Tag Archives: Family

Fur You Only: 7 Reasons Why It Is Good to Raise Kids With Pet

Black and Tan Long Coat Dog

So your kids have been asking for a pet as a gift. As their parent, you’re uncertain whether they’re up for a commitment as big as taking care of a kitten or a puppy. The problem is, their sweet faces are too adorable to resist! How about shifting your focus on the benefits you’ll enjoy once your family starts raising children with pets around?

Your child asking for a pet is more than just wishing for a hot new toy. They see animals, big or small, as a potential best friend, a companion they can cuddle when you’re too busy doing chores. It also helps them have a positive emotional development as they grow up. Discover more of the reasons why it’s beneficial for children to grow up with pets below:

Pets Teach Kids Responsibility and Empathy

When taking care of an animal in the house, it is normal for them to become dependent on the human they trust the most. Usually that person would be your child. After spending time with each other, your child can’t help but predict the needs of their pets. They would even worry if they notice their rabbit, dog, or cat looks sad.

All these activities will slowly teach your kids the value and beauty of responsibility and empathy. For example, your child has been worrying about your golden retriever scratching nonstop for several days already. They will then start looking for options with you, such as browsing through websites like the Aristopet website for a remedy.

Free stock photo of adult, architecture, boy

Pets Help Improve Language Skills Among Children

You might not believe it, but child development and relationships with animals are interconnected. So, if you want to enrich your kid’s language skills, having a pet for them to talk to all the time comfortably can help. Animals are so much more than a simple animated toy; they can even be emotional support for your child to rely on when growing up.

Pets Decrease the Risk of Asthma and Allergies

Some studies prove exposure to animals has decreased the chances of allergic rhinitis among 7 to 9-year olds and asthma among 12 to 13-year olds. Most children who have had pets growing up also had negative skin tests for outdoor (grass and ragweed) and indoor (dust and pet-mite) allergens.

All these reasons may help you to take the plunge into pet ownership. Whatever you decide, be a responsible pet owner and make sure the pet you choose fits your lifestyle.

Woman in Yellow Sweater While Reading a Book


Pets Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

Hiking with your adventurous cat or taking your dog for a walk helps encourage your kids to go outside and be more active. In this situation the world has now, children are forced to spend most of their time in online classes, making their physical activities more limited.

But when you allow your child  to take care of a pet, they can enjoy all health-related benefits of an active outdoor lifestyle. Just by playing fetch with their dogs, children can get at least 5 hours of physical activity. That’s a big number, considering this remote set-up.

Group of trekkers with dog resting on mountain top

Pets Make Relationship Among Family Members Grow Stronger

Animals around your house help relationships among family members grow much stronger. As you spend more time with your pets, they tend to become the focus of all your activities, allowing you to have common things to talk about together.

For example, you can drive as a family to have your cat checked in a veterinary clinic. Or, your kids can share responsibilities with feeding, grooming, or playing with the dog. This leads to siblings going along, making them happier and comfortable. Pets can even distract your children from fighting or shouting at each other.

Pets Can Reduce Loneliness and Boredom

Most kids are often easily bored, which leads them to feel lonelier at the house. Pets are a great companion for kids of all ages. They can play together, snuggle up on the couch, or sleep beside each other. Besides, children often talk to their pets differently as they do with grown-ups.

With imagination as creative as children have, they imagine their cats or dogs talking back to them, making them less lonely, especially now that they don’t get to see other kids their age. At least, having an animal around the house allows them to have a reliable friend to hang out with.

Pets Increase Your Family’s Sense of Security

Pets, especially dogs, can help increase your family’s sense of security as they can easily scare off burglars or trespassers just as much as alarm systems. Animals like birds and cats are also sensitive to strange sounds, so they can alert you whenever there’s trouble around the area.


Apart from the treasured moments and memories, animals can give your kids, they can also help in improving their emotional development and physical health. If you’re still hesitant about getting a pet for your child, this can be your sign to adopt or go to the nearest pet store to grab your kid’s dream puppy or kitten.

Short-coat Brown Dog Lying on Snow


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Most Important Health Areas For Developing Children

It’s no secret that the early childhood stage is a critical period for a person’s development. During that time, it’s your job as a parent to ensure they have everything they need to grow into a healthy person. Unfortunately, focusing on one health area won’t be enough. It’s not enough to feed them good food and take care of their nutrition.

There are many other important health areas for developing children, and knowing these can help parents focus their limited time and energy on the things that matter most. On that note, here’s a closer look at the most important health areas for developing children:

  • Dental Health

One of the most common diseases among children in many countries is cavities. If left untreated, it can cause a great deal of pain to your kids, and may even result in infections. In the worst-case scenario, these infections may lead to problems with their daily routine, such as eating, playing, and speaking. That’s one of the reasons why oral health is considered a window to a person’s overall health. Thus, it’s important to deal with your children’s dental health as early as possible.

You can do so by simply encouraging them to brush their teeth at least twice a day. But if they’re already in their late childhood and they haven’t practiced proper brushing up until now, it might be worth taking them to a dentist for a thorough checkup.

Furthermore, if their dental health requires treatments, you might want to consider sending them to a Pediatric Laser Dentistry practitioner for some quick fix.

  • Proper Hygiene

Hygiene is important to everyone. However, maintaining proper hygiene is especially necessary for children, and there are many reasons why. For starters, children have fewer antibodies than adults. Since their immune system is a bit weaker, proper hygiene practices such as hand washing and bathing can go a long way in preventing diseases. These can help ward off harmful microorganisms like germs and bacteria. Much like dental health, there are several things you can do to help your kids practice proper hygiene, such as:

  • Help them shower every day
  • Encourage your children to wash their hands before and after meals and even snacks
  • Always prepare clean clothes for your kids
  • Teach them to turn away when they or someone else is coughing or sneezing
  • Healthy Habits

As simple as they may be, daily habits can make the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy person. While your children are still young, it’s important to teach them the importance of healthy habits. Here are some examples:

  • Avoid spending too much time staring at the screen of electronic devices
  • Take a break every once in a while
  • Drink plenty of water

They might not seem as important as dental health or hygiene, but these little things can go a long way in improving your children’s health as they can prevent potential minor diseases.

  • Immunization

Immunization is the simple process of applying vaccines to children. For obvious reasons, this process is a very important health area for your developing kids, especially since immunization can prevent common diseases among children, such as:

  • Strep throat
  • Pink eye
  • Flu
  • Chickenpox

 Moreover, immunization not only prevents diseases but also improves your children’s well-being. If you think about it, most vaccines are free, but if your children suffer from diseases due to being unvaccinated, that would cost you a lot of money.

Immunization is not just important for your children, it’s also a crucial step to eradicating certain diseases. In fact, many diseases have now been eliminated or are already rare because of immunization programs. This broader perspective should give you another motivation to have your kids immunized. Beyond decreasing your children’s susceptibility to diseases, you’re also helping improve public health.

  • Physical Activity

Children also need physical activity to maintain their cardiovascular system’s health. Engaging in physical activity may also increase their white blood cells, which help eliminate viral infections. However, encouraging kids to exercise on their own isn’t very effective.

If you want to take care of this particular health area, you should consider scheduling family workout sessions. Exercising as a group tends to be more effective at encouraging children to do physical activities. Examples of family exercises you can do with your kids include:

  • Bike riding
  • Sports
  • Hiking
  • Camping

As active as your kids are, their bodies still have their limits. So, while physical activity is indeed important, remember to allow appropriate time for rest. Also, pairing up exercise with healthy eating—yet another important health area for developing children—will yield the best results for their overall health.

  • Healthy Eating

Healthy eating involves the consumption of all nutrients your child needs, be it from fruits, vegetables, meat, or even supplements if they can’t absorb nutrients properly. For your reference, here’s a list of nine of the most important nutrients for children:

  1. Proteins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fats
  4. Iron
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Fiber
  8. Vitamin C
  9. Vitamin A

It’s also worth noting that breakfast is the most important meal, so don’t forget to go all out on your kids’ breakfast. As a matter of fact, a study by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) shows that children who regularly have breakfast have a better academic performance than those who don’t.

Furthermore, remember that kids often become a bit of a glutton after school, so you might want to consider preparing snacks for them when they get home. Take note that there are a few foods that you need to avoid as they may do more harm than good, especially to your children’s teeth.

Final Words

As a parent, it brings you joy to see your kids grow up as you wanted them to. But it’s inevitable to face some challenges along the way. Seeing your children get sick is one of the most difficult experiences for parents. Focusing on the most important health areas of developing children will help you prevent most minor illnesses and other health issues in the future. On that note, this guide should help you figure out which health areas to prioritize for your developing kids.

Girl, Child, Children, Toddler, Youth, Summer, Play

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How to Budget and Plan for a Major Home Renovation

House Signs

A home renovation is one of the more stressful ordeals you can go through in your life, even if you’ve done it before. It’s uncomfortable while it lasts, it can get messy if you don’t pay attention, and last but definitely not least, it can hit your bank account hard. Planning ahead can mitigate all of those factors, especially the last one – and it’s a good idea to take the time to sit down and come up with a proper plan of action if you don’t want to get caught up in a complicated situation.

Start Early

A major home renovation is not something you can plan a few days ahead of the job. This should go without saying – and yet you’d be surprised how many people put very little thought and planning into their own renovation jobs. As a result, they end up paying significantly more. There are many factors that play into this. Purchasing supplies and materials early can allow you to scout out good discounts and hundreds of deals for them. Contractors have their own schedules and contacting someone for a short-notice job is going to be more expensive. You can plan around the seasonal weather changes as well. In the end, giving yourself at least a few months – ideally half a year – before you start with the actual work is going to be very beneficial.

Extending Your Budget

After you’ve drawn the bottom line, you might come to the unpleasant realization that your budget is not actually enough to cover everything you want to do. Taking out a loan is perfectly reasonable in this situation. Just make sure that you know how you’re going to repay it, and how it will impact your budget. As long as you have a good credit score, it should be possible to get a nice extra stretch on your available funds without having to go through any uncomfortable periods later on.

Why the DIY Approach Can Be More Expensive

A big mistake you can make is to think that you’re just going to roll up your sleeves and get the job done yourself. Or at least parts of it. The problem with this is that while it may indeed save you some money in the short-term, it will very likely increase the overall cost of your project in other, unexpected ways. You will have to spend much more time on each part of the job compared to the average contractor, and you’ll also make more mistakes than them, costing you even more time and materials. Spare yourself the trouble and leave the complicated tasks in the hands of professionals.

Going Green Can Be a Money-Saver in the Long Run

As long as you’re renovating your home, now might be a good time to think about changing your approach to a greener one. This can cost a bit more in the immediate term, sure, but its impact on your budget can be significant in the long run. With a home that’s insulated better and at least partly self-sustaining in terms of energy and heating, you’ll knock off a large percentage from many of your bills. You’ll be better prepared for tomorrow too, as many of these things will likely become beneficial factors for your tax return sooner or later.

It doesn’t have to cost a great deal of money to renovate your home, at least if you give yourself enough time for the job and know what caveats to expect along the way. All things considered, it’s very likely to go smoother than you’re anticipating, and will probably not even cost you that much.

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Filed under Home & Garden, Home Improvement, Life

7 Tips for Getting into the Dynamic of Sleep as a Family

It’s easy to get plenty of rest when you’re a single individual, but the family dynamic can present some real challenges that might make it more difficult to stick to a preset sleep schedule. Everyone seems to have their own interests, hobbies, and habits that influence what time they wake up and fall asleep. If left unstructured, the sleep schedule can become quite erratic and inconsistent in a household with multiple people. Luckily, with a few simple measures and a bit of discipline, you can get everyone back on a good sleep schedule and prevent the increasingly common problem of family sleep deprivation in your home. With that said, here are seven tips you can use to get into the dynamic of sleep as a family:

1. Address Sleeping Disorders First

First and foremost, if any members of the family have sleeping problems such as apnea, insomnia, or circadian rhythm disorders, it’s imperative that you address those problems before doing anything else. Likewise, if anyone snores or does loud mouth breathing at night, this could be affecting not only their own quality of sleep but also that of their spouse or other family members. Mouth breathing is a common problem for people who use CPAP machines to treat obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP mouth breathing tape is one easy solution that you can use to train yourself away from breathing loudly through your mouth while sleeping.

2. Set a Bed Time and Wake Up Time and Stick to It

Consistency is key when it comes to promoting solid sleeping habits as a family. If you’re letting the kids fall asleep at odd hours and not enforcing any kind of sleeping schedule, it’s going to be difficult to ensure everyone is getting a good 8 hours of sleep per night. As a result, you’ll have people sleeping in late, staying up late, missing breakfast, and feeling drowsy in the day time. All of this can be avoided by simply having a set bed time and wake up time that everyone in the house must adhere to. Generally speaking, this should be no later than 10-11 PM to allow for 8 hours of sleep time before 6-7 AM.

3. Soak Up the Morning Sun

You might be wondering why the aforementioned hours were recommended for sleep and wake times. Well, studies have shown that rising at about the same time as the sun and being exposed to morning sun rays increases the production of serotonin and other sleep-related biochemicals. The sun also has an energizing effect that will help you stay awake throughout the day, which means you’ll be tired enough to fall asleep easily at bed time.

4. Eat Foods That Improve Sleep Quality

Certain foods can enhance the quality of your sleep when eaten within two hours of bedtime. However, try not to overindulge, as eating too many calories before bed can lead to weight gain. Sleep-enhancing foods include kiwis, cherries, fish, turkey, almonds, walnuts, and chamomile tea.

5. Don’t Take Naps Close to Bedtime

Many people find themselves feeling tired during mid-day or in the afternoon. If you feel drowsy early in the day, then take a short nap, but don’t wait until the afternoon or evening . Napping within 6 hours of bedtime will make it much more difficult to fall asleep.

6. No TVs or Devices After Bedtime

As a family rule, you should forbid the use of any electronic devices or toys after the set bedtime. While it might seem like leaving the TV on is an okay exception, a completely silent and dark room (with the exception of a gentle night light) will always be most conducive to sleep, which brings us to our next point.

7. Create an Environment That is Conducive to Sleep

Doing all of the above will set the tone for your family’s sleeping schedule and habits, but you still need to make sure the bedrooms are ideal sleeping environments throughout the night. This includes equipping beds with highly comfortable bedding and maybe having some very gentle music playing throughout the night.


Sleep is One of the Most Important Factors for Health and Growth

As a family, the top priority should be making sure the children are given everything they need to thrive and grow strong. While it can be easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that fancy toys, designer clothes, junk food, and video game systems are what your kid needs to be happy, in reality what they really need is love, food and water, shelter, guidance, protection, and good sleep. Remember that the body grows and heals during sleep, more so than at any other time of the day.


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Tips For Planning a Great Family Road Trip

It’s no surprise that traditional road trips are the most popular type of vacation  families take in the United States. According to Travel Agent Central, almost 80 percent of the families who took a vacation in 2016 chose a road trip instead of another type of vacation. Road trips are cost-effective, and they give families the freedom to stop when and where they like, for as long as they like. In this age of rising airline baggage fees, driving also allows families the choice to pack more of what they need and pick up souvenirs along the way.

Traveling together in the car is also a great way for families to bond with one another. This is especially important these days, when many families struggle to maintain a healthy work/life balance and often have a hard time managing to have dinner together more than one or two nights a week. Read on for some helpful ideas you can use to plan your next family vacation on the road.

Think About Renting a Trailer or RV

If you will be traveling for a week or more, you may want to think about renting a trailer or RV if you don’t have one of your own. The benefits of traveling in a trailer or RV are several, particularly if you have small children who get impatient after long hours on the road. Traveling with an RV or trailer will make it possible for you to stay at campgrounds along the way, which can save you money on places to stay. You will also be able to cook your own meals, which is another potential money saver, as eating out can often burn up more than half of a family’s vacation budget. Cooking your own food can also give your family healthier options for meals than what you’ll find in many restaurants, and all RV manufacturers find extremely clever ways to create storage space inside your vehicle to store plenty of vittles for the road.

If you opt to rent an RV or trailer, make sure to rent from a reputable dealer. If you are lucky enough to have your own and don’t need to rent one, make sure you have the proper insurance, roadside assistance coverage and a Good Sam RV warranty in case something goes wrong on the road.

Think About the Places You’ll Stop at Ahead of Time

One of the fun things about a family road trip is planning it. Once you know where you’re going, find out what attractions are along your route. Maybe there’s a hiking spot you’ve always wanted to try, or an amusement park where you can all enjoy a fun afternoon. Don’t forget to look for interesting museums along the way, too.

Knowing what you’d like to see before your trip starts will help give your vacation some organization, as well as give everyone some things they can look forward to seeing. But remember that often the best things about a road trip are the unexpected adventures. Advanced planning doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make unplanned stops along the way.

Have a Plan For Where You Will Stay

The last thing you want is to arrive at a hotel or campground after a day of driving to discover that there are no accommodations available. Whether you’ll be camping or staying at hotels or in rental homes, it’s smart to make reservations for the places you’ll be staying ahead of time.

Do Some Research Ahead of Time

It is always worth it to find out about the destinations you will be going to before you arrive. Doing this will help you and your family get more out of your road trip. If you will be visiting a wildlife reservation, for instance, you may want to look up what types of animals and plants can be found there or find out about scenic areas your family might want to see. If you will be going to an urban area, find out what the best attractions are and see about purchasing tickets in advance. You might also consider making reservations for tours ahead of time so you will be sure to get the bookings you want.

Know What to Do if Something Goes Wrong

Nobody likes to think about getting hurt or sick on vacation, but it sometimes happens. Pack a first-aid kit that includes things like cold medicine, bandages, and an over the counter pain reliever. If you will be traveling to different country or to another state, be sure to contact your health insurance carrier before your trip to ask if you will be covered. If not, you might want to consider purchasing a travel insurance policy that includes health coverage.

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Three Great Decorating Styles to Spruce Up Your Home This Christmas

The air is getting colder. The leaves have all fallen. Stores are starting to advertise upcoming sales, and all the signs are clear: Christmas will soon be here!


Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but it is true that another holly jolly season will soon be upon us, and I bet you’re already planning ahead for what you’ve got to do.

There’s obviously gift lists to assemble, you’re calling your mom to figure out who’s hosting the Christmas dinner (“Oh! I am?”), and, bless you, you’re probably stressing over how you’re going to decorate this year.

Christmas Decor

Every proud homemaker knows that having a theme at Christmas is essential for transforming a house into a home. It’s not that you’re being vain or anything, but you know that having a house that feels warm, welcoming, and, dare I say jolly, are key to helping enhance the joy of being reunited with your friends and family during this special time.

Christmas Stockings

With that being said, it can be a pain. It takes time, and it can be tough to keep things fresh and interesting, trying to come up with a new, engaging theme, year after year. To help you out this season, and take some of that burden off your shoulders, I’ve put together a few ideas that you can use to really spruce up your house for all of your guests, whether you’re hosting or not (“Yes. You are.”).

Classical Style

Classic Christmas themes work extremely well because they’re, well, tradition! These are the common color and design staples that leave your guests with no doubt that you treasure the season, and look forward to it every year. It may not be revolutionary, but it’s effective, and when the goal is to relax with those closest to you, and focus on quality time with each other, sometimes that’s exactly what you need.

Classic Christmas

To capture the perfect classical look, stick with shades of dark greens and bright reds, as well as gold and silver. Common design elements include Christmas trees, reindeer, Santa’s sleigh, and turtle doves. Sticking with naturals decor items, like a real Christmas tree, and a pine need centerpiece, is also a great way to accentuate this style.

Traditional Style

Traditional style during the holidays is all about keeping the same sense of warmth and comfort that you find in classical style, but eschewing a lot of dynamism in favor of a more subtle impression. To that end, the reds, greens, and other colors that make up the classic Christmas palette remain, but are presented in subtler ways.

Traditional Christmas

To start with, you don’t have to go overboard with Santa statues, reindeer napkins, nativity bookends, and all other manner of Christmas staples. Instead, you can do simple things, like swap out the throws or pillows on your couch for some dark greens and reds, or incorporate a subdued, but elegant rug to introduce just a hint of the Christmas spirit into your living space.


If you’re someone who’s never been one to just go along with the crowd, or forced yourself to keep up with the latest trends, good for you! It takes a lot of courage to live your life that way, and you can use that same philosophy to decorate your home for the season, and leave quite the impression with your guests.

Merry Christmas

You can use colors and designs that mean something unique about Christmas to you, and incorporate them into your decorations. Maybe one Christmas your family took a trip to the beach, and you have a seashell that represents that trip; or maybe you the most cherished gift you ever received was a pair of socks your mom knit for you, and you use them as the centerpiece of your table.

The possibilities are endless with this approach, and the more unique to you, the better!

Christmas Fireplace

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Helpful Tips For Working Mothers on Balancing Work and Family Life

In today’s day and age, a two income family is not just a choice, but a necessity in many cases. With so many women in the corporate workforce full-time, we must address the issue of trying to balance work and family life. Some days we can find ourselves questioning if we truly can achieve a healthy balance. If you are stressed out and looking for help, the tips below may help restore some sanity to your hectic life.

Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate

Managing your home includes many different tasks. Keeping your home clean and organized should not fall solely on your shoulders. Every member of the household should be sharing in that responsibility. If you have divided up the household chores, but still feel like you are having to hound others to stay on task, it can really make things stressful.

You might want to make use of professional home cleaning services or hiring a housekeeper on a weekly basis. Another helpful option is to consider renting a storage vault if you need a place to store your off-season decorations and other things you don’t currently need at home. The less stuff you have around, the easier it will be to organize what’s left. You will be amazed at how much more efficiently things will run with all that extra space. 

Delegating responsibilities to others will give you more time to do the things that matter, like spending quality time with your family and friends.

Make Preparations

If you don’t want to be rushing to work in the morning, get in the habit of making sure everyone lays out their clothing the night before. Prepare lunches at night too, and plan your meals for the week so, you can shop more effectively. Electric pressure cookers let you cook delicious meals that used to take hours in about 30 minutes. Create a family message center so that everyone is aware of upcoming events, school meetings and activities. 

Create A Family Message Center

Create a family message center with a calendar, cork board and white erase board or chalkboard. This will help keep important dates of events, appointments, school meetings and activities where everyone can see them. Enter dates in your smart phone or planner. Knowing what is coming up will help you from being caught off guard and missing important events or appointments. Don’t forget to schedule in some family fun time!

Celebrate Your Child

Sometimes it simply isn’t possible for us to be physically present at our child’s special event. While it is upsetting to have to miss your child’s concert or soccer game, sometimes there is no other choice. If you do have to miss an important event, show your child you love them and wish you could be there with a special note or little gift. While it is not a substitute for you being there, it will let them know how much you love them and how you wish you were there. You might be surprised at how much emotional support your child can gain from a small note. 

Make Use of Technology

If you have to be away on business or are working late, you can record a video of yourself singing or reading a favorite bedtime story for your kids to watch. A phone call to catch up or even a Facetime video can really help you stay connected. Make use of the technology at your fingertips. Something as simple as hearing your voice can be so comforting to your child. 

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Planning Your Thanksgiving Day Dinner

For many families, Thanksgiving is a time when everyone comes together to enjoy delicious food, drinks and each other’s company. If you are the one hosting this year’s holiday dinner, it is imperative that you plan ahead when creating your Thanksgiving Day menu. Deciding what foods and drinks to serve for the holiday can be a challenge. However, with some good planning you can make it as stress-free as possible.

From Thanksgiving cocktails to delicious food all served in a great atmosphere, there is much to decide for your event. This is why doing some advanced planning is so crucial. Whether your guest list is for an intimate few, or includes numerous family members and friends, ironing out the details ahead of time, will ensure your dinner runs smoothly.

Key Things You Need To Decide

Once you know that you will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner, it is time to start planning. The first thing you need to do, is plan the menu. If your gathering is small, you can serve everything at the table family style. However, if you have a large guest list, a buffet style dinner is a better choice. Buffet style meals make it easy for you as the host, because everyone can help themselves, and you can keep all the food in one place.

Find out ahead of time if any of your guests have special dietary needs or restrictions. If you have guests that are vegan or vegetarians, you will want to make sure you have dishes prepared that they can eat.

When it comes to the drinks, you should make sure you have a good selection for everyone. In terms of cocktails for your dinner, spend some time online researching a variety of cocktail recipes. This will let you know what type of  alcohol and drink mixes you need to purchase.

Also, remember not everyone drinks alcohol,  so purchase a selection of fruit juice, seltzer and soda, This will allow you to whip up some virgin cocktails for those guests who are underage or don’t drink alcohol.  In addition, make sure you have a good supply of wine and beer on hand, so you can cater to all tastes.

If you decide to have a sit down dinner for Thanksgiving, make sure your table is decked out for the occasion.. Having any kind of dinner party requires an eye for detail when it comes to the table décor. Use a good, high-quality table-cloth to protect your table and add a colorful backdrop.

Coordinating napkins and little touches of the season help to make the table look inviting and warm. Set the table ahead of time with your best dishes, crystal and cutlery. Crown your table with a fall themed centerpiece and candles.

If you follow this advice, you will see that planning ahead will let you host a Thanksgiving dinner that will be enjoyed by all, including the stress-free host.

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Filed under Entertaining, Holiday, Home & Garden

4 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Home More Secure

Home security is an important consideration for anyone, regardless of age, income or where they live. When you welcome a new addition to your family, those natural, protective instincts kick in, making it more important than ever. Of course, growing your family is also one of the most expensive periods of your life, not to mention one of the most chaotic. So, from a pragmatic perspective, it might not be the most sensible time to call in contractors to tear your home apart installing a state of the art home security system. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to improve home security significantly that are cheap, quick and simple.

Send out the right signs

Home Invaders and burglars are opportunists who look for easy targets. Make it clear that you don’t fall into that category, and they will go somewhere else. If you place signs on your gates telling the uninvited to stay out, it makes it clear that your household is aware of the possibility of intruders. Simply putting a sign up sounds almost too easy, but it is a proven and effective way to stop people trespassing on your property – all for the price of a sandwich and a cup of coffee!

Let there be light

Intruders tend to operate either while everyone is off to work or under the cover of darkness. If you are a new mom, chances are you are around most of the day, so it is the nighttime hours that are the highest risk. A security light is a must-have these days. The technology has become so inexpensive and energy-efficient that there is no reason not to. As well as illuminating anyone who approaches the property and shouldn’t be there, lighting also provides additional comfort and security for you, your family and any genuine visitors who approach the front door after dark.

Gravel and shingle

If you are planning on resurfacing the drive any time soon, give serious thought to gravel or shingle as opposed to concrete or paving. As well as being a cost-effective option, it makes a distinctive, loud noise when anyone walks or drives on it. If your parents had this kind of driveway when you were younger and you ever tried to sneak in quietly after a late night, you will remember exactly what it is like!

Trespassers hate trellis

Trellis, the thin wooden framework that you can put above your fence or wall, looks
innocuous enough, and certainly wouldn’t seem like anything to bother a burglar. However, as well
as providing the perfect environment for vines and creepers to grow on, it has another
interesting feature. Trellis is so fragile that if anyone tries to climb over it, it will immediately start
snapping and quickly collapse – and it will do so very noisily.

Trying to climb over trellis is an even noisier challenge than navigating a gravel driveway.
For a few dollars, it is the perfect way to make your garden look better and at the same time,
add a simple but effective intruder alert system!

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideals and views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Family, Home & Garden

Why Pattaya is the Ultimate Destination For International Travel With Kids

Traveling alone or with another adult is very different to traveling with kids. It is simple just to pack for yourself and hit the road. Beyond that, traveling by yourself is much less expensive than traveling with a family. Since Traveling solo is less expensive it will allow you to travel to more pricey destinations, such as exotic islands.

Traveling to new places is so rich in experiences that no one should have to be deprived of it. However, when kids come along, the thought of traveling is something many parents dread, thanks to the stress, expense and time management issues.

Many parents have to forget about traveling once they have kids, especially embarking on international trips. If they really need a break, they might take turns going on a solo adventure. While this may give mom or dad some relaxing time to unwind, it does not provide for the family to take a trip and build those precious memories.  Kids benefit from traveling as much as adults, it not only rejuvenates them mentally, but also offers them a great learning experience.

If you are a parent, who is reluctant to travel with toddlers or young kids, start by choosing kid-friendly destinations that are not overly expensive. Next, make sure your kids sleep well and eat on time,  so you are not dealing with cranky kids on your trip. Packing a small backpack for each child with snacks and small toys or games is a great idea. If you are not used to traveling internationally with toddlers and are on a tight budget, you should consider Pattaya, Thailand for your next family vacation. Find out below why Pattaya is an excellent choice for families looking to take an international vacation.

Easy to Access

It is no secret that Thailand is one of the cheapest holiday destinations for a country that offers pristine, exotic beaches along with an abundance of nature and entertainment options. However, most families with kids get turned off because the more famous islands require additional flights or overnight road travel.

Fortunately, Pattaya is a mere 3-hour drive from the capital, and families will easily be able to find buses and cabs from the airport. It is recommended that instead of using public transportation, you rent a car from the airport and drive on your own. This way you will be able to travel at your own pace, and your kids can easily rest in the back seat.

Budget Friendly

While it is already well-known that Thailand is one of the most pocket-friendly destinations, not everyone knows Pattaya is the cheapest destination within the country. Pattaya’s location near the capital eliminates the need for additional flights which saves you money right off the bat.

Accommodations are extremely economical. You can find a room at a 5-star beach resort such as the Hilton for about $250, and even less during certain times of the year.  There are also much cheaper three-star, four-star and Airbnb options available to suit every budget and family’s needs.

Attractions for Everyone

Pattaya has a lot to offer for everyone in the family, and your kids are not going to get bored. Let your kids  play in the sand and surf at the lively Pattaya beach while you chill out on one of the lounge chairs or enjoy the water sports.

If you want to experience a more scenic and exotic beach, take a trip to the famous Coral Islands. You can apply online for many more kid-friendly Pattaya tours such as the Cartoon Network water park, Safari World to experience the wild up, close and personal and a beautiful elephant sanctuary.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.

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Filed under Family, Travel