Category Archives: Resources

4 Reasons to Get Your Boiler Serviced Annually

winter cold day

Being a property owner, your job is more than just making your home look pretty. There are a lot of other things that every homeowner should consider. Boiler servicing is one of those necessary things that is often overlooked. Most people do not get their boilers checked and serviced regularly. It is the reason why they have to replace it after a few years or get it repaired by paying a significant amount of money. This can be avoided only if you book your boiler maintenance service. Here are a few reasons for you to service your boiler annually.


Find Problems Sooner than Later

It is easy to forget that you do not only use your boiler during the cold winter days but every day for your hot water. Due to this, your boiler can run into issues that you don’t even notice which leads to repairs or sometimes, even replacement of the system. Contrary to this, with annual service, you are making sure that you are identifying internal faults and addressing them before it’s too late. Getting boiler service once a year will confirm that your system is working correctly and help you to save money on unexpected breakdowns and any future repairs.

Ensure Efficiency

Some boiler parts can wear out faster than others, during winter, your boiler is forced to work hard. You know all too well the high bills you receive during the winter months. If you are looking to save on those ever-increasing energy bills, then it is essential to make sure all the parts are working at peak efficiency. An expert will ensure that your boiler is working as efficiently as possible and not consuming extra energy. This will help save on energy bills while also decreasing your home’s carbon footprint.

Keep Your Boiler Warranty Valid

Most common boiler warranties and guarantees require yearly service to keep your warranty valid. If you are not getting annual service, then it can void your warranty or guarantee. In fact, most home and business insurance companies include regular service for boilers in their policies so that the boiler is safe to use. It is essential to know that a regular boiler service will meet the requirements of your policy,

Check with your insurance company about what they provide.  Another great option is to get boiler coverage. Find out more about insurance by visiting the Corgi HomePlan website.

Coffee ,Winter

Your Boiler Will Run Safely

Annual boiler service not only makes sure that your home boiler is running efficiently but also certifies that it is working safely. A faulty boiler can be very unsafe, mainly if a gas leak occurs. Every year,  thousands of people die from carbon monoxide poisoning due to broken and damaged boilers. Carbon monoxide, which is also known as the silent killer, is a gas that causes headaches, collapsing, nausea, dizziness, breathlessness, and a loss of consciousness. Therefore, to make sure that you and your family remain safe, you must have your boiler checked regularly. Annual service will let you know if you need to get your boiler repaired and will give you peace of mind.

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Homeowner Tips for Pest Prevention in the Winter

As winter approaches,  it’s time to consider the best way to prevent pests from getting into your home. Although the process of keeping pests out can be tedious, it is infinitely better than having to deal with pests in your home.

The good news is that pest prevention is easier than you think.

Contact A Professional

If you want to simply hand the reins over to someone else, call a local pest control expert and get them to come and check your home. However, while they will remove any pest infestation that already exists, they will usually only advise on the best preventative methods.

The best approach is simply to speak to them about the most likely pests you’ll be dealing with and how they recommend protecting your home.

You can then take the necessary steps, which will include the following:

Sealing Up Gaps

A mouse can get through a gap as small as a ¼ inch, ants, termites, and other pests don’t even need a gap that big!

You need to carefully inspect the outside of your home and seal any gaps. Pay particular attention to around the windows, doors, and the base of your walls.

If there is no entry point the pests won’t be able to get in.

snowy  road in winter

Edge Around Your Home

Termites can bury through the earth at the side of your home and into your foundations in order to get to the wood and start eating it. You’ll know they are active if you have small tunnels in the soil. If you fill them in they will reappear within 24-48 hours.

The most effective way of eliminating this issue is to have a concrete strip around your home, preferably at least 6” wide.

Check For Moisture

Pests need moisture and food to survive. You can eliminate these by looking around your home, inside and out, and eliminating any moisture.

Gutters collect moisture, leaking pipes allow moisture to soak into the wood and walls, and even pet drinking bowls can be an encouragement to pests.

Check your home for any water stains and trace the source of the issue. Eliminating these won’t just help to keep pests out, it can also protect your home.


Pests need somewhere to live, that’s why they’re contemplating your house for winter. But, prior winter they may have been living in a woodpile in the garden or some other item that hasn’t been moved for a long time.

If you eliminate clutter inside and outside your home you’ll reduce the places where pests can live, making it harder for them to stay uninvited.

You’ll also find that the value of your home will go up and it’s a nicer place to live.


Start Cleaning

A pest needs food and this is most likely to be found in the form of crumbs and other food waste that you’ve left lying around.

You need to get in the habit of cleaning your house, putting food away in sealed containers, and keeping all waste in a sealed bin. Combine this with regular vacuuming and the pests won’t have any food, they’re likely to move onto a different house.

Don’t forget your local pest control service is here to help you eliminate the entry points and attraction of your home to pests. With their support, you can enjoy a pest-free winter!

This is a collaborative post, the ideas and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.





Filed under Family, Home & Garden, Resources

How to Save Money on a Bathroom Renovation

A lіmіtеd rеnоvаtіоn budget dоеѕ nоt mеаn уоu аrе ѕtuсk living with a bathroom frоm thе ѕеvеntіеѕ. Thе еxсеllеnt nеwѕ аbоut іnvеѕting  іn bathroom rеmоdеlіng, іѕ thаt it increases the value of your home. If you plan to sell or flip your house, you can really profit from that renovation provided you dоn’t go over budget.  Whіlе going over budget is not a smart іnvеѕtmеnt, lеаvіng your outdated bаthrооm as is certainly won’t hеlр the resale value of your home. Yоu саn gіvе уоur bаthrооm a nеw lооk, аnd ѕаvе уоur bаnk ассоunt bу сhооѕіng есоnоmісаl cosmetic upgrades аnd kееріng thеѕе rеnоvаtіоn іdеаѕ іn mіnd.

Onе ѕtер аt a time

Getting some good advice when planning will help ensure thаt уоur сhоісеѕ fit уоur оvеrаll budgеt аnd  hеlр уоu achieve a соhеѕіvе ѕtуlе when remolding your bаthrооm. Mаnу hоmе rennovators аrе hampered bу аn аll оr nоthіng аррrоасh tо bаthrооm rеmоdеlіng. However, уоu dоn’t hаvе tо dо аn еxреnѕіvе mаkеоvеr tо еnjоу thе bеnеfіtѕ оf аn updated bаthrооm. Planning уоur соmрlеtе bathroom renovations in Melbourne, but tасklіng оnlу оnе оr twо рrоjесtѕ аt a time, requires patience. While it may take time,  ultіmаtеlу you will have the rеmоdеlеd bаthrооm уоu were dreaming about with a mіnіmаl impact оn уоur fіnаnсеѕ.

Fеаturеѕ wіth еnеrgу-еffісіеnt uрgrаdеѕ

Mаnу cities, ѕtаtеѕ, аnd utilities оffеr dіѕсоuntѕ, сrеdіtѕ, оr оthеr incentives tо replace toilets, faucets, оr ѕhоwеrѕ wіth lоw-flоw mоdеlѕ thаt ѕаvе wаtеr. Leveraging іnсеntіvеѕ offered thrоugh energy соnѕеrvаtіоn programs саn hеlр уоu stay wіthіn уоur remodeling budgеt. Not only will you save on your renovations, you will have the bonus of reduced utility bills each month.

Thе Puzzle Uрdаtе оr Rерlасе

Mаnу bathroom rеmоdеlіng рrоjесtѕ hаvе оnе орtіоn: upgrade оr rерlасе? Yоu саn іnvеѕt іn nеw vanity саbіnеtѕ оr раіnt your existing ones. Alternatively, уоu саn соmрrоmіѕе аnd replace оnlу thе саbіnеt fасеѕ. Bаthtubѕ аnd соuntеrtорѕ саn bе rерlасеd оr refaced tо lооk аnd funсtіоn аѕ nеw. Evеn оld раrtѕ саn bе rеfurbіѕhеd instead оf replaced. Don’t assume thаt уоu nееd tо replace еvеrуthіng іn уоur bаthrооm tо gеt thе look уоu wаnt. Wіth ѕоmе research, careful prioritization, аnd оf course, patience, уоu саn give your bathroom a ѕtуlіѕh upgrade fоr a frасtіоn оf thе соѕt оf nеw materials.

Hіrіng Prоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ fоr thе Rіght Jobs

If уоu аrе rеlаtіvеlу handy,  a grеаt wау tо ѕаvе money іѕ tо dо ѕоmе work yourself аnd hire a professional fоr thоѕе jobs outside уоur ѕkіll ѕеt. Mаkіng аn hоnеѕt аѕѕеѕѕmеnt оf уоur сараbіlіtіеѕ аnd time аvаіlаbіlіtу іѕ сrіtісаl tо thіѕ decision. Rushing or not doing the work correctly саn dо mоrе hаrm thаn gооd tо your hоmе. Whеn hіrіng a соntrасtоr fоr сеrtаіn areas of your renovation project, іt іѕ uѕuаllу rесоmmеndеd tо gеt аt lеаѕt thrее quotes tо fіnd a fair рrісе for thе jоb.

It іѕ оftеn ѕаіd thаt home renovations аlwауѕ соѕt mоrе аnd tаkе lоngеr thаn еxресtеd. It is best to start with realistic gоаlѕ аnd expectations fоr уоur remodeling timeline and budget. Ideally you should set aside a соntіngеnсу fund fоr unеxресtеd еxреnѕеѕ should they arise.  Following these tips can help you with that beautiful bathroom renovation in Melbourne and bring you that state of the art style you long for.

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas and views do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.


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The Worst 6 Foods For Your Teeth


Emergency Dental Care

Do you know that tooth decay leading to cavities is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world? The World Health Organization noted in their 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study that oral diseases like cavities affected almost half of the world’s population.

Moreover, when it comes to global incidence, cavities rank as the most prevalent of all conditions evaluated. In fact, the agency estimated that 2.4 billion individuals have developed tooth decay or cavities of their permanent teeth, while some 486 million children have developed cavities/tooth decay of the primary teeth. That’s a pretty sobering finding to be sure, considering that cavities lead not only to constant bouts of toothaches, but also to tooth damage and loss, as well as other serious oral conditions like periodontal disease, which attacks the gums.

The fact that cavities are so common also means that they’re quite easy to acquire. Chances are, you’ve already had them more than once in the past. However, it’s also quite easy to protect yourself against dental caries. Simply brush your teeth after every meal, floss every day, visit your dentist in Anaheim or in your local area every six months, and limit your intake of food items that make you prone to cavities. In this short guide, we’ll fill you in on some of the foods you need to careful of if you want to avoid developing tooth decay and cavities.


Bread may be a quintessential lunch staple, especially when it comes to making scrumptious sandwiches, but eating bread can also lead to cavities if you’re not careful. That is because bread is made mainly of starchy white flour, a simple carbohydrate that can easily break down into simple sugars—the favorite food of plaque bacteria. As you chew bread, it turns into a gummy paste that can then get stuck in all the nooks and crannies of your teeth, creating an ideal environment for the growth of plaque bacteria that synthesize acidic by-products. Over many months, these substances can wear away the enamel of your teeth, eventually creating the telltale holes that characterize dental cavities. If you really can’t stop eating bread, stick to the whole wheat variety, and be sure to brush and floss after every meal.

Chewy sour-flavored candies

Everybody loves candy, but even as kids, we are taught that too much could give us cavities. However, there’s one type of candy in particular that really increases the chances of tooth decay, and that’s the chewy, sour-flavored sort. This type of candy contains the kind of acids that can really have a corrosive effect on your teeth enamel. The fact that they’re chewy also results in them sticking in the corners, sides, and gaps between your teeth, making them harder to brush off. All this can eventually result in a bad case of tooth decay.

Soda pop or carbonated drinks

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional glass of soda pop or carbonated drink, but you should know that sugary, fizzy drinks are also among the biggest culprits of tooth decay. This is because the ingredients in many types of soda encourage the bacteria in plaque to produce more acidic substances. As you may know, these acidic by-products are strong enough to slowly eat away at the enamel of your teeth, thus causing cavities eventually.  To prevent this, skip sodas entirely or clean your teeth right away after enjoying the occasional glass of your favorite soft drink.

Potato chips

There’s nothing like snacking on potato chips. Not only are they tasty, but they also give you a delightfully satisfying crunch that just makes you reach for more. Unfortunately, they’re also known to cause tooth decay due to their starch content, which breaks down into simple sugars when exposed to saliva. Then, as with the pasty material that results from chewing bread, this sugary substance can stick to the crannies and gaps between the teeth, enabling plaque bacteria to feed on them and cause cavities to form in the long run.

Dried fruits

Dried fruit products may seem like a very healthy snack. While they do have many of the same vitamins and minerals that their fresh counterparts do, that doesn’t change the fact that they’re processed and still loaded with sugar. The drying process also makes dried fruit chewy and sticky, and just like many types of candies, once it’s chewed up, it’s likely to stick in the small spaces between your teeth, creating an ideal environment for plaque bacteria to proliferate in.


Finally, if you’ve got a habit of chewing the ice that usually comes along with your chilled drinks, you might want to stop doing that. While it’s true that ice doesn’t have any sugar in it, it is a hard enough that regularly chewing it can cause your teeth to chip, crack, break, or loosen. Chewing ice when you already have cavities may also cause your teeth to split where the cavities are.

Protect your smile by preventing cavities

Cavities may seem like a normal part of growing up, but you shouldn’t have to deal with the pain, the tooth damage, and the gum disease that they usually come as a package. By brushing your teeth, flossing regularly, visiting your dentist twice a year, and avoiding the above-listed foods, you can enjoy a life free of dental cavities.

This is a guest post by Dr. Douglas Kim of First Dental Care, a trusted dentist in Anaheim and surrounding areas. Dr. Kim believes that good oral health starts at home, that’s why he is committed to teaching parents on how to properly care for their kids’ teeth in between office visits. Outside of the office, Dr. Kim enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and their 2 adorable sons.

dental visit

This is a collaborative guest post that may or may not reflect the ideas or views of Mommy Ramblings.

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Choose the Right Washing Machine For Your Family

Washing mасhіnеѕ hаvе соmе a lоng wау аnd аrе аn essential раrt оf a wеll-funсtіоnіng hоmе. Whеn thеrе іѕ a рrоblеm wіth thе wаѕhіng machine, thе сhаоѕ оf thе lаundrу happens. Choose thе rіght wаѕhіng mасhіnе, knowing thе pros аnd cons оf еасh tуре, аnd whаt fеаturеѕ аrе еѕѕеntіаl fоr уоur family.

Tор Lоаd Washers

Tор lоаdеrѕ wеrе thе standard wаѕhеr fоr a lоng tіmе, аnd mаnу реорlе ѕtіll uѕе thеm. Thеу hаvе a dооr thаt ореnѕ аt thе tор fоr loading, аnd a stirrer іѕ іn thе mіddlе оf thе tank. Thіѕ аgіtаtоr mоvеѕ thе сlоthеѕ thrоugh thе wаtеr tо clean thеm. The kenmore 41302 washing machine is the best machine for all families.

An advantage оf thе tор lоаdеrѕ іѕ thе рrісе. Thеу аrе thе mоѕt есоnоmісаl choice аmоng wаѕhіng mасhіnеѕ bу fаr. Alѕо, thе dооr dоеѕ nоt lосk оn thеѕе models ѕо thаt users саn рut оn fоrgоttеn сlоthеѕ аftеr thе start оf thе сусlе.

Unfоrtunаtеlу, tор-lоаdеrѕ tурісаllу dо nоt gеt thе bеѕt еffісіеnсу rаtіngѕ whеn compared tо frоnt-еnd lоаdеrѕ, оr thе nеw, hіgh-еffісіеnсу tор-lоаdеrѕ. If gеttіng clothes аѕ сlеаn аѕ роѕѕіblе іѕ еѕѕеntіаl, уоu mау nееd tо consider оthеr орtіоnѕ. Alѕо, thе tор lоаdеrѕ uѕе thе hіghеѕt аmоunt оf wаtеr, аnd thе аgіtаtоr саn bе hаrd оn thе сlоthеѕ, ѕоmеtіmеѕ causing ѕtrеtсhіng аnd trасtіоn. Wаѕhіng hеаvу оr bulkу іtеmѕ саn аlѕо саuѕе balance рrоblеmѕ іn thе mасhіnе.

Front-loading washers

In addition tо thе obvious dіffеrеnсе іn роrt lосаtіоn, thе front loaders dіffеr frоm thе tор lоаdеrѕ аѕ thеrе іѕ nо аgіtаtоr. Inѕtеаd оf рullіng clothes thrоugh thе water, thе сlоthеѕ аrе pulled uр аnd thrоwn іntо thе wаtеr rереаtеdlу. Sіnсе thе bаthtub dоеѕ nоt nееd tо bе fіllеd wіth еnоugh wаtеr tо соvеr thе lаundrу аnd rinse, thе front loaders соnѕumе аbоut 40% lеѕѕ wаtеr. Bесаuѕе lеѕѕ water іѕ uѕеd, lеѕѕ dеtеrgеnt іѕ nееdеd аѕ wеll (using high-efficiency dеtеrgеnt іѕ rесоmmеndеd).

Wіthоut аgіtаtоr, front loaders hаvе rооm tо hаndlе a lаrgеr lоаd оf clothing. Mаnу аrе dеѕіgnеd tо ѕtасk a drуеr оn tор tо ѕаvе ѕрасе, аnd аѕ thеу ѕріn muсh оf thе wаtеr оut оf thе clothes, thе drуіng tіmе decreases аѕ wеll.

Onе disadvantage оf a front loader іѕ thе рrісе, whісh саn bе mоrе thаn double thаt оf a trаdіtіоnаl саrgо wаѕhіng machine. Itѕ high-speed wіrіng саn аlѕо саuѕе vіbrаtіоnѕ thаt саn bе dіѕturbіng іf thе wаѕhеr іѕ nеxt tо a lіvіng аrеа оr bеdrооm.

High-Efficiency Wаѕhіng Mасhіnеѕ

Thе HE tор сhаrgеrѕ аrе thе nеwеѕt сrеаturе іn thе home appliances corridor аnd thеrеfоrе hаd lеѕѕ tіmе tо develop a reputation. Thеу lооk lіkе trаdіtіоnаl tор сhаrgеrѕ, but thеу dо wоrk аѕ a frоnt loader аѕ thеу dо nоt hаvе a ѕtіrrеr; thеу turnеd аnd turnеd tо mоvе thеіr сlоthеѕ асrоѕѕ thе wаtеr. Thеу ѕріn аt hіgh speeds tо rеduсе drуіng tіmе аnd uѕе lеѕѕ wаtеr аnd dеtеrgеnt lіkе thе frоnt loader. An аdvаntаgе оvеr thе frоnt сhаrgеr іѕ thаt thе user wіll nоt hаvе tо bеnd dоwn tо gеt thе lаѕt ѕосk іn thе bасk.

A typical complaint аbоut thеѕе wаѕhеrѕ іѕ thаt thе hіgh ѕрееd оf rоtаtіоn саuѕеѕ thе сlоthеѕ tо bесоmе excessively wrіnklеd, but thе wіrіng ѕееmѕ tо vibrate lеѕѕ thаn thе frоnt lоаdеrѕ.

Wаѕhіng Mасhіnе Features

Tаkе a lооk аt a hallway оf nеw wаѕhіng machines, аnd уоu wіll ѕее аll ѕоrtѕ оf buttons аnd lіghtѕ thаt dо dіffеrеnt thіngѕ.

Consider ѕоmе оf thеѕе features bеfоrе уоu shop tо fіnd оut whісh оnеѕ аrе іmроrtаnt tо уоu іn a nеw wаѕhеr:

  • Automatic dіѕреnѕеrѕ fоr detergent, fаbrіс softener аnd blеасh
  • Extrа rіnѕе cycle (uѕеful fоr rеmоvіng еxсеѕѕ dеtеrgеnt fоr реорlе wіth sensitive ѕkіn)
  • Autоmаtіс tеmреrаturе соntrоl
  • Manual / dial-up соntrоlѕ. еlесtrоnіс соntrоlѕ
  • Pоrсеlаіn lіd tо resist ѕсrаtсhіng
  • Stаіnlеѕѕ steel оr рlаѕtіс tub tо discourage rust
  • A steam rеѕоurсе thаt claims tо sanitize
  • Stаrt dеlау
  • Prеwаѕh оr іmmеrѕіоn fеаturе

Thеrе аrе plenty оf сhоісеѕ іn thе wаѕhіng mасhіnеѕ tоdау, аnd еасh fаmіlу hаѕ dіffеrеnt nееdѕ. Bу considering рrісе, аdvаntаgеѕ, disadvantages, аnd desired fеаturеѕ, fаmіlіеѕ саn еаѕіlу fіnd a kenmore 41302 wаѕhіng machine  thаt wоrkѕ fоr thеm.

This is a collaborative guest post. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.

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What Can I Expect from an Emergency Dentist?

Emergency Dental Care

While your first instinct would be to call a dentist if you encounter a dental emergency, this option may not always be available during holidays, weekends, or after hours. In these cases, an emergency dentist or a visit to an emergency room may be your only recourse. There are some key differences between standard dental problems and those considered a dental emergency. For example, a standard dental issue is one that over-the-counter medications can relieve until a dentist can see you. A dental emergency is one that might jeopardize your physical health and may lead to tooth loss if not resolved quickly. In this article, we inspect what makes up a dental emergency and what you can expect when visiting an emergency dentist.

 Well, what exactly is a dental emergency?

If you have experienced a dental emergency in the last six months, you can take solace in knowing that you are not alone. According to the American Family Physician, over 22 percent of Americans have reported experiencing severe oral pain or a dental emergency within the last 6 months. However, the difference between a standard dental problem and a dental emergency is not always clear. If your dental problem meets any of the following criteria, contact an emergency dentist sooner rather than later:


  • Severe pain coupled with bleeding or swelling
  • Teeth that have become loose
  • If you have an abscess or serious infection
  • A severely chipped or cracked tooth

 Any dental problem that requires immediate attention to prevent tooth loss or to resolve an infection, pain, or bleeding is one that makes up a dental emergency. More common dental emergencies include:

 Knocked-out teeth—Any physical trauma that results in the tooth being knocked out requires immediate attention. Believe it or not, most times, it is possible to have the tooth reinserted back into the socket as long as the problem is addressed quickly, according to the American Association of Endodontists.

 Severely chipped or cracked teeth—Similar to knocked-out teeth, severely chipped or cracked teeth are often the result of physical trauma and are issues an emergency dentist can fix. In the interim, however, there are things you can do for temporary pain relief and swelling that may be associated with a chipped or cracked tooth, including using a cold compress to minimize swelling and by swishing warm salt water in your mouth to prevent infection.

 Tooth abscess—Similar to gum disease, an abscessed tooth can cause severe pain and can jeopardize your physical health. An abscessed tooth contains pockets of pus that can infect the oral cavity and also the body if the infection leaches into the bloodstream. Symptoms of an abscessed tooth may include tooth sensitivity, facial swelling, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and much more.

These are not the only dental problems that make up an emergency; however, they are the ones that are most common and require immediate attention in preventing additional oral and physical health problems.

Emergency Dental Care


Dental emergencies can be anxiety-inducing; however, not promptly addressing them can make matters worse. The best way to soothe stressful feelings associated with an emergency dental visit is by choosing a dentist who is well-versed in a variety of dental emergencies. These practitioners have seen just about every variation of a dental emergency imaginable and work well under pressure. The exact protocol that your dentist will follow depends on your specific dental emergency. In most cases, however, you can expect the following:

Once you have arrived at the emergency dental office, you can expect your practitioner to ask you questions relative to your medical history and whether you’re allergic to certain medications. The next step in the process will be to have X-rays done, which will offer some insights regarding the extent of the dental problem. They also allow the dental practitioner to come up with a treatment plan that will work best for you. Last, your practitioner will explain the extent of the injury and the necessary treatment to resolve the problem.

Emergency Dental Care


Emergency dentists can treat most dental problems; however, depending on the dental emergency, you may be better off going to an emergency room instead. Dental emergencies that may require a visit to a hospital include:


  • Broken or dislocated jaw
  • Severe lacerations to the face or oral cavity
  • An abscess that impedes your ability to chew or swallow


Aside from physical trauma, many dental emergencies stem from gum disease, which can lead to severe pain and infection. Although most dentists can perfectly treat gum problems, such issues may require a visit to a professional emergency dentist. In most cases, gum disease can cause the pulp of the tooth to become infected and inflamed. Emergency dentists are well-versed in removing the damaged pulp from the tooth and performing a root canal, which is needed after they have removed the pulp from the tooth.

 You have several options available to you for treating a dental emergency. According to Dr. Val Daniyar D.M.D., a Naples emergency dentist, the worst thing you can do is ignore the pain and hope that the problem takes care of itself. In doing so, you risk developing a severe infection that can worsen your dental problem and jeopardize your physical health.

Emergency Dental Care


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Did You Know You Can Have A Free Dinner With Alinta Energy?

Over the years we have seen many advancements in various aspects of our lives in an effort to make things easier and simplify our lives.  In everything ranging from technology to the automobile industry, we can find tangible evidence that we are in a digital era. One major advancement that has become the background of other advancements is energy; both gas and electricity.

Australia, energy, gas, electric

In a world where 90% of homes are using one form of energy or another, there is a need for sustainability. Recently, most homeowners are getting hefty electricity bills from energy providers making their cost of living hike up higher than expected.

However, you have a friend in Alinta Energy who ensures you get electricity and gas at very affordable prices. Besides, they offer various discounts to enable you to save on their energy products. With all this, you may wonder where Alinta Energy offers their services?

Where Does Alinta Energy Offer their Services?

The various States in Australia are lucky to be receiving the great services offered by one of the most popular and largest electricity and gas providers by the name of Alinta Energy. They have been offering consistent quality services and products at very competitive prices making them them a leader among the giant companies. Currently, Alinta ranks as the 4 largest energy supplier across Australia.

Some of the regions in Australia that are lucky to have this energy provider around them include:

  • New South Wales
  • South Australia
  • Queensland
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia

According to Alinta Energy review, this supplier has been able to cater to the needs of over 800,000 homes across Australia with stable electricity at low costs. Besides, they have won the Mozo Experts Choice Awards for providing the best value in electricity in 2018. This is just the beginning, the supplier is set for more goodies to their customers which will see them rising to the top. But why has it experienced such tremendous growth?

Reasons for the Rising Alinta Energy

There are basically 4 major reasons why this supplier has risen greatly to the 4th position:

  1. Quality services

This is one of the major things that have attracted customers to themselves. In various states where they have offered electricity, they ensure there is no substandard installation hence their electricity has not caused fires. Their gas is free of impurities too.

  1. Competitive Prices

Most companies will offer competitive prices but reduce the quality of the product they are offering. Alinta Energy review will show you that they perform differently and are cheapest in Australia. They don’t compromise quality despite their low costs.

  1. They offer extras

It is hard to see an energy company giving away awards, grants, and discounts. Nevertheless, be prepared to be receiving awards and great discount plans for your electricity and gas. Although some States like Queensland have not got gas services, they can energy discounted electricity prices.

  1. Awesome Corporate Social Responsibilities

When it comes to giving back to society, then Alinta Energy becomes number one. Recently, they decided to join hands with Australian Men’s Cricket team as their main Principal Partner and in Cricket Australia as Platinum Partner. They have also given over $100,000 in donations where they have joined hands with the Salvation Army.

Australia, energy, gas, electric


You don’t have to pay high for your electricity and gas while this supplier is there for you. Any Alinta Energy review will also tell you that you can have free dinner, movies, and visit amusement parks courtesy of Alinta’s incentives and awards. Don’t wait any longer.

This is a collaborative guest post and the ideas and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.


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Red Flags You Need To Be Aware Of When Hiring A Contractor

Hiring a Contractor

Your home is your haven and something you have worked very hard for. It is where you build your family and celebrate the milestones in your life. Owning a home is no doubt you have worked very hard to do and maintaining your home is something that goes hand in hand with being a homeowner.

Beyond ordinary maintenance, enhancing your living space with home improvement projects as your family grows, is something many homeowners do.


Home improvement projects are abundant, and they are easily one of the best ways to update your home and make it more functional for your needs.  However, not all of us have the time or the skill to perform these projects ourselves. That is why we choose to hire a professional contactor.

Contractors vary in skill and qualifications. When you end up hiring a bad contractor, you run the risk of shoddy workmanship or worse, you may even end up with an unfinished home improvement project. Both scenarios mean that you’ve just thrown your hard-earned money down the drain.

So, what are the red flags that you be aware of when looking for a contractor for your next home improvement project?


Poor Reviews

The lack of reviews or worse, the presence of negative reviews should already be an indication that the particular contractor does not perform well. Background checks are also necessary when you want to make sure that your hard-earned money goes somewhere worthwhile.

References also work in the same way in that they provide you with a glimpse of a contractor’s work ethic and whether or not they truly deliver results.

New Roof

No Proposal

A good contractor is going to be able to plan for the entire project, from start to finish. They’re going to be able to determine the time needed as well as the materials required to get the job done.

They should present you with a clear proposal for your to review. If your contractor asks for unlimited time as well as unlimited materials, then you’re just asking to get overcharged for the project. Walk away if this is the case.

new construction


If something sounds too good to be true, it isn’t. That old adage is almost always correct, and this situation is no exception. Before you sign a contract, you need to do a bit of research on how much the project is going to cost to complete.

This site should provide you with a comprehensive idea of the price of materials. Use this as a point of reference for when you want to see if a contractor is offering you a low price that’s too good to be true.

Lack of Construction Permits

When a contractor dismisses building permits as unnecessary expenses, you should already be raising an eyebrow. Permits are standard procedure, as well as the inspections that precede their release. You aren’t only risking your project getting shut down. You’re also risking your safety and that of the people around you.

Luckily, if a faulty construction should result in injury to you or anyone in your house, you do have legal remedies that should help you along the way.

Home Improvement

This is a collaborative guest post, the words and views do not necessarily reflect those of Mommy Ramblings.


Filed under Home & Garden, Home Improvement, Resources

How To Brew The Best Coffee in a French Press

French Press Coffee Maker

The familiar French press coffee pot may not have the same following as the pour-over coffee method, but that glass carafe cradled in chrome is one of the best ways to brew coffee at home. Well, of course, great brewed coffee is only possible, if you do it right. In that case, you should follow this step-by-step guide to brewing your perfect cup of coffee.

#1. Start With a Coarse Grind

Brewing with a French press is fundamentally different from a pour-over method. With pour-overs, the water passes through a filter, but with the press, the ground coffee actually steeps in the water. Since your water and coffee are going to be hanging out for a while, start with a very coarse grind—the grounds should resemble breadcrumbs. Any finer and you will end up with a cup of bitter, undrinkable coffee.

#2. Fill the Carafe Halfway and Wait

When the water reaches a boil, take the kettle off the heat and let it cool for 30 seconds. Now your water is ready; time for your first pour. Fill the carafe to the halfway point. (This first saturation is known as the “bloom,”and it ensures your coffee will not be too weak or too bitter.) Put down the kettle and set a kitchen timer to four minutes. It is important to not rush the process when using a French press coffee maker.

French Press

#3. After 60 Seconds, Stir the Grounds with a Spoon

While you are waiting, you might want to do something else. You can check Twitter, text your mom, or just think about how great this coffee is going to be. After 60 seconds, use a spoon to break up the cake-y layer of grounds that has formed on top of the water. Fill the carafe to the top with water, using a circular pouring method to soak all the grounds. Place the lid on the press, but resist the temptation to plunge immediately.

#4. When the Timer’s Done, Plunge

Once the timer hits the four-minute mark, it is time to plunge. The press should not offer too much resistance, but make sure the mesh filter is lowered evenly.

coffee making

#5. That Is It—Great Coffee

And, well, that is it. Pour out your perfectly brewed French press coffee immediately into mugs or a serving vessel, as any additional time spent in the carafe will continue the brewing process. We hope you try this French press coffee maker guide.

This is a collaborative guest post, the views and ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings. 

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4 Tips To A Successful e-commerce Store Launch For Moms

There comes a time in almost every stay-at-home mom’s life when all of her kids will be in school full-time, and she will have more time on her hands. What can they do with this extra time? Perhaps, they will decide to use that time to earn income for their family. Instead of updating their resume to launch themselves back into the corporate world, they may want to pursue their passion and open an online store.

stay-at-home moms

Online or e-commerce stores are booming, and there are many moms out there experiencing success and making a nice little passive income. Some stay-at-home moms have even grown their e-commerce stores into full-blown companies. This trend is likely to continue.

The growth of online retail sales is exponential. The total sales this year in the US alone is estimated to hit a half trillion dollars. By 2022, e-commerce sales in the US could reach over $700 billion. Why not get your piece of those online sales profits?

If you are considering a stay-at-home mom career in e-commerce, the following 4 steps to launch your online store can be your quick start guide to success.

home office

1. Brainstorm Your e-commerce Niche

Your e-commerce niche is an essential element to online success. Before you begin searching Google for the most profitable niches for online sales, you should consider the products you are interested in and/or purchase. For example, stay-at-home moms may lean a bit more toward products that help moms or children’s products.


Why would you go about finding a niche for your e-commerce store like this? One of the most important aspects of creating and launching an online store that grows, is encompassing your passion or interests. This allows you to stay motivated and to keep at it during those early stages after launch.

2. Selecting Your Online Products

Once you have a niche in mind, it’s time to choose your e-commerce products. This can be slightly challenging depending on your niche, but with a bit of due diligence, you will come up with a nice list of initial products for your online store.

Do you want to have an inventory on hand or dropship products? This is an important question. For example, having inventory is great, but you will need to think about storage space, packaging, shipping costs, having enough inventory, and more. Dropshipping on the other hand, requires you to think about shipping time and price points for each item.

After you choose inventory or dropshipping, you can choose your products. The general rule of thumb, is to net four to five times profit, including shipping, packaging, and marketing costs. So, if you want to offer a product that costs you $5, you should sell it for $20 on your e-commerce website.

3. Time to Create Your Website and Branding Guidelines

Once you have your niche, products and pricing set, it is time to begin creating your online presence. This of course, is one of the most critical aspects of any e-commerce store, since your marketplace is entirely online.

The good news is, that it is fairly easy to set up and launch a WordPress website and develop your branding guidelines. Let’s start with branding. This will require you to choose a primary color for your website and marketing materials, and two secondary colors. 


Next it’s time to think about your logo. To create a logo, you definitely don’t need to be a professional designer. You can use online design platforms like Canva to design a logo and other essential marketing material.

When you have chosen your color pallette and created your logo, it’s time to create your website. First, you need to think about hosting. It is best to choose a hosting provider that offers WooCommerce hosting. This ensures you are ready to go in the e-commerce space. Then, select a WordPress theme that is tailored for e-commerce from online sites like Themeforest or StudioPress.

4. Optimize Your Website

Last, but certainly not least, think website optimization. More than just a buzzword, optimizing your website incorporates multiple facets of digital marketing like SEO, content marketing, site navigation, and more.

Start building a great user experience by making your website easy for visitors to navigate. Incorporate product categories into your main menu, install prominent call to action buttons and make sure your site speed is optimized. Now, you need to think about product engagement.

bluehost sale

To convert visitors to customers, your product web pages need to be engaging. For example, be sure to have dynamic product images and videos on your website, don’t rely on stock images.  

Every product should have a detailed and unique description. Do not just copy and paste the product description from the manufacturer. Lastly, make sure you have a way for customers to review and rate the products. Reviews and product testimonials are the bedrock of online sales these days.

To Sum It Up

If you are a stay-at-home mom who is  ready to launch an online store, the above tips may be very useful to getting started. After you launch your website, the real work begins, as your business grows, all of the effort will be well worth it. Your online e-commerce website could be your answer to financial freedom. What are your top tips for online retail domination?

This is a collaborative guest post. The ideas expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mommy Ramblings.




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