Tag Archives: Groundhog Day

Staten Island Chuck or Punxsutawney Phil? Who Should I Believe? #GroundhogDay

It’s Groundhog Day! Living in New York but close to the boarder of PA, it’s hard to know which groundhog to trust.  Do I listen to Staten Island Chuck or Punxsutawney Phil?

This morning Staten Island Chuck, in a new Plexiglas enclosure made his prediction. Chuck said we would have an early spring. I want to take the word of  Chuck, really I do, but I saw some shadows under him on the video replay.  The prediction of early spring is a bit ironic on the day of the first major blizzard we have seen this year.

staten Island Chuck


It is snowing like crazy outside right now, so Chuck’s prediction was very welcome, not sure how realistic though.  However, I decided to embrace Chuck’s prediction.  That was until Punxsutawney Phil had to see his shadow and predict 6 more weeks of winter.  I should share that old Phil has quite a track record of calling for more winter, he has predicted more winter 102 times and early spring a measly 17 times.  Chuck has a track record of being right for the last 5 years.

punxstawney phil groundhog

So while I want desperately to believe Chuck, that negative Nelly Phil is probably right.  On a side note the new enclosure for Chuck was thought to be a safer alternative given what happened last year when Mayor de Blasio dropped Charlotte (the unlucky Chuck stand in), several feet.  Poor Charlotte died a week later of internal injuries, however the Staten Island Zoo has not officially declared that it was a result of the fall.  Come on now, we all know that Mayor de Blasio has Charlotte’s blood all over his hands.  Speaking of hands, back in 2009 Chuck bit then Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the hand.

Not to throw any more puns in but back to the question at hand. Who do I believe, fellow New Yorker Chuck or my friend in Pennsylvania Phil?  Phil or Chuck, Chuck or Phil?  I think I will go with Phil and hope to be pleasantly surprised to learn that Chuck was right.  I just can’t get those shadows I saw under Chuck out of my mind.

What do you think?  Let me know who you think is right.


Filed under Humor, Life, Main Page Post, Mommy Ramblings

Groundhog Day!!!

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow!!!  I am so happy that he did not see that groundhog shadow.  I am doubly happy because Staten Island Chuck did not see his shadow either.  We will have an early spring!!!  Did the groundhogs in your neck of the woods see their shadows?   I hope not, hoping for an early spring.  I feel that is what we are going to have when we get out from under the new snow and ice we got pelted with the last 2 days.  Spring is right around the corner people!  Rejoice with me!!!


Mayor and groundhog 2011 Chuck

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