Going Green…Smoothie That Is!!!

Well, like I wrote in my last post we are ordering the Vitamix 5200.  So I have been searching a lot of green smoothie books, lifestyles, recipes, etc.   I have read some truly remarkable testimonies from then tasting so good and helping people with a lot of health issues.  I ordered two books from Amazon to get us started on this raw lifestyle.  Not that we are going 100% raw but I will definitely be making breakfast green smoothies.  I also plan to make the chocolate beet cake and cannot wait for my books to get here so I can read all the healthy filling recipes.  I also read a lot about group produce buy ins on the local level.  Also buying Raw nuts in these group buy ins.  I have so much to learn but it is such a wonderful thing to be on a quest for knowledge, after all we should die learning. 

The health benefits from the green smoothies and the raw food diet is great energy, strong immune systems, better overall health, low cholesterol, good blood sugar and so so much more.  I am really excited to see how the kids will like these smoothies.  A great way to make sure they get all those great fruits and veggies in every day. 

So our new quest is going green and I am so looking forward to the whole process.  I will be standing and waiting with bated breath for the UPS man to arrive with our new beast of a blender and great new books chock full of recipes and inspiration. 

So I bid you goodnight for now and sweet dreams to everyone.  Me, I will be dreaming in green of my new VitaMix 5200.

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