the bigger things to make an impact and let them feel more in control.

Free Samples

Teenagers love to get things for free but often don’t appreciate the time it takes to secure them. It’s true that many free samples require a time investment. And that’s perfectly okay. Most bargain hunting or coupon cutting takes time out of the day too.

Advise Against Student Loans

Teach teenagers to work part-time to make money to save for college. They’ll have an early financial goal to work towards and value the education far more. If they can get a scholarship, great, but don’t let them rely on that. Tell them that taking out student loans isn’t the answer because of all the hours of future work to repay the loans.

As long as children make a clear connection between time spent and money earned, they’ll be in a better position when they become adults. This connection avoids them spending frivolously without realizing the consequences down the line.

Student Loans

This is a collaborative guest post. The thoughts and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Life Stages, parenting

Your Guide To Evaluating Credit Card Offers

There are some critical questions to pose before accepting one of the credit card offers
likely to appear in your mailbox this month. Sandwiched between the incredible interest
rates and outrageous cardholder rewards there are some rather stark realities.

Evaluating credit card offers is about a whole lot more than going with whoever dangles
the most delectable looking carrot. There can be pretty sharp sticks hiding in there too.
Here’s what you need to consider to understand what’s really going on.

credit card offers

Your Spending Habits

Why do you feel you need a credit card? What will you be using it to do? Is it to serve as
a safety blanket for emergency situations, or will you use it for routine buys? Do you
plan to use it primarily when traveling?

Different offers serve these scenarios in different ways

Travel perks might dictate your choice in one circumstance, where deferred interest
might make more sense in another situation. The only way to determine which offer will
serve you best in these regards is to take a good look at your spending habits before you
agree to accept a card.

Associated Costs

Does the card have an annual fee? How much is it? Will the perks that come with having
the card outweigh the annual fee? What’s the annual percentage rate? What happens if
you don’t pay the balance in full each month? What happens if you do?

If you’re using the card heavily, you’ll rack up a lot more rewards than if you use the
card infrequently. If that rewards card has an annual fee, it might not be worth it. If
you’re just starting out and all you can get is a secured card, can you afford to have it?
How do they want you to come up with the security cash? Will complying deplete your

Credit card offers

The Devil in the Details

Every offer looks better than the next—until you comb through the six-point type on the
back of the application. That’s where you’ll learn that deferred interest they’re touting
so heavily applies only to your first purchase with the card.

What does the interest rate go up to when that zero percent deal expires? How much
are they going to charge for late payments or cash advances. What happens if all you
can make is the minimum payment?

Speaking of which, should you ever find yourself in a situation in which you cannot
afford the minimum payments on your obligations, you’ll do well to avail yourself of the 2 services of a company like Freedom Debt Relief. They can help you develop a plan to get your finances back on track.

Interest Rates

Your Credit Score

This can be a significant factor when it comes to determining the nature of the deal you
can get from a credit card issuer. While you might be getting all sorts of mouth-watering
offers from card companies, if you look closely, they always say something like “On
approved credit.” Or, “These deals are reserved for those with excellent credit.”

This doesn’t mean they won’t issue a card. Instead you’ll get a deal far less appealing
than the advertised offer. If you don’t review the details, you might be surprised to
learn the card you actually got carries a 30-percent APR instead of the zero percent you
were expecting. You can check your credit report free of charge once each year at AnnualCreditReport.com.

These are four of the primary factors you should bear in mind when you’re evaluating
credit card offers. Always take your time and read over every word of the proposition
very carefully before you submit an application. You should then read everything again
when the card arrives—before you use it—to be sure the deal you signed is the one
you’re getting. For more on this subject visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
site at ConsumerFinance.Gov.

Credit Card

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and vision do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Top Technologies Helping Ecommerce to Evolve

We have seen more advances in ecommerce over the past ten years, than at any previous period in the history of the industry. Underpinning these gains; are massive leaps in technology and its applications. Let’s take a look at some of the more dynamic technologies helping ecommerce to evolve.

Mobile Computing

There was a time, not so long ago, when the vast majority of personal computing took place on desktop machines such as IBM’s PC and Apple’s Macintosh. While both devices still hold considerable sway, handheld computers such Android-based smartphones as well as iPhones and iPads have surpassed their static predecessors for functions such as email and ecommerce transactions.

When you fold the rise of social media into the equation, retailers now have the ability to entice shoppers with deals and close the sale all on the same device—regardless of where the shopper might be physically, or what they’re doing. In fact, more and more people are whiling away what used to be idle moments shopping online.

ecommerce business

Augmented and Virtual Reality

According to Forbes.com, these two advances are redefining the online shopping experience.

Forbes Council member Alexandro Pando says, “The advent of virtual and augmented reality technologies has provisioned e-commerce vendors with an avenue to display their wares in immersive detail, comparable to the real-life experience.”

He cites the debut of virtual reality options on eBay and website themes provider Shopify as examples of this. Shopify now offers “Thread Store”, its personalized virtual reality application, while eBay has created a full-featured virtual reality store.

These advances give shoppers the ability to “use” products before making purchases. This has the potential to improve customer satisfaction considerably. In turn, this will minimize returns—one of the most expensive aspects of running an ecommerce business.

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Chatbots have revolutionized customer support. Given how many customer concerns tend to be manifestations of the same issues, customer service automation is just a logical thing to do, but that’s just the beginning.

According to the digital customer communications firm Acquire, examples of artificial intelligence automation tools range from customer service applications to voice-powered assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Home and Amazon’s Echo.

The company’s research found some 40 percent of millennials are already using voice search for online shopping. This bodes well for the future of this technology in ecommerce.

What’s more, in addition to customer service, Acquire says applications for chatbots include ordering food, scheduling flights, booking hotel rooms, checking luggage at airports, and getting recommendations regarding anything you can think of.

Meanwhile, machine-learning technologies have enabled retailers to provide highly personalized shopping experiences, wherein customers can be guided directly to merchandise with specific appeal for them. This too has led to massive gains in customer satisfaction, as well as increased purchases.

Automated Fulfillment

If ecommerce can be said to have an Achilles Heel, it’s the wait customers must endure between the time they make a purchase and receive their merchandise. This is a significant issue in our instant gratification society.

To counter this, amazing advances in automation have taken place, which in turn have fostered the viability of the largest fulfillment centers ever created. Robotics, self-driving trucks and drones are among the approaches the world’s largest retailer is taking to minimize the interval between payment and delivery.

Even a cursory glance inside one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers leaves minds blown at the degree of automation on display. And remarkably, these developments are in their nascent stages.

With these technologies helping ecommerce to evolve, the business model has grown by leaps and bounds since the first legal internet purchase was made back in August of 1994. Seeing how far things have come makes anticipating the future even more exciting.

This is a collaborative guest post. The words and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Business, Financial, Life

5 Practical Ways to Save in the New Year

With the new year just around the corner, you might find yourself thinking about resolutions. Is financial freedom part of those resolutions? If so, having a well-defined savings plan is one of the surest ways for you to reach your short or long-term financial goals.

Even with the best intentions, saving money is not as easy as it sounds. How many times have unexpected expenses popped up and depleted your savings?  Having a solid savings plan and sticking to it, will enable you to realize your goals effortlessly. Here are some expert tips to help you create a savings plan for the new year.

Set Your Goals

It is hard to succeed without a goal. Knowing your destination before embarking on a journey helps you avoid distractions and arrive on time. This is also the case with saving. The first and major step towards saving is knowing what you are saving for.

Maybe it’s the latest TV, tropical vacation or that gourmet kitchen you have been dreaming about. Perhaps you need to save for retirement or your child’s college education. Clearly stating these goals, will give you the vision and motivation to save.

When defining your goals, it’s possible to end up with a long list of things you want to save for. No worries, just go over the list and prioritize them. The best way to do this, is to categorize them according to their urgency. Then, separate long-term goals from short-term goals. When this is done, it will be easy to know what to start saving for first.

Set the Amount and Deadline for Your Goals

You already know what you are saving for, but that’s not all you need to get started.  If you are not sure of the cost of your goal or fail to set a timeline, you may be setting yourself up to fail.

Imagine saving money for your dream vacation only to find out you underestimated the cost. What a huge disappointment that would be to learn you now have to wait months or more longer.

Eliminate any unpleasant surprises by finding out what your goal will cost right after you set it. Having this information will enable you to come up with a specific amount of money that needs to be deposited in your savings account weekly or monthly to reach your goal.

For example, let’s say you want to purchase a car that cost $23,000 by the end of the year. If you want to save monthly, you would need to save about $1,917 per month for the next 12 months to reach your goal and get your car. Knowing the cost of your goals and setting a deadline helps you plan and save more efficiently.

Evaluate Your Current Financial Position

You can’t save what you don’t have. Doing a through analysis of your income and expenses will give you a clear picture of what you are able to save each month. If you have a substantial amount of money left after you pay your necessary expenses, saving will be almost effortless. However, if you are living paycheck to paycheck, saving will be almost impossible.

Make Changes 

If you find yourself discouraged due to the fact, you have little to no surplus money to save, there are some things you can try.

  • Reduce the cost of your target goal; take the car for example, you will need to find a different vehicle , one that will fit your budget.
  • Extend the deadline of your goal; if you are set on that car,  you will have to extend your deadline. If you increase your timeline to 2 years, the amount you need to set aside each month, is cut in half.
  • Change your spending habits; do away with unnecessary expenses.

 Have an Emergency Fund

You never know when an urgent and unavoidable financial need might arise. Setting aside some money to deal with such issues will help you stick to your savings plan.

Sometimes when people are faced with emergency financial needs, they prefer to dip into their savings rather than take out a loan. They will argue that loans from high interest short-term companies like lend up, net credit , cash net USA or  nation21loans.com  will result in more expenses, unlike the savings. When this becomes routine every time an emergency arises, it ends up depleting their savings and forces them to abandon their savings plan.

To avoid this pitfall, try setting aside some funds that are to be used specifically for financial emergencies, so you can stay on track with saving for your goal.

Automate Your Savings Deposits 

It is unlikely for you to spend what you do not have in hand. “Pay yourself first” is an idiom that you might have heard before. It means that you should deposit money in your savings before you spend it on anything else. However, you might find it is harder to do when you have that money in your hand.

A great solution is to set up direct deposit of funds into your savings account. When you do this, you put your savings plan on auto pilot and ensure you stay on track to reach your goal.


The tips above will let you create a SMART new year’s savings plan (Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Timely).

  • Specific: You have set a goal and know what you are saving towards.
  • Measurable: You have determined and know how much your goal will cost
  • Attainable/Realistic: An evaluation of your current financial status confirms you can save for the goal.
  • Timely: You have set a deadline for your goal.

With a solid savings plan, you are on your way to achieving your financial goals and attaining financial freedom.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views and ideas do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Financial, Life, Resources

How to create your financial plan with less stress

When you hear the words financial planner, do you wince a little? If you do, you are not alone. I wince too and so do most of us. The negative feelings and dread most of us feel when thinking about meeting with a financial planner usually stem from a past negative experience or uncertainty about what to expect. Are we saving enough? Do we have a plan for retirement that is sufficient? Are we investing wisely? Are we totally off track and headed down the wrong road? All these questions and more run through our minds. For most, facing them and finding out the answer can be terrifying. That fear causes many to go through life without a clear financial plan and ironically, that is what we should be more afraid of.

financial planning stressing you out wm

Maybe you have met with a financial adviser and when they started talking it started sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher, “Wah,wah wah, wah wah” and you totally tuned out. I totally know that feeling. There are so many things most financial planners throw at you and so many decisions they want you to make that you end up feeling so frustrated and decide to take some more time to decide what to do.

Having a simple, clear plan can give you so much confidence. How do we get there? I discovered a very different financial planning service, one that understands why most dread meeting with a financial planner more than getting a root canal.  SUM180 makes financial planning simple, affordable and even fun for everyone, wherever they may be on their financial journey.

The process with SUM180 was so different from anything I expected. With my full life, being able to input my information at my own pace and receiving my financial plan online in a PDF was amazing! Their site is very easy to navigate and entering my information was simple. I had my latest tax return handy and it did not take long to input my information. In a short time I received an email that my plan was ready.  I did not have to become a financial expert or have degree in finance to understand it, everything was clear and easy to understand. Their 3 step approach is simple and does not make me feel overwhelmed. All I need to do is focus on the three most important steps at a time and that makes me feel empowered.

SUM180 is a subscription based, affordable financial planning service and if my circumstances change at any time during my subscription year, I can create a new plan for free! I have to tell you that having a clear, easy to understand plan in place makes me feel so much better. I feel much more in control and not like I am winging things. Before I did this, I was so uncertain, always wondering if I was making the right financial choices. With my financial plan, I have the confidence and clarity to see exactly what I need to concentrate on to reach my financial goals.

I am most surprised at how easy and painless the whole process was. If you are putting off meeting with a financial planner for the same reasons I was, try SUM180, get the tools you need without the overwhelming financial jargon you don’t. SUM180 has a special, limited time promotion where you can save 50% off the current product price when you use the code SPRING50.

I would love to know what you think if you try their services. Please just leave me a comment letting me know.


This post has been sponsored by SUM180. I was provided with product at no charge to sample in exchange for my review. The options expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with SUM180 and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.

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Filed under Family, Financial, Life, Life Stages, Resources, Review

How You Can Save Big On The Things You Need To Buy!


I’m a savvy shopper, it makes me happy when I can buy what I want for less. It is almost like a game to me.  I always check for extra discounts, promo codes and coupons before I make purchases.  Love technology and how I can pull up in store coupons right on my phone or order from a mobile device with codes I find online.

Saving money is always welcome in our budget. With a big family, anywhere I can save helps. I was really excited when I heard about Frugga.  Frugga.com is an online coupon search engine on steroids!  Searching for the latest promo codes is a breeze because Frugga works with thousands of online stores to get the best deals.  Besides being a one-stop coupon/promo code site, Frugga has an online community where you can interact with other savvy shoppers and vote on deals and coupons and how well they work.  Based on the votes, Frugga can rank deals and coupons based on popularity.

Hate finding out of date coupons and promo codes?  No worries with Frugga, their site is updated throughout the day, they have staff working round the clock to find the latest deals and remove expired ones.  With Frugga you will have more chances to get that awesome feeling of saving big on your purchases!

Frugga offers even more in their marketplace.  Working with manufacturers and suppliers to bring you the hottest products in fashion, electronics, toys, pets, computers, automotive, travel, home decor and more at huge savings!









Would you like even more rewards?  I thought you would. Frugga Social Rewards can be earned when you share content and you can earn points and win $10, $20 and $50 gift cards!


Add great customer service found at Frugga and you are on your way to saving more than you ever dreamed.  So what are you waiting for, check Frugga out now and join the community for savings that will help you save big on your budget.  Please let me know what you think and if you took advantage of any of the awesome deals!


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Pet Peeves!!!


Okay, I thought it would be fun to talk about our Pet Peeves today.  It is funny to think that some of the things that make us bonkers, other people don’t even notice.  So let’s play a game of: I’ll tell you some of my top Pet Peeves, and you tell me yours.  I am a little bit of a germophobe, so I am sure some of my pet peeves have to do with that personality trait of mine.  Okay here we go, I am going to list 5 of my top pet peeves below.

1. Bag Lickers

It seems no matter what checkout lane I choose, 8 out of 10 cashiers are bag lickers.  If you do not know what I am talking about, let me explain.  If you are like me and have lots of reusable shopping bags but always seem to be without them in the store, then you have probably encountered a bag licker or two.  Maybe, you have never even noticed and I am on the opposite end because I am hyper aware.  So since plastic grocery bags tend to stick together, it is sometimes difficult for cashiers to open them to bag your items.  So while I have seen some that keep a moist paper towel to wet their fingers, most just stick their fingers in their mouth to wet them and then take their saliva covered fingers to open you plastic bag and handle all the items going in that bag.  This grosses me out to no end and I wish I had the courage to tell them exactly what I am thinking; “Why don’t you just lick all my food before I bring it home? Don’t you realize what is on your hands?  You are handling money, didn’t your mother ever tell you that money is the dirtiest thing in the world?  Do you know where some of that money has been?”  I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.  So I do appreciate self checkout when they have them and appreciate those cashiers that use moist towels to wet their finger tips.

2. Finger Lickers

No, I don’t mean Kentucky Fried Chicken lovers, I mean have you ever shown someone a magazine article or circular ad and they take your magazine and start turning pages and for some reason they need to lick their fingers to turn the pages.  It is at that point, I tell them just to keep the magazine and read it at their leisure.  I mean really, I asked you to look at something, not lick it.  I have issues here people and I don’t put my saliva all over my reading materials and I certainly don’t want anyone elses.  Probably why I no longer read the magazines in doctor’s offices or hospitals, anywhere for that matter.  One of the best things about my iPad 2 is that I have my own saliva free reading material wherever I go.

3. Money Lips:

Well, referring back to pet peeve one,  I was raised instilled with the fact that money, was the dirtiest thing in the world.  I just cannot handle when I see people put money in their mouth, to hold it while they do something.  Literally if I see that, I am dry heaving.  Along those lines are people who count their money and lick their fingers which I have seen by people and bank tellers everywhere. Yuck!!!  As I would tell my little ones, “Dirty, Caca, Yuck!!!”

4. Tissue Holders:

No not the ones in your bathroom that hold your toilet tissue, but those people who walk around with tissues in their hand.  Now I have nothing against the fact that they are carrying a tissue, but my peeve is that it is often these tissue holders that always want to touch you and shake your hand with the hand holding the tissue.  I am not big on shaking hands without tissues but please don’t touch me or my baby with a tissue in your hand.  Along these lines, I also cringe when a person that you see touching, wiping their nose and lips with their hands then immediately reaches out to shake your hand.  That’s okay lets just bow like the Japanese to show respect.

5. Serving Utensil Snubbers:

You know when you are having a big dinner with family and or friends and the food is  served family style on the table, and then someone goes for a second helping, and even though the serving utensil is in the bowl or plate, they stick their fork in to serve themselves.  I know if one of my brothers is reading this, he is laughing with me, because this is a pet peeve of both of ours and one of the offending people is one of our other 2 brothers.  Even my kids are aware of Uncle Blank and his less than hygienic table manners.  It is often after these people dig around in the serving bowl with their utensil, that they enjoy telling you how sick they have been.

6. Double Dippers:

The reason I don’t eat dips at parties is due to the double dipper.  When I entertain and if I am serving something like a platter of shrimp with cocktail sauce I will often serve the cocktail sauce with individual sauce cups so everyone can have their own and dip as much as they want.

7. Aisle Hogs:

You know those people in the grocery store or any store with carts, that walk in the middle of the aisle and have no idea they are not the only ones in the store.  Even worse they like to stop turn their cart just enough so it is across the aisle and zone out looking across the aisle at the condiments.  Some are pleasant when you have to mutter, “excuse me” but others look at you as though you should just wait or turn around.  Along these lines are people on the escalator who just stand there when it gets to the top or bottom after they step off.  Not a good idea.

Okay, so I went a couple over the top 5 that I told you I would share, but I couldn’t help myself, and it felt good to get that all out.  I know it’s my germophobiness (my own word) that make the first 6 bother me so much.  So now that I have let you in on mine, please feel free to tell me yours. 




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